Series - Generations
Sub-line - Studio Series
Size/class - Deluxe
New/remould/redeco - New
Wave - 7
Released here - August 2019
Approximate Retail Price - $23
Approximate Size - variable; 10cm to top of head/shoulders, max crane arm height = 19.5cm
Allegiance - Decepticon
Sub-Group - Constructicon
Alt-mode - truss crane
Main Features/Gimmicks - combines with other Studio Series Constructicons to form Devastator
Main Colours - yellow and black
Main Accessories - N/A

This toy is just ridiculous. Only recommended if you want to eventually complete Studio Series Devastator or if you want to complete all of the ROTF Constructicons above Legends size. Otherwise not really recommended as this toy doesn't hold a whole lot of independent value as a stand alone toy.