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Thread: Masterpiece style has changed

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by DELTAprime View Post
    I love cartoon accuracy. It's like they are making the MP line just for me
    Same lol, I love the new Autobots. Thankful they didn’t resculpt Prowl’s face for the anime colour version because he’s already perfect.
    Also I liked that they’re moving away from panel lines (like from Starscream etc) but it means figures like Siege Jetfire don’t match the aesthetics.
    "The Decepticons keep bad company - each other!" - Jazz, G2

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by tinyJazz View Post
    Same lol, I love the new Autobots. Thankful they didn’t resculpt Prowl’s face for the anime colour version because he’s already perfect.
    Also I liked that they’re moving away from panel lines (like from Starscream etc) but it means figures like Siege Jetfire don’t match the aesthetics.
    I think having a cartoon-based aesthetic is really good, because in the past, for such a huge show and cultural touchstone that the cartoon is, we've never gotten figures that were only based on the cartoon. That can be a bit frustrating when you look at other things like a lot of DC animated shows of old like Batman TAS and Young Justice, or even in the MCU, that have gotten slavishly accurate toys to the cartoon models.

    Transformers has had CHUG updates and G1 reissues, even statues and small figurines but they never quite matched the cartoon 100%, and that I think is why it's so good we have Masterpiece to do that now. It's long overdue for a franchise so big. The designs don't look super complex beyond the transformation schemes that they need to make to be accurate, and have their own charm.
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  3. #33
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    I recon they should have REBOOT an entire different line with the new style. It should have just be consistent throughout, the masterpiece line as an overall is a joke.
    Whats more concerning is the ridiculous pricing. It should have been a defined layout, not people guessing "I wait for Toy colours" or some other style..
    The annoying we should paint and don't paint was bad throughout, no sense of solid foundation.

    Cartoon no cartoon, Takara still remaking same characters and to me its been dragged way too long. I just paid my MP44, I think this is my last piece I ever going to buy, (I know famous last words) but I think I only want a proper MP Jazz.

    Do I like the current style? I am actually fine with it. But I also think they should have the realistic version like the Masterpiece prior but again be consistent and just make both and not leave people guessing.
    The colours for me pop better because they now paint the figures, they understand is a display piece not a Chugg toy. It was frustrating when fans regard the masterpiece as a play figure hence all the premium I felt was thrown out of the window.
    I still feel a lot of the accessories are not needed which adds a lot of extra cost for the worse reasons.

    Overall, I no longer feel the same kind of excitement whenever we have a new masterpiece release now. I think is because of same character being remade or just variation colours, it has been dragged way too long because the 3P has overtaken this entire line filling gaps that TT didn't jump on. Masterpiece Beast wars? Is not of my interest so I have no issue if they make new ones etc...

    To be very honest, I think style was a minor factor, it was the price that made people either really hate it, instead of being okay with it. I have not bothered to change my Prowl or bluestreak Mps and I have no issue with them with newer Mps.

  4. #34
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    Did you have a friggin brain aneurism a few years ago that makes you forget what you’ve said in the past? It’s the only reason I can think of that you write the same giant complaining post every few weeks. The thread you post it in may change but the content doesn’t:

    A: Masterpiece sucks
    B: After MP44 I’m out
    C: The rest of the Fandom are to blame for substandard toys
    D: They should never have stopped putting paint on
    E: I’m over toy collecting

    For the love of Primus stop complaining year after year after year and go find something you do enjoy

  5. #35
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    I am coming from a toy collecting perspective hence I have zero care about TFs in regards what characters next < unfortunately Takara made it too obvious they are not interested in making new characters.. My focus is on quality toys, and is sad because MANY here do not KNOW what is a good toy from TAKARA in the past.

    This is a new Thread, if I bugged you, I done my job of Toy awareness. Up to you to take on board and think how this line went?

    I enjoy making people aware what Takara is currently doing and I enjoy comparing what they done in the past.

    Currently I feel masterpiece looks better, but justification of price doesn't feel right.

    @C Tev, if there is NO PROBLEMS, I can guarantee you 3p will NOT be where they are today.

    I didn't say masterpiece sucks LOL, thats the only line that doesn't suck.

    Yes I actually left toy collecting especially TFs. I am currently spending money on my house.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    Did you have a friggin brain aneurism a few years ago that makes you forget what you’ve said in the past?
    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    This is a new Thread
    Bwahaha! No it's not! This is YOUR POST in THIS THREAD back on June 27th:

    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    It changed since MP01 <- personally that is a masterpiece figure

    When the scaling came into place < is a action figure (realistic style)

    Then you have a "no paint" period and bunch of "fans" supported this move

    Then things changed actually since Ironhide mp "cartoon style" but with paint. this followed with Ratchet, Inferno, Grapple, Megatron, and Sunstreaker. As much as some feel the cartoon look is plain looking, the toy itself actually looks a lot better than the half painted ones Wheeljack, Shockwave, Ultra Magnus < gets away a bit because of size, but the finish is dull.

    So its been a while in case you never noticed. Personally I can't care less anymore as Takara was not consistent with the entire line. The fans are divided in actually knowing what they want and whenever TT makes something not great, fans will still find "excuses" to support it. I am glad the line is more or less slowed or even concluded. I am just waiting for MP44 and be done with TFs as TT doesn't seem to be keen in making fresh designs, and even when they do now, it cost $200-$400 for a masterpiece.

    I was never a 3p collector, but when I see how much better Fantoys makes TFs, I was easily converted.
    And then a few weeks later in a different thread:

    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    If we are talking from Transformers POINT OF VIEW, I feel it became worse than 10 years ago. Materials are bad, Quality control is bad, paint is lacking, lot of cut corners using holes in plastic.
    There used to be a time I am wowed, and I am not talking about just masterpieces, just decent good transformers. I used to ignore 3p figures completely, now I dont.

    I also think Toys today are drive by Fandom. It blinds the majority completely whenever a toy is badly made is been "Justified", in complete denial.
    Whenever someone points its flaws or stating is at ridiculous prices, it is purely DEFENDED, and justified.

    Toys today for collectors are marked up, plus the ridiculous hype of exclusive and Fear of Missing Out causing a toy going up 2 to three times higher than what is actually is.
    Companies such as Bandai make "exclusives" as an excuse to justify a high price when an regular is like 1/4 of the price cheaper.

    I no longer enjoy collecting toys as an hobby, I feel some people have taken this on board way out of hand and are spending way too much. I seen people spending more than they earn. Give yourself a reality check, How much were you spending 5 years ago on toys, and compare how much are you spending in just a month now. You be in a real shocker.
    And then back to this thread today:

    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    I recon they should have REBOOT an entire different line with the new style. It should have just be consistent throughout, the masterpiece line as an overall is a joke.
    Whats more concerning is the ridiculous pricing. It should have been a defined layout, not people guessing "I wait for Toy colours" or some other style..
    The annoying we should paint and don't paint was bad throughout, no sense of solid foundation.

    Cartoon no cartoon, Takara still remaking same characters and to me its been dragged way too long. I just paid my MP44, I think this is my last piece I ever going to buy, (I know famous last words) but I think I only want a proper MP Jazz.

    Do I like the current style? I am actually fine with it. But I also think they should have the realistic version like the Masterpiece prior but again be consistent and just make both and not leave people guessing.
    The colours for me pop better because they now paint the figures, they understand is a display piece not a Chugg toy. It was frustrating when fans regard the masterpiece as a play figure hence all the premium I felt was thrown out of the window.
    I still feel a lot of the accessories are not needed which adds a lot of extra cost for the worse reasons.

    Overall, I no longer feel the same kind of excitement whenever we have a new masterpiece release now. I think is because of same character being remade or just variation colours, it has been dragged way too long because the 3P has overtaken this entire line filling gaps that TT didn't jump on. Masterpiece Beast wars? Is not of my interest so I have no issue if they make new ones etc...

    To be very honest, I think style was a minor factor, it was the price that made people either really hate it, instead of being okay with it. I have not bothered to change my Prowl or bluestreak Mps and I have no issue with them with newer Mps.
    1.Get your memory checked
    2. Get some new material
    3. Get a new hobby and put a smile on that dial

    Oh, and I'd check Trent's post a few pages back, it illustrates my point perfectly.

  7. #37
    Join Date
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    There is the ignore button Trev, which I suggest you use before you end up with aforementioned brain aneurism

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralph Wiggum View Post
    There is the ignore button Trev, which I suggest you use before you end up with aforementioned brain aneurism
    Sage advice my friend

  9. #39
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    I find nothing wrong with what I stated Trev.
    I think you are bothered by the truth of how the toy line went.
    If you cannot analyse how masterpieces are going from day 1 then you are definitely oblivious to the changes.

    Where did I say masterpieces suck?
    New material? Why didn?t you say oh no another one of these threads? So no negative side of masterpieces? Get a grip!
    Nice to see I bugged you it makes me more motivated to keep up.

    I am now smiling

    FYI we talking about masterpieces stick to the topic and don?t attack my post on a different matter.
    We are here in this thread talking about masterpieces change of style stick to it!

    Don?t come here act big tell me get a life or get a new hobby. I didn?t tell you what to do

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    Don?t come here act big tell me get a life or get a new hobby. I didn?t tell you what to do
    I'm not going to bother to address the rest of the bollocks you have spewed but you know what? You have a point with that last bit.

    I would point out I've never said 'Get a life'. But I have told you at least a half dozen times over the last 6 years that you should get a new hobby, since all your posts are always so negative. But I've always done it from a point of saying you might be happier doing something else:

    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    Dude, all jokes aside, I remember writing a genuine response to one of your posts like 3 years ago, suggesting that if you don't enjoy TF's then there are a million other hobbies and interests out there that you may enjoy more.

    Seriously man, for your own mental health, find something you like to do more.
    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    3. Get a new hobby and put a smile on that dial
    So you are right. You don't tell me what to do so I shouldn't do that to you and I will make sure not to in the future. I'll just stick to arguing whatever point you are attempting to make.

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