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Thread: Overrated and Underrated Toys

  1. #1
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW

    Default Overrated and Underrated Toys

    There are toys that fans can love or hate despite the inherent designs/engineering being better or worse than fans might give them credit for.

    Example of Overrated Toys
    • Generation 1 Decepticon Jets: Ah, the Seekers. Widely loved by fans to the point that HasTak can repaint any Starscream mould into his Seeker brethren and we will throw our money at them. They can even make up new guys like Acid Storm and Sunstorm -- have more of our money! Yet when you stop and think about it, the G1 Diaclone Jet moulds are pretty lame, even by early G1 standards. These toys are essentially just "cigars" with lots of detachable accessories tacked all over them. And for no apparent reason the wings and stabilisers are removable! Removable fists, landing gears and weapons are understandable, and these were common things by 80s engineering standards. But why are the wings and stabilisers removable? Their removability serves no purpose! No other G1 jet has needlessly removable wings or stabilisers; Powerglide, Jetfire, the Aerialbots, Astrotrain, Blitzwing, Broadside, Sky Lynx, Blast-Off et al. Even having the stabilisers glued on and have the wings attached via pins would've been better. The end result is that a lot of kids lost the detachable parts for the Jets and had nothing but the core "cigar" body. The toy is completely incapable of transforming into a jet, and the robot mode doesn't fair much better.

    Examples of Underrated Toys
    • Generation 1 Ironhide and Ratchet: Yep, the two Autobot Cars who cop a lot of flak from fans. But is it completely warranted? Consider this - if you lose all the parts for a Decepticon Jet then it's no longer a jet and a fistless robot. If you lose every part for Ironhide and Ratchet the you still have:
      (A) a functional vehicle mode. It's practically a really open ute, but not much better or worse than Kup. It has four wheels and a vehicle front that would house an engine and has a driver's compartment. It still works as a car.
      (B) a functional robot mode. The front section is the robot, and the caboose forms a mobile platform for the robot to stand on. While this platform helps to complete the look of the vehicle, it's unnecessary for the formation of the robot mode.

    DISCLAIMER: This doesn't mean that I dislike the G1 Seekers. I love them! But I can also see their inherent design flaws. I also really like G1 Ironhide and Ratchet, but I totally understand why a lot of fans dislike them. The fact that a good chunk of the vehicle is a detachable (and therefore losable) platform is pretty poor - no other Autobot Car has that issue.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    5th Feb 2010


    Classics G1 Deluxe Seeker
    I've always thought that this mold was trash. It lacks basic articulation, has an uninteresting transformation, odd proportions, and can't even aim it's weapons properly. The alt mode looks fairly terrible from any angle that isn't top down. Can we please get a do-over?

    Thrilling 30 Voyager Springer
    One of the best Transformers figures ever, as far as I'm concerned. I've seen it pilloried as been too lanky. To be fair this is a generally well rated figure, but I think that it's an all time classic.
    I'm really just here for the free food and open bar.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Underrated: G1 Seekers. Yes. That's right.

    Why? While parts needlessly detach, they're not really partsformers. The landing gear and fists are the only parts that need to detach. And I would argue that Transformers wouldn't be where they are today without Screamer, Skywarp and of course (no bias here at all...) Dirge.

    Overrated? Many of the Armada "bulks". For the sake of picking what's probably my least favourite, let's say Megatron.

    Why? I know Armada sold well, but it largely abandoned the poseability of the Beast Era & Car Robots moulds that preceded it... and while there were still some nice Transformers in the line, the aesthetic pretty much told alt mode realism to go sit on it. Megatron gets the award because he's a relatively unposeable (and expensive) robot with odd colours that turns into a robot lying down pretending to be a tank.

    Disclaimer: I swear I'm not just trying to annoy Gok. If I manage to do so... well yeah I'll consider it a bonus

    Eagerly waiting for Masterpiece Meister

  4. #4
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Overrated: MP Star Sabre - never paid so much for a toy I ended up unimpressed with and hope never to again

    Quote Originally Posted by dirge View Post
    Overrated? Many of the Armada "bulks". For the sake of picking what's probably my least favourite, let's say Megatron.
    Heh - I was going to say the Unicron Trilogy toys were underrated. Yeah there were a few unimpressive ones in each line - Smokescreen, Sideswipe and Scavenger from Armada for example, but on the whole I found all 3 lines pretty fun and at least they weren’t the teeny toys you get today. Plus I reckon Mini-Cons and Cyber Keys were better gimmicks than the Prime Masters that turn into cubes we are currently getting

  5. #5
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    31st Jul 2008


    While not a specific figure, I think a lot of the time this fandom goes into 'woo-girl' mode when a popular character gets a new toy, even when objectively the new toy has a really average design.

    The recent Optimal Optimus is a good example of that, I think, and there's a ton of examples of it about to happen in the new 'Siege' line.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by SharkyMcShark View Post

    Thrilling 30 Voyager Springer
    One of the best Transformers figures ever, as far as I'm concerned. I've seen it pilloried as been too lanky. To be fair this is a generally well rated figure, but I think that it's an all time classic.

  7. #7
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    30th May 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    Overrated: MP Star Sabre - never paid so much for a toy I ended up unimpressed with and hope never to again
    I would go opposite for this, I'm a massive G1 Star Sabre mark and just think the MP one is amazing.

    I think MP-10 is overrated, due to the disproportionate look of OP in bot mode, truck looks lovely though, I'm looking forward to the new one coming out, because I think it will nail bot mode and perhaps sacrifice alt mode, which is fine due to MP-10.

    Underrated are the Takatoku G1 figures, all of them. A different aesthetic to the other G1 bots no doubt but they are just so damn cool looking.
    I still function.....................while killing threads. ;-)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    28th Feb 2009


    Overrated: Armada Hoist an "upgrade" of Armada Smokescreen, hampered by the unecessary minicon gimmick

    Underrated: Armada Smokescreen, sure 5 points of articulation but hey, fun toy, working winch and the crane is geared to the head swivel.

  9. #9
    Galvatran Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by dirge View Post
    Underrated: G1 Seekers. Yes. That's right.
    Amen brother (not just coz G1 Dirge was my first Transformer toy either).

  10. #10
    Jellico is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    16th Sep 2016


    One thing the G1 Seekers did that no other jet did (Macross or Machine Men included) was to put an actual cockpit in the chest without putting a nose cone in the crotch. It was a touch that I appreciated. Also the positioning of the arms was notably different in an age of sliding them out from the side.

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