View Poll Results: Worth buying?

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Thread: Toy Review - Siege Ultra Magnus

  1. #1
    Join Date
    10th Mar 2016

    Default Toy Review - Siege Ultra Magnus

    Series - Generations
    Sub-line - Siege
    Hypo-line - War for Cybertron
    Size/class - Leader
    New/remould/redeco - New
    Wave - 1
    Released here - January 2019
    Approximate Retail Price - $100
    Allegiance - Autobot
    Alt-mode - Cybertronian Car Carrier
    Main Features/Gimmicks - Evolution
    Main Colours - Blue, White, Red
    Main Accessories - Detachable Armour, Shoulder Missiles, Three Guns

    Other than being a bit chunky there is nothing to complain about with the core bot. Very good range of articulation, including ankle tilts and wrist swivels.

    Transformation between the modes is fairly intuitive, with some very clever things such as a rail system at the back which allows you to move the back kibble up, but also splits to still allow waist movement.

    What can I say, the armoured up mode is what we all came here for and it just looks amazing! While I don't like the look of the high missiles, I understand they are designed that way to still allow shoulder movement, in fact, no articulation from the smaller bot mode has been sacrificed. I don't even mind the battle damage apps, although I'll probably get around to removing them eventually.

    As someone who grew up with RID2001, as well as G1, this marriage of the two series is just awesome! Unfortunately, the bottom section of the car carrier cannot really fit anything, but aesthetically it works for me.

    Overall thoughts:
    Plastic feels solid and heavy in hand just like Sideswipe (my only other Siege figure at the moment). I realise that the size of these figures has been reduced from previous lines, but I'm okay with that if the quality has gone up - and it certainly has.
    I highly recommend Siege UM, the setbacks it has are minor and forgiveable.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    I also agree that overall this is a great figure. Much like Shockwave, Ultra Magnus is basically a Voyager that comes with its own upgrade armour kit, but UM's armour feels more substantial than Shockwave's so it feels like better value for money than Shockers. Shockwave's super robot mode is basically the same 'bot with shoulder pads and shoes. Ultra Magnus on the other hand is a more properly armoured/upgraded super robot mode. And I think that it's done a lot better than the Power of the Primes Evolution Leader Class toys.

    Some downsides include:
    * Truck cab doesn't conceal the forearms/hands... at all. But still, it's a tighter looking truck cab than POTP Optimus Prime.
    * The try-hard battle damage on the robot mode doesn't look great to me. I'll be removing mine. Although on truck mode it's isolated to the front grill section and looks okay there.
    * Look, ma! Painted hubcaps! (somewhat sad that something that was standard practice a few years ago is now exceptional)
    * Objectively speaking this is more of a Partsformer than say Ti Series, MP or CW Ultra Magnus. So from an engineering POV the transformation is more of a cheat and isn't nearly as clever as the Ultra Magni who transform both the cab and trailer as a single unit (which is what I really appreciate about those toys). Having said that, I personally love that they've made him a Partsformer because it's a great callback to G1 Ultra Magnus for obvious reasons -- but this is my G1 fanboy bias kicking in, so it's a subjective criterion. But this is what this toy is unapologetically targeting -- the fans. If you're the kind of person who doesn't have this bias and would prefer a better engineered figure that's not a Partsformer, then you have Ti Series, CW or MP Ultra Magni to satiate that desire. But for those of us who want more contemporary Ultra Magnus toy that's also a small white cab-robot inside like the Diaclone based G1 toy, then this toy is a Hoist dream come true.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    10th Mar 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    * Objectively speaking this is more of a Partsformer than say Ti Series, MP or CW Ultra Magnus. So from an engineering POV the transformation is more of a cheat and isn't nearly as clever as the Ultra Magni who transform both the cab and trailer as a single unit (which is what I really appreciate about those toys).
    Objectively speaking you are right, it is a partsformer, but there's no way around having both a core bot and larger bot in one toy without partsforming (or if I'm wrong, show me ), so I can't fault it for that. Yes, in the past we've had versions of JUST the core bot or JUST the larger bot which don't involve partsforming, but I would expect nothing less when they only have to be one or the other.
    I get where you are coming from Gok, but even Takara engineers have limits to their magic.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Tha_Phantom View Post
    I get where you are coming from Gok, but even Takara engineers have limits to their magic.
    Not without making MP prices look like spare change anyway.
    Nah, I get it. And I voted "Yes" in the poll as to this toy being worth its price.

    I don't think the engineering is worse than CW Ultra Magnus, but just different because it's aiming to achieve something else. Both are great for different reasons - and I plan on keeping both and consider them separate individuals who represent the same identity; i.e. CW Ultra Magnus = Minimus Ambus, Siege UM is someone else. I actually now regard all of my Ultra Magni as as separate individuals, only my G1 UM is the original person.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    5th Feb 2010


    I am really really keen for this figure.

    This looks like it's being done at a higher level than the POTP Leader class figures.

    If this is to be the gimmick for the leader class for the next little while (power up armour) then long live it, I say.

    The only flaw I can see going in is that the feet don't sit horizontally flush in vehicle mode.
    I'm really just here for the free food and open bar.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    29th May 2018


    The Siege line is a nice turnaround after Cyberverse. I'm really liking the G1 Cybertronian aesthetic, and most of the figures look pretty darn cool.

    Ultra Magnus looks great too...price is a bit iffy though but if I see him for $80 or there abouts, I may be forced to get him.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    10th Mar 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Bemblebuu View Post
    Ultra Magnus looks great too...price is a bit iffy though but if I see him for $80 or there abouts, I may be forced to get him.
    Oh I know I "overpaid" at the $100 mark, but I wanted this figure as soon as I saw it, so was willing to pay a bit extra to just have him.
    I'm sure you'll be able to pick one up for $90 or less. One person reported seeing the Siege leaders for $79 at Toyworld Wauchope.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Overpaid? $100 is the standard rate for a Leader Class toy. Obviously cheaper is better but I don't think that $100 for a Leader Class toy is bad by AU RRP standards. And for a small independent store like HobbyCo, their prices have gone down since last year (re: their initial prices for POTP).

    Plus it means you have it now instead of having to spend time (and cost of transport) hunting it down later. Or go with some cheap online store with the risk of it delivering 7 months later or never at all.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    10th Mar 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Overpaid? $100 is the standard rate for a Leader Class toy.
    For some reason I thought it was $90. I don't care personally anyhow, I'm just happy to have it.

  10. #10
    bowspearer Guest


    This guy seems like a bit of a step down as compared to Optimus Prime. The engineering on the cab is sub par compared to even Classics Ultra Magnus, the cab has the same problem as CR God Magnus (the figure requires the trailer to hide the kibble and make the cab completely work as a cab) - though to be fair, not as bad as CR God Magnus - and it can't hold any cars in the trailer.

    He's definitely one of the few let downs for me in the line atm.

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