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Thread: Theories: who did Unicron turn into who?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Well I'm pretty sure that he turned Megatron into Galvatron!*

    Everything else I have to say has already been mentioned.

    *Although I have an unexplored fanfic idea that at least one of the Galvatron's in the comics was actually Starscream

  2. #12
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    From memory, according to the storyboards, Bombshell in the foreground is Cyclonus, while and unnamed Seeker is Scourge.
    The very next scene throws the numbers out as there is one less Cyclonus clone for his Armada & one or two extra Sweeps.

    Maybe they were all clones as they appear at Starscream's coronation anyway.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    Here we are, plain as day, Bombshell being reformatted into Cyclonus while dead seekers float in the background

    ... really? That's your evidence? Styoryboards which show Cyclonus flexing but don't remotely show who actually came to be him?

    What friggin twaddle! Bombshell's clone is in front, so even though they got formatted at the same time that must mean that the Bombshell clone became Cyclonus? Because he is in front? There is no up nor down nor left nor right nor any of that directional crap in space! Don't matter a giggle'n'hoot who was closer to camera! They got formatted at the same friggin time!

    They needed to phase Skywarp out as the toy was no longer being made so replaced him with a new purple jet named Cyclonus. Stands to reason. They needed (due to early drafts of the script) another Cyclonus so they chucked in a Bombshell clone since they are a dime a dozen and it dont matter a frig what happens to them.

    You either refuse to see the truth or your inability to see it stems from your sado-marxism and apple/orange blindness. I pity you and whatever halfsbreed offspring you spawn if that is the limit of your logical reasoning. Shame on you sir! SHAME!

  3. #13
    Join Date
    7th Feb 2013


    I know that country folk can be a bit slow, so let me explain it to you in small, bite size portions your A Country Practice meets Sesame Street brain can comprehend.

    Bombshell is named & drawn in storyboard. Bombshell in front. Bombshell becomes Cyclonus.

    Next time you're in Sydney, I'll staple the storyboard to your forehead in case you're having trouble seeing it.

  4. #14
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    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    I know that country folk can be a bit slow, so let me explain it to you in small, bite size portions your A Country Practice meets Sesame Street brain can comprehend.

    Bombshell is named & drawn in storyboard. Bombshell in front. Bombshell becomes Cyclonus.

    Next time you're in Sydney, I'll staple the storyboard to your forehead in case you're having trouble seeing it.

    Thats right, make it 'city vs country' with your ignorant view that we are all hillbillies. We only produce all your food! What do you produce for us - friggin beanie babbies?!

    And don''t you knock A Country Practice! Dr Terrance Elliot fixed your wounds, Cookie cooked your meals, and Bob Hatfield mended your plumbing (before the actor got stuck in a wheelchair, molested a young girl and then died). And Fatso remains the best known TV Wombat to this day!

    Yeah, lets go by friggin storyboards that were drawn up all the way back in S1 (hence no Scramble City combiner teams). You wanna go by those, then Skywarp was a much major character and there were Insecticon Clones right left and centre (though not in space). So they wrote Bombshell instead of Bombshell Clone - means that they ran out of pencil, not that your ludicrous theories are correct.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    7th Feb 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    Thats right, make it 'city vs country' with your ignorant view that we are all hillbillies. We only produce all your food! What do you produce for us - friggin beanie babbies?!

    And don''t you knock A Country Practice! Dr Terrance Elliot fixed your wounds, Cookie cooked your meals, and Bob Hatfield mended your plumbing (before the actor got stuck in a wheelchair, molested a young girl and then died). And Fatso remains the best known TV Wombat to this day!

    Yeah, lets go by friggin storyboards that were drawn up all the way back in S1 (hence no Scramble City combiner teams). You wanna go by those, then Skywarp was a much major character and there were Insecticon Clones right left and centre (though not in space). So they wrote Bombshell instead of Bombshell Clone - means that they ran out of pencil, not that your ludicrous theories are correct.
    Skywarp a major character? Put the crackpipe down, you luddite. He was a B character at best, much like Thundercrcacker. Bombshell clone? You're really clutching now. I don't know whether to feel sorry for you or give you a headbutt. You're obviously one of those iT hAZ 2 B SkyWarP BeKoz he'Z a pLanE folk that clearly can't accept what's in front of them.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    7th Mar 2012
    The Moon


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    The IDW comic version of the 1986 movie (printed in 2006) did a lot of fixing of errors and inconsistencies, but stayed true to the animated movie by having Bombshell become Cyclonus. Then again... the actual animated scene with Cyclonus and his Armada being created at the same time doesn't necessarily mean that Cyclonus is the one at the front.
    C’mon Griff. You’re reaching here mate. Like, Go go gadget arms! reaching. Saying that the one in front wasn’t the main Cyclonus? That same logic also means that Scourge might not have been front and centre when all the sweeps were created and that maybe Kickback actually became Scourge.
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

  7. #17
    Join Date
    21st Jul 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    I personally never accepted that a lowly Insecticon (or clone) would be turned into one of Galvatron's main henchmen... especially how intelligent they were in the UK comics... and always assumed it was one of the hundreds of animation errors in the 1986 movie, as it made more sense to me to have Thundercracker and Skywarp be the two main henchmen, and the Insecticons (clones) be the Sweeps and Armada clones. (not that the "armada of Cyclonus clones" ever reappeared after the attack on Autobot city, so were probably in the original script to make up a more significant fighting force of Decepticons when they returned to Autobot City - a bit like the seeker clones and Reflector clones in the first few episodes of the original cartoon just to make up numbers)
    Before the storyboards surfaced in 2005 (Wally Burr was selling them at BotCon that year), it was one of those fan debates that had no end, between those who saw Bombshell on screen become Cyclonus, and those who believe it was just another animation error and it was meant to be Skywarp who was also black and purple.

    I'd like to see the original script, to see if Ron Friedman actually had anyone specific become Scourge and Cyclonus, as storyboard scripting (the action described below each frame of the storyboard), doesn't say any specific Decepticon, but does name who each new Decepticon is called. I think the storyboard artist working off Ron's script, probably just picked random characters that were thrown out in the previous scene, not knowing if any were more significant than others. After all, this was originally written during the first year of Transformers, and the writer didn't really need to feature many of them in a significant way, as they would be off toy shelves by the time this movie would be out)

    The IDW comic version of the 1986 movie (printed in 2006) did a lot of fixing of errors and inconsistencies, but stayed true to the animated movie by having Bombshell become Cyclonus. Then again... the actual animated scene with Cyclonus and his Armada being created at the same time doesn't necessarily mean that Cyclonus is the one at the front.
    I agree mostly with this. In particular, the aspect about the intelligence. As we know from Megatron, he retained his memories and to a large extent his personality. The same can said for Cyclonus if you agree he is SKywarp. Skywarp was always fiercely loyal to Megatron. As such, Cyclonus was always fiercely loyal to Galvatron. On the other hand, I seem to recall instances where Bombshell was anything but loyal to Megatron.

    As a kid this was always a massive mindf^&* for me. I just couldn't get my head around what was going on. I put it down to the large amount of animation errors in the Movie. How many bots again where in the battle at Autobot City to then show up later again on the same ship that Prime came in on? The animators messed up and Orson Wells probably didn't want to redo the voice over if there was an error by him or a change in the script.

    To me, it will always make more sense that the two new henchmen were the two more popular characters.

    Side note, I am sure I read somewhere before that "Armada" (or the second Cyclonus) was actually smaller than Cyclonus. Given that they were reformatted and not completely rebuilt, it would make sense that the larger bot (ie Skywarp) became the large Cyclonus.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    I know that country folk can be a bit slow, so let me explain it to you in small, bite size portions your A Country Practice meets Sesame Street brain can comprehend.

    Bombshell is named & drawn in storyboard. Bombshell in front. Bombshell becomes Cyclonus.

    Next time you're in Sydney, I'll staple the storyboard to your forehead in case you're having trouble seeing it.
    Mate you live that far west you are almost country so I wouldn't go that far on Trev.... Not to mention, those storyboards are FULL of errors. Pinning your rationale on that, and that alone, is like Trump taking the word 'exonerate' from the Mueller report and stating "See, totally exonerated!". Let's keep context in mind.... I expected better of you too...

    Quote Originally Posted by Trent View Post
    C’mon Griff. You’re reaching here mate. Like, Go go gadget arms! reaching. Saying that the one in front wasn’t the main Cyclonus? That same logic also means that Scourge might not have been front and centre when all the sweeps were created and that maybe Kickback actually became Scourge.
    And Trent... not you too... I mean you are as wrong about this as you are about The Last Jedi being a good movie... what a load of garbage... nothing of substance to add to the discussion and all you do is have a go at griffin for setting out a logical basis for his opinion. Tsk tsk tsk. Back to the wacky tobacky for you my south coast friend.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    7th Feb 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Raider View Post

    Mate you live that far west you are almost country so I wouldn't go that far on Trev.... Not to mention, those storyboards are FULL of errors. Pinning your rationale on that, and that alone, is like Trump taking the word 'exonerate' from the Mueller report and stating "See, totally exonerated!". Let's keep context in mind.... I expected better of you too...
    I've had to dumb it down for Trev, because he's Trev, but let me use language you'll understand, Home and Away boy.
    Based on all of the available evidence brought before you, how can you in good faith claim that Skywarp is Cyclonus? I know you're capable of comprehending what is involved in making a movie, so it astounds me that you'd still think otherwise.

    It's like showing a flat earther a picture of a lunar eclipse and still being told it's all a hoax.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    Skywarp a major character? Put the crackpipe down, you luddite. He was a B character at best, much like Thundercrcacker. Bombshell clone? You're really clutching now. I don't know whether to feel sorry for you or give you a headbutt. You're obviously one of those iT hAZ 2 B SkyWarP BeKoz he'Z a pLanE folk that clearly can't accept what's in front of them.
    Oh really? Who - besides Megs, Sscream and Soundwave - were major characters then? Shockwave who sat on his purple arse on Cybertron going 'The bridge isnt working again mighty Megatron' every few episodes? Thundercracker who never used his sonic boom? Reflector who they couldn't even bother giving the toy colours too? Or maybe the cassettes who had one line uttered between the lot of'em? At least Skywarp actually did stuff and teleported around the place both to fulfill mission objectives and attack in interesting ways in battle. The others from S1 - when the movie script was written - did sweet f-all!

    Quote Originally Posted by Trent View Post
    C’mon Griff. You’re reaching here mate. Like, Go go gadget arms! reaching. Saying that the one in front wasn’t the main Cyclonus? That same logic also means that Scourge might not have been front and centre when all the sweeps were created and that maybe Kickback actually became Scourge.
    You gots a lot of gall having a go at the main site Mod by saying he's reaching when he's provided a coherent argument. The real Cyclonus must have been the one in front because he was the one in front? By that rationale - and every porn I've ever watched on the net - then the one that was behind the other and then on top should be the dominant one, and in this case that makes that one the real Cyclonus. And that one was Skywarp.

    Plus Unicron said 'Scourge' when Thundercracker was being reformatted, and then 'Sweeps' when the Insecticon clones were. He didn't say 'Cyclonus' until both robots were reformatted. Have you even seen the move?

  10. #20
    Join Date
    21st Jul 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    I've had to dumb it down for Trev, because he's Trev, but let me use language you'll understand, Home and Away boy.
    Based on all of the available evidence brought before you, how can you in good faith claim that Skywarp is Cyclonus? I know you're capable of comprehending what is involved in making a movie, so it astounds me that you'd still think otherwise.

    It's like showing a flat earther a picture of a lunar eclipse and still being told it's all a hoax.
    Um not familiar with the fact that it is not the Earth's shadow cast on the moon but another object that orbits the moon at a much closer range. Globist always think they are so superior....

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