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Thread: GEN Apeface, Astrotrain, Spinister and Crosshairs

  1. #21
    Join Date
    16th Sep 2014


    Spinister looks interesting. May pick him up to go with my Legends Misfire and Krok and come one step closer to completing my Scavengers

    Quote Originally Posted by SMHFConvoy View Post
    Same, I really like the tr version but I am confused as to why both vehicle modes are very close to earth modes if it's before astrotrain came to earth.
    G E E W U N

  2. #22
    Join Date
    21st Jul 2014


    Has anyone else noticed Spinister's legs? They both look the size of the full cockpit. Some interesting transformation there I am assuming.

  3. #23
    hYpNoS is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Alot of you are saying interesting things about astrotrain, but consider this.

    Its 100% TRYING to be a regular steam train, TRYING, obvious compromises to accommodate the triple changing nature (looks like you flip down some panels and flip him upside down to change modes), the only cybertronian I see are just the back end of the train (looks like a carriage) and that missle launcher up top (could be removable but I see it no where else), frankly surprised no one complained about the rear of the shuttle where there is nothing to cover that mess.

    Still I'm quite upset by this, getting lucky via hlj months after initial release to get the legends one thanks to a certain company not doing me justice but it means my eventual leader astrotrain will have his own little astro force consisting of (just about) every use of the TR voyager trains, I loved that mold dearly but its clearly 2 modes+1, this is a much better attempt and am surprised they didn't try leader sooner.

    Not sold much by the others although while I'm not attached to apeface I can't deny how amazing he looks, I'm just trying to find the catch...

  4. #24
    Join Date
    9th Apr 2008


    Apeface robot and gorilla look good but flight mode not so much. You think they could do a bullet train for astrotrain as it would be much easier to turn into a shuttle. Looks good to me - a train, a shuttle. Crosshairs reminds me of optimus jr with the paint scheme. Looks better than ironhide. Spinister is interesting. Looks like those small connector bots that make up individual halves.

  5. #25
    Jellico is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hYpNoS View Post
    Alot of you are saying interesting things about astrotrain, but consider this.

    Its 100% TRYING to be a regular steam train, TRYING, obvious compromises to accommodate the triple changing nature (looks like you flip down some panels and flip him upside down to change modes), the only cybertronian I see are just the back end of the train (looks like a carriage) and that missle launcher up top (could be removable but I see it no where else), frankly surprised no one complained about the rear of the shuttle where there is nothing to cover that mess.
    Looks conveniently similar to the original G1 Astrotrain transformation. And for all its faults it remains one of the better triple changer transformations.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jellico View Post
    It is not too difficult to explain an alternatively fueled Astrotrain.
    I've been giving this some thought (because this is the kind of thing my brain latches on to and won't let go) - there's a whole bunch of planets out there, presumably with varying tech levels, so maybe Astrotrain visited one that had steam tech (which looked kinda-sorta like Earth tech because all alien planets are kinda sorta like Earth) and became a massive steampunk fan? Like inside his altmode he's a proper energon-powered supersonic maglev or whatever's normal for Cybertron, he just cosplays a steam locomotive, and Megatron's constantly low-grade annoyed that he does it at work but they need his shuttle mode to ferry troops around so he gets away with it.

    So in my head Decepticon HQ is a workplace comedy, apparently.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    7th Feb 2013


    Just scrap the whole Is it Earthen or Cybertronian Alt Mode business and make it a dedicated G1 range. You're already 90% of the way there

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Kitty Fantastico View Post
    So in my head Decepticon HQ is a workplace comedy, apparently.
    Oh God I'm so glad I'm not the only one who does this.

    The entire Odieverse is basically just a huge piss-take, sort of Dr. Smoov meets Slayers meets It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    5th Feb 2010


    I really really love that there's no 'limb sharing' between the robot and ape modes on Apeface.

    The ape legs are made from the sides of the robot chest, and the ape arms fold out of the robot leg calves and don't share any joints with the robot legs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Autocon View Post
    Apeface robot and gorilla look good but flight mode not so much.

    I'm keen to see how the wings attach. It seems like it would be easy fodder for a third party (or shapeways even?) replacement.
    I'm really just here for the free food and open bar.

  10. #30
    KELPIE is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Kitty Fantastico View Post
    Astrotrain's a definite buy for me, the others no - they look fine so far as I'm any judge, but they don't fit into my back-in-the-80s plan.
    Noo, the others are the ones that perfectly fit back-in-the-80's!!
    Look at their colours and design, you needs them

    Quote Originally Posted by SharkyMcShark View Post
    but then I can't take seriously the people that say that they're upset with transformation seams.
    This we can agree on.

    Quote Originally Posted by SharkyMcShark View Post
    re: Mirage into Sureshot, I could see it with remolding of the front half. The back half of Mirage is chunky enough to be used as the rear of a buggy.
    Still don't see it. It would probably be better if a new mould was made that could be reused for Sureshot, Joyride and heck, probably Ruckus as well?

    Quote Originally Posted by FruitBuyer View Post
    Spinister looks interesting. May pick him up to go with my Legends Misfire and Krok and come one step closer to completing my Scavengers
    Don't forget to Pick up Flywheels/Skytread... he was a Scavenger too!

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