Well I finally opened the box...

Got to say that I like him. That whole series of hinges along his spine that you stretch out has me nervous but it works well enough. The whole roof section is asking to be broken off. I wouldn't give him to a kid, but the transformation is interesting enough.
I like how the rear wheels are moved onto the arms. That is different to what we normally see.
I really like the tabs around the rear wheels when going into vehicle mode.
Keep them in mind and it gets things in the right place for less massaging compared to say Barricade. Getting the doors tucked into the rear fenders is tricky. I find it takes a bit of pre-planning when tabbing the legs and arms in place.
I also like the way the rear fenders are keyed. Again it gets them in the right position when going to alt mode. It is better than the floating approach taken with Bumblebee's fenders.

Ultimately I think there are lot of nice little features that could be passed onto future designs, let down by some weak points like the spine which are prone to breakage.