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Thread: Toy Review - Siege Galaxy Upgrade Optimus Prime

  1. #1
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2009

    Default Toy Review - Siege Galaxy Upgrade Optimus Prime

    Series - Generations
    Sub-line - Siege
    Hypo-line - War for Cybertron
    Size/class - Leader
    New/remould/redeco - Remold of Ultra Magnus
    Wave - 3
    Released here - yes
    Approximate Retail Price - $90

    When I first came back into collecting about 20 years ago, it was the time of Car Robot/RID 2000. I loved the G1 like vehicle-focused theme, the Japanese mecha-esque aesthetics and the articulation on those new figures (so of course I was extra happy with my Siege Ultra Magnus' lovely vehicle mode homage). But the Unicron Trilogy that came after that didn't do much for me personally; neither the overall aesthetics nor the chunky figures looked interesting to me. However, the Galaxy Upgrade OP from Siege caught my eyes immediately after it was revealed. Looks an interesting and clever remold from UM to recreate the old Cybertron Op look; I'm a big Optimus fan boy and could use a heavily armored murderous Prime that I can just load up with 5mm weapons in my CHUG collection; and I wouldn't say to no to getting the UM mold again as a different character.


    I quite like the truck mode. It looks more cohesive and feels more solid in hand than expected. I wish they could've found a way to incorporate another set of front wheels to complete the Cybertron Op look, and maybe cover the gap a bit..

    I looked up pics of the original Cybertron Op and a lot of details are faithfully recreated. People that grew up with that toy would no doubt have a nostalgia blast. I actually quite like what they've done with the back of the fake wheels on the wings here. They're clearly not supposed to look like wheels here.

    I love what they've done to make Galaxy Upgrade Op look completely different to UM.


    The cab shares the same visible hand syndrome with UM, but I quite like the remolded front of the cab the aggressive-looking bumpers.

    I don't read TF comics but it's lovely that they're using this design as the new civil war Optimus Prime. Because of the shape of the cab it needs to homage the torso here looks like it has no waist. On the other hand it works out to be a nice (probably unintentional)double homage to Energon's Fatimus Prime. I forgot to flip the waist piece around from the super bot here but it's not as big as difference as it makes on Ultra Magnus.

    Side by side with Ultra Magnus' inner 'bot. I have no problem with the parts forming here, as it's one of the compromises for a remold.

    What they achieved with the UM mold here is quite clever and interesting. For something that requires this much parts-forming, everything pegs in nicely which is a plus.

    Apparently a lot of people don't like how the feet on this mold are permanently on an A stance. I actually thought it's a clever way to give the robot wheels on the side of the feet without adding parts to lower/retract the wheels. The feet are angled in a way that in bot mode the wheels just clear the ground so the robot isn't rolling on wheels.

    I used to not like the Cybertron designs as the robots all looked too bulky with big chunky limbs as if Pat Lee designed them. Holding this figure in hand, with its much better proportioned limbs, I can say I'm starting to like this design. Again it looks it's overall quite faithful to the original design. I especial love his head, chest and forearm design.

    Articulation is same as UM. If they were able to incorporate front to back rotation on the feet that'd be even more perfect.

    They've added a pair of flip out heel spurs to support the heavier backpack which is really nice.

    I love adding weapons on this guy, and might even consider picking up one weaponzier and couple of battle masters to give him more fire power.

    I love this figure for a different reason than most but he's a fun one all the same just like Magnus.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Could you please post side-by-side comparison pics with the original Cybertron Optimus Prime? (as well as your direct thoughts about the differences between the original and Siege figure)

    I own Siege Ultra Magnus and I'm not entirely convinced that this retool supersedes Cybertron Optimus Prime (which, IMO, is already an excellent figure in its own right). Seems like a wasted opportunity not to have the smaller robot head showing the mouth (since CYB OP only has his faceplate up when in Super Mode). The inverted centre wheels look a bit sad in vehicle mode -- would've been nicer to smooth out that reverse side because it kinda looks like he has unpainted wheels there (I know that they're not). I'm not saying that I think this looks like a bad toy but I personally remain unconvinced. And I guess that's one of the perils of Hasbro just making new toys of already existing characters. I kinda wish they'd start making entirely new characters. <shrugs> But I digress...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2009


    Don't have the og Cybertron Op. Differences to me are simple: og was too big and chunky, engineering too simple, articulation was non existent. This is modern, looks awesome, has modern articulation and fits in my chug stuff. Not even worth the comparison to me personally.

    They managed to get me buy a character that I had no interest in, so props to HasTak.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    14th Jul 2014


    I also don't own the OG Cybertron fig but WOW-I loved the UM version of this but personally I think the OP version is all that and more! Side by side they're totally different, you wouldn't know they were remolds unless you looked closely!

    Great looking big robot mode (don't really care for the inner robot because the voyager Siege figure is soooooo good already), with nice weapons, good shelf presence and useful articulation; wish there was a little more in the big silver guns but still works.

    Vehicle mode is a bit meh but I wasn't a fan of the UM truck either so it's not any worse IMHO.

    Definitely would recommend!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Was muckin' around with my Cybertron OP today and overall I'm still unpersuaded to get this toy over my existing CYB OP, but in an attempt to create a balanced/fair view I'm going to discuss:
    • 1. things that the Siege toy seems to do better than the Cybertron toy.

    • 2. things that the Cybertron toy seems to do better than the Siege toy.

    • 3. things that neither toy do better or worse than each other.

    1. Things that Siege Galaxy Optimus Prime seems to do better than Cybertron Optimus Prime
    + greater range of articulation, especially with the inclusion of waist and wrist articulation (although no finger articulation).
    + tighter truck mode. If the wing-a-lings clip in as tightly as Siege UM's trailer panels do then this would make it a tighter fit than what CYB OP has.
    + superior balance. CYB OP isn't the best balanced toy in Super Robot Mode - he's fine when just standing still but getting dynamic poses out of him can be challenging.
    + shoulder panels lock in. CYB OP's shoulder panels' inability to lock into place is my main criticism of that toy.

    2. Things that Cybertron Optimus Prime seems to do better than Siege Galaxy Optimus Prime
    - the Matrix. CYB OP was the first non-MP Optimus Prime toy to have a removable Matrix, and the way that the Matrix chamber opens up in his chest is pretty sweet. Not to mention that CYB OP can hold the Matrix with his articulated fingers and, unlike Big Convoy, the Matrix doesn't require bicycle handles. And CYB OP's hands still provides a pretty solid grip despite having articulated fingers.
    - a bigger, chunkier toy - feels more worthy of being a Leader Class figure, whereas Siege UM (and I suspect Siege Gal. OP too) feel more like a Voyager (with the armour chalking up the rest of the price point). Still better value that Siege Shockwave, but just sayin'.
    - more fun play gimmicks. One of the great things about the Cybertron line was that HasTak finally figured out how to embed fun gimmicks into Transformers toys with minimal intrusion and compromises to the figures (unlike much of what we saw in Armada and Energon #wHymYsH0uLd3rShURt #jAaM). The two shoulder cannons on CYB OP are just awesome fun and they don't get in the way of the toy. CYB OP can also combine with toys like Leobreaker. And as non-intrusive gimmicks you can just ignore them if they don't appeal to you.

    3. Things that neither figure do gooder or badder than the other
    * Both figures look goofy as stand-alone truck cabs. CYB OP has his robot chest and feet totally exposed and Siege has the arms and hands. So neither toy wins in this department.
    * CYB OP's fire engine mode has a flight configuration (which looks silly but no better/worse than G1 Tracks), but the trade-off is a less solid standard fire engine mode. I'm assuming that Siege has sacrificed this mode but gained a more solid truck mode. Equal pros and cons on both sides, choose your poison.

    On the whole I'd say that both are nice toys. If you don't already own CYB OP then the choice is simple. But for those of us who already do then I don't think it's that clear cut as the original toy is still a really nice figure in its own right. And for those who already own Siege Ultra Magnus it's still something else entirely as many of the good features of the Siege figure has been inherited from Siege UM. Yes, I can see clear differences but when you own both CYB OP and Siege UM I'm not sure if Siege Galaxy Optimus Prime is really the toy for me. Nothing against it, it just feels superfluous to my needs.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    14th Mar 2012


    I have put up a few comparison pics on my Instagram...check em out here

  7. #7
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Ravagecat View Post
    I have put up a few comparison pics on my Instagram...check em out here
    Love the comparison shots. Your photos actually make me want to check the og C Op out.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    I've made a retro review of the original Cybertron Optimus Prime toy here. Feel free to further discuss this toy there.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    3rd Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by doublespy View Post
    Love the comparison shots. Your photos actually make me want to check the og C Op out.
    And it can combine with wing sabre and the leo

  10. #10
    Join Date
    23rd Jul 2015


    For those who baulk at the price of the Cybertron OP then I highly recommend the Siege version because it's better to get as close as possible to the mind blowing power of the original than nowhere near it.

    PS. The Cybertron version's truck has a flatbed trailer mode (not an everyday feature for an OP and for that matter I don't know of any other OP that has that) which the Siege version sadly doesn't have.
    Last edited by shockNwave; 4th August 2019 at 01:32 PM.

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