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Thread: Unicron at Zing/EB Games

  1. #301
    Join Date
    14th Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by reillyd View Post
    Griffith raises a good point. Because we?re all hard core plastic addicts, we probably check the toy and transformer websites on the daily (or is it just me that has that morning ritual?)...... but there?s a whole world of collectors that are only in the very early stages of addiction, and might only have discovered transformers by chance while walking past a toy isle with Siege or Earthrise (or through Netflix). To those I would say ?RUN WHILE YOU CAN? and go cold turkey, or you just might find yourself crazed enough to pay nearly a grand on a toy (sight unseen) that will be released in 18 months time.

    Some people too lack the finances (or are more sane than we) to commit to such a huge purchase... even though it was just a deposit, the bill comes due eventually. Or they may have had little disposable income at the time, or a better half that would chop off their bollocks when they eventually brought Unicron home. For those with regret in their heart for not signing on, I suspect there will be a few people looking to offload their unicorns in the not so distant future. And for those thinking ?Kuching? and looking to profit on the secondary market consider this: the truly ridiculous secondary market prices paid at the moment for them will not be sustainable, many people will be burnt and left holding them, and it should come back to a (slightly!) less insane amount. And if you want to offload yours, its likely to be a pain in the proverbial to try and arrange shipping for it: Australia Post ain?t going to accept a parcel that big.

    If anyone does consider offloading their?s later (for whatever reason, including threat of divorce proceedings or maintaining testicular integrity) consider advertising it in the sales section, and offer a reasonable price. You just might be able to help a fellow trans fan out like Dogboy.
    There have only been two sales on eBay Australia, both around the two grand mark but best offer was accepted for both, so don?t know what they really sold for.

    I can?t believe anyone in their right mind would pay anything close to that. I don?t think it?s even worth the regular price.

  2. #302
    JJJ is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trent View Post
    I don’t get this mentality. I wouldn’t care if it got reissued.
    Most people wouldn't, and judging by the measured posts I've seen here, I'd say you would have a hard time finding the people who would care in Australia.

    But if you care to venture to the dedicated thread on a certain other site, you will find some rather unmeasured people getting very worked up about the prospect. There are always a few, and you'll find them crapping on threads around any such project.

  3. #303
    JJJ is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by danny-boy View Post
    There have only been two sales on eBay Australia, both around the two grand mark but best offer was accepted for both, so don?t know what they really sold for.

    I can?t believe anyone in their right mind would pay anything close to that. I don?t think it?s even worth the regular price.
    Shrug. Horses for courses.

    Had I not got one through EB, and then seen the videos I've seen (and probably the ones I've not bothered watching), and particularly if I were in the capitals and could maybe see one in person... I dunno, I might splash out.

    The thing is, I've become aware over the last decade or so that I have quite a bit of disposable money, and that I'm pretty well off. Not rich (few people think of themselves as rich when they are, but I have a very firm idea of what rich is and I'm not there), but comfortable, and better off than a lot of people. I grabbed a few rather expensive toys from another member on ebay the last couple of weeks, at prices I might not have gone to a couple of years ago. I figured I wanted those, and they seem uncommon, so let's just do it. And even there I ran into a limit for myself, and a couple of things got away at prices I wasn't willing to match, which kinda surprised me, because I generally operate these days on the principle of "really, actually, want it? Then whatever it takes".

    So I reckon (finally getting to the point here ) that if there are people who are willing to spend even more than I am, and if I could give serious thought to paying the prices for a second-hand Unicron, then there will definitely be others out there with more means and more willingness to spend for the things, and who would think it worth the price.

  4. #304
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    Quote Originally Posted by DELTAprime View Post
    Here is a video that explains how to install the stand without possibly breaking your Unicron. Note that the flap on the bottom should go inward, not outward.
    Also I just noticed Page 31 of the manual has what should have been at the start of the manual which is the step by step of the stand.

  5. #305
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thurmus View Post
    Also I just noticed Page 31 of the manual has what should have been at the start of the manual which is the step by step of the stand.
    It still doesn't show how to put the stand in (ie. open up unicron's bottom half and fold flaps in a particular way).

  6. #306
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    If they re-release it they should make it significantly different from the initial release and not include the accessories (which were stretch goals for the crowdfunding).

    Maybe they could do it in Energon colours? :P

  7. #307
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimoinj View Post
    It still doesn't show how to put the stand in (ie. open up unicron's bottom half and fold flaps in a particular way).
    Page 31.... working backwards

  8. #308
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krayt View Post
    Page 31.... working backwards
    Highly intuitive!

  9. #309
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJJ View Post
    Most people wouldn't, and judging by the measured posts I've seen here, I'd say you would have a hard time finding the people who would care in Australia.

    But if you care to venture to the dedicated thread on a certain other site, you will find some rather unmeasured people getting very worked up about the prospect. There are always a few, and you'll find them crapping on threads around any such project.
    Would you call them scalpers :P

  10. #310
    JJJ is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Autocon View Post
    Would you call them scalpers :P
    No. The word that comes to mind is entitled. Also, fandumb.

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