View Poll Results: How many Exclusives from the Siege Toyline do you intend to buy?

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    5 22.73%
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    11 50.00%
  • 6 to 10

    3 13.64%
  • 11 to 15

    1 4.55%
  • 16 to 19

    0 0%
  • All and even Unicron if they release him

    2 9.09%
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Thread: Are there too many Exclusives in the Siege Toyline?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    I got a bit sidetracked on all cost side of things to miss talking about the point you were making in that Siege seems to have an unusually large percentage of exclusives that aren't part of the regular release line.... and how important they are to collectors of the line because of how important they are as characters and not just obscure random redecos that most wouldn't care about.
    All good mate, the amount of other figures out there and the associated cost is a very valid point. As is what you were saying about how Siege figures are not the only exclusives out this year (Seacons, the Dai Atlas set, Unicron etc) - there is just so much on offer at the moment both online and (sparesely sometimes it seems) on store shelves. I guess that makes us spoilt for choice, which can be a double-edged sword.

    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    I wonder if they just had too many ideas for the line to fit in the retail line and retailers only wanted a certain amount this year for Generations.
    Possible. On the one hand they could have saved a bunch of these for next line years, but then on the other you no doubt would have had many fans complaining that that line was simply full of recolours of the previous years line. Transformers fans - we are a hard bunch to please eh

    I think right now I am spitting most that I will probably not have the funds to get Redwing and the Seekers 3-pack. Except for Acid Storm they are all Seekers I don't have any toy of at all If they had been on shelves here I would have bought them in a heartbeat!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    4th Aug 2008
    The 'Riff


    Would love to buy some of them, but without releases here and higher online prices, I feel I'll miss most of them. I feel Hasbros tendency to make so many exclusives we have no local access to is disappointing.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    19th Dec 2008


    I'm not interested in most of the exclusives myself (just want the Rainmakers if we ever get them for a reasonable price), but there do seem to be a lot of them for sure.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    8th Jun 2012


    Some exclusives I can get around like the Rainmakers, G2 Sideswipe or even a character like Lancer.

    Guys like Ratchet and Bluestreak should be regular retail toys, whom I’d happily swap out for Barricade or another redeco. They’re important characters, and having them all in different retailers, particularly as an overseas buyer is frustrating.
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  5. #15
    Jellico is online now Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    I had some aims this year based on previews.

    Finish Orthia
    Get CHUG Ratchet/Ironhide
    Get CHUG 1984 Seekers
    Get at least the 1984 Fairladies

    The see a pattern? Anyway by putting all of the above so close together Orthia blew my online budget so by the time I can go again, good luck finding Ratchet, Skywarp, and Bluestreak.

    I think the exclusives work as a reasonably mainstream way of getting 3rd line characters out there. I think that there needs to be some fine tuning of which are 3rd and 2nd line. Eg good Ratchets are rare so would be snapped up while Seekers are a license to print money at Voyager scale. Bluestreak is borderline.

    Coming at it from the other direction, who gets dropped from mainstream release? Did Hound need a second release? Poor old Chromia is shelf warming, but the line needs at lease one girl.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Interesting observation here that might be relevant to this topic?

  7. #17
    Join Date
    12th Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    Interesting observation here that might be relevant to this topic?
    Interesting... I wonder which ones they were going to be making Hascon exclusives?

  8. #18
    Join Date
    10th Mar 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    1: Do you think the Siege line has too many exclusies?
    2: What Exclusives have you bought/are intending to buy?
    3: Has the Exclusiveness, and associated cost, of these figures impacted your buying of them?
    4: What figures from the Siege line would you have bought if they had been given a general release, but now will not be doing so?[/SIZE]
    1. Yes, as in too many figures are being made as exclusives rather than regular releases. I'm not upset with the range of characters we've been getting lately.
    2. Pulse G2 Megatron, Ratchet, Bluestreak, Rainmakers, Refraktor 3 pack, clear Mirage (splitting the set with a friend), G2 Sideswipe (splitting the set with a friend), Ironworks (splitting the set with a friend) and although they are not Siege I did also buy red Swoop and Richochet this year.
    3. Yes, I would have purchased Thundercracker and Skywarp in addition to the Starscream I already have, but decided to skip them in favour of the Rainmakers to satisfy my Tetrajet itch. I also considered the Galactic Man Shockwave for a while, but with everything else coming out he's just not that important to me.
    4. Skywarp (and also Thundercracker even though he is already a retail release).
    Looking to buy lucky draw Armada Prime and Diaclone Marlboor Wheeljack.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    25th May 2019


    1: Do you think the Siege line has too many exclusives?
    I mean if having exclusives is part of what keeps the lights on at Hasbro, I don't know - to my mind ideally everything would be available to everyone, but I guess that's not how the business works. I feel like major characters like Ratchet and Skywarp being hard to find is a bad move, but then again I'm sure everyone's a major character to someone.

    2: What Exclusives have you bought/are intending to buy?
    I'd like to get Greenlight, Ratchet, Atalancer, Bluestreak, Skywarp, Smokescreen I think? I cant keep track of them all - but that depends on whether I can find them somewhere I'm ready to shop from. See below:

    3: Has the Exclusiveness, and associated cost, of these figures impacted your buying of them?
    Cost not so much (so long as it's not ridiculous), but their not being in local stores, yeah that could be a problem. I'm kind of knee-jerk averse to online shopping, I like keeping things on the simple level of walking into a shop and saying "Here is money, give me toy," and either everyone's happy or I've accidentally walked into a hat shop and we're all confused. I buy from BBTS occasionally (my She-Ra source), so I've picked up a few bots from them, and if they get any of the exclusives they can have my money. If that rumour about EB getting Ratchet in turns out to be good, also yay. Otherwise I'll probably just let them pass.

    4: What figures from the Siege line would you have bought if they had been given a general release, but now will not be doing so?
    Well obviously any of the exclusives I can't buy as above I won't, but besides that... not sure. I recently decided not to get Omega Supreme, and maybe seeing all these exclusives appearing and raising the strong possibility of not being able to get the 'complete set' I'm after (mostly the 84/85 ones) might have played a part in that decision; Omega isn't really a favourite of mine, plus he's not cheap, and I don't know that I've got somewhere suitable to display him alongside the others anyway (I mean he'd just tower over most of them, it wouldn't be a balanced display) but I am the kind of person who'll complete a set just to complete a set, so I was tossing up getting him. Seeing these exclusives popping up and facing the possibility that I wouldn't be able to have the complete set anyway, well, that may have been a factor.

    Also, kind of out of left field, that Powerdasher, Aragon - I never had the original, he wasn't in the cartoon, but I remember seeing him in the catalogues or whatever, and he was such a bizarre little twerp that I have a kind of affection for him, so even if he is just a repaint of something else I could've seen myself getting him and kind of hiding him at the back of the shelf as an in-joke (same with the other two Powerdashers, whatever their names are, Techolas and Dimli or whatever who knows). If I saw them on a shelf I'd probably get them (I've bought plenty more ridiculous stuff) but if they're only available out of the back room of a karaoke bar in Minsk I won't lose any sleep over missing them.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    It's pretty obvious why there are so many exclusives in CHUG now. As of this year CHUG has been in production for 13 years. CHUG has existed for about half a decade longer than G1 itself! It's little wonder that a lot of these toys being released are limited exclusives because most of the better known and more popular characters have already been done as CHUGs. Most of what's left are lesser known characters who may not sell as strongly as mass retail releases.

    Now I know that as fans most if not all of the characters being released in Siege are already known to us. But that's because we're fanatical about Transformers (the very meaning of the word "fan" itself as a shortening of "fanatic"). But look at it from a non-fan's POV, because that's part of the market appeal of store-released repaints. Repaints themselves can be a hard sell to the general market but repaints that make obscure references? Let's look at what we're getting from Selects so far...
    * Combat Megatron: a repaint of the store-released Siege Megatron based on an aborted prototype of 1994's G2 Combat Megatron
    * Galactic Man Shockwave: a repaint of the store-released Siege Shockwave based on the pre-Transformer version of Shockwave released via Radio Shack in the 80s
    * Autobot Lancer: redeco/retool of the store-released Moonracer mould based on what was a generic background character who appeared in only 1 episode of the G1 cartoon
    * Redwing: based on a BotCon exclusive toy that was conceived by mistake and never even made. I've got to be honest, I didn't even know who he was and had to look it up.
    * Nightbird: an obscure and formerly Obscure character from the G1 cartoon
    * Cromar and Zetar: if they were any more obscure than this then we'd be looking at a CHUG Time Warrior (yes please!)

    With the sole exception of Smokescreen, we can see that all of these Selects toys are repaints based on obscure (and formerly Obscure) characters. They're not widely known and they're all repaints. Not that long ago all of these toys would've only been possible as BotCon exclusives. Today they're made available as mail-away figures which makes them far more accessible than convention exclusive toys.
    I'm personally quite happy that we're getting these toys, and the idea of plain-packaged mail-away exclusives is reminiscent of the G1 mail-aways. How fitting is it that Powerdasher is being released as a mail-away exclusive toy? If only they required us to clip and send in Robot Points from the store released toys!

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