View Poll Results: Worth getting?

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Thread: Toy Review - WfC: Siege Springer

  1. #11
    Join Date
    25th Jan 2019


    Yeah the battle damage makes him look like he's got better things to do than die tonight.

    I like mine, the transformation is a little tricky sometimes snapping in the arms while lining them up, but I like his alt modes, they're pretty true to the original G1 cartoon/toy.

    My only complaint is the knee area, seems to come undone when you try an pose him. Besides that he's a solid toy.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    29th Jun 2011


    I was expecting Siege Springer to supplant T30 in terms of favouritism, if not in my '86 movie verse shelf - he's certainly more robust looking, and much more the vision of Springer from my youth. But alas, I still find the T30 figure just a little more elegant.

    Siege Springer is a more simplified transformation - in a good way, not dumbed down as such, more like he's not complicated for the sake of being complicated. I'm not keen on the battle damage paint apps, they wash out the colours way too much. And I probably would have liked him just a tad bigger.

    Still a very cool toy though!

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  3. #13
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    I feel like I'm going against the grain here, but I'll take the previous version over the one. Yeah the Siege toy is really following the animation model, but the car is too boxy for me and - this is the real killer - I hate the splashes of battle damage all over it. I've already gone and removed that stuff from my Ultra Magnus & Flywheels... but I can see removing it from the (painted) yellow shoulders will be impossible.

    Each to their own & the OP review is good, but yeah, this one ain't for me.

    Eagerly waiting for Masterpiece Meister

  4. #14
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    The battle damage is my biggest criticism of this toy and of the Siege line in general. What compounds the issue is that, aside from the chest, the battle damage is applied over paint which makes it impossible to strip off with rubbing alcohol. If they're going to do the "battle splatter" then at least do it on coloured plastic over painted areas to give people the option to remove it (Siege Ultra Magnus is a good example of this). So aside from the chest and possibly lower legs, most of the splatter will need to be painted over rather than removed which causes more expense to the owner, both in terms of money spent on paints and brushes, as well as time taken to apply the paints.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    19th May 2010


    I got Springer last week, and I find it's quite a good figure. The 'loose' ankles may be down to variation between figures - mine aren't loose, but I can see how they can be problematic if they were a bit looser. The transformation joint halfway down the lower leg is an issue (the joint on my figure's right leg is loose), especially since the knees on mine are quite tight, but again, this could be down to variation in tolerances during mass production.

    One thing that isn't clear in the instructions is that the grey bar that swings the front end of the vehicle forwards and backwards is actually meant to click and lock into place, and on mine it required a bit of force to push past what felt like stopping points at each end to get it to 'lock' in the forward or backward positions.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    8th Jun 2012


    Got Springer today, and he’s really good. Robot mode is stunning aesthetic wise and I was honestly not distracted by the battle damage one bit, despite being quite heavy on the shoulders. He oozes that cartoon goodness that makes the T30 look super stylised in comparison, which isn’t a good or bad thing.

    I did have a bit of trouble with the transformation into either of the alt modes, but hopefully it’ll become more second nature as I fiddle with the toy more. The modes themselves are perfect, and remarkably different.

    Not sure if I’m missing something simple, but the knee-leg assembly doesn’t seem to have a way to lock in securely. The ankles are fine on mine but the knees come out of the little divet they’re in a little more than I’d like. Other than that, no loose bits or anything on mine, and I usually get the short end of the stick on loose joints. My T30 Springer had a super loose left shoulder socket that made the figure way less enjoyable for me until I fixed it for the most part.
    Seeking the Following:
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  7. #17
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Bidoofdude View Post
    He oozes that cartoon goodness that makes the T30 look super stylised in comparison, which isn’t a good or bad thing.
    Both CHUG Springers are highly stylised. T30 is stylised to Nick Roche's design, whereas Siege is stylised to Floro Dery. Choose your poison.
    I choose Roche, but neither is really better or worse than the other. Whatever floats your helicopter.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    8th Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Both CHUG Springers are highly stylised. T30 is stylised to Nick Roche's design, whereas Siege is stylised to Floro Dery. Choose your poison.
    I choose Roche, but neither is really better or worse than the other. Whatever floats your helicopter.
    I’d say stylized more that the Dery look is a lot plainer, while Roche is more angular and jagged. Both great designs and toys.
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  9. #19
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    Picked up this guy a week or so ago and find him to be very nice. A lot of the debate over this guy and or T30 naturally occurring and hmmm... Part of the reason I waited before getting him was because I like the t30 look, more so than the cartoon look. i don't find Siege Springer's alt modes as particularly good. Whereas I do like the car mode and accept the chopper mode of T30.

    Where siege blows T30 out of the water though is articulation in robot mode. Man, are there any poses this guy can't pull off? It's amazing!!! I've found him so much fun to fiddle with and pose, he just follows me around the house where-ever I go at the moment. I feel a helicopter battle with Spinister will be featuring in my house tonight!

    Personally I prefer the look of the T30 over siege, so my ideal Springer would be T30 style with siege's articulation. But still, overall an impressive toy in regards to engineering.

    My main gripe is as Dirge mentioned the battle damage. The silver bits look ok.... I guess, but the ones on the roof of the vehicle looks like mud (or another brown substance) smears. On the green it actually looks a tad brown to me, I dislike this. I suspect the toy would look so much better without this battle damage. Which is something I feel about many of the Siege figures so far.. I might have bought Soundwave, if not for the excessive battle damage on him.... Springer here just got lucky.

    Has anybody found a way to store the chopper blades in vehicle mode aside from on the gun?

  10. #20
    Join Date
    20th May 2014


    I think I've always just put it together as the big gun for car mode.

    I really like the figure but... My main gripe is that there is a piece that is only really useful for chopper mode. The spinney piece can be stored in robot modes but it doesn't do anything and doesn't look like anything. Yet, it's a key component for one of the modes. I thought they could've done more with it. What they did with the T30 sword here was much cleverer.

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