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Thread: Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker *****SPOILER THREAD*****

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    5th Feb 2010

    Default Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker *****SPOILER THREAD*****

    This was not a good movie.

    The Good:
    - The opening scrawl gave me hope. It sounded genuinely interesting. In practise it was abandoned almost immediately.
    - Some parts are gorgeous. The Death Star 2 bits look great.
    - I liked the Han Solo cameo. I thought that was well done.

    The Bad:
    - Hux. An odd waste of the character. He was the spy because he didn't like Kylo? He didn't leak them any meaningful information, and really really obviously existed to free Poe and friends before dying. His death meant nothing. It developed no one's character.
    - The whole final confrontation was kind of... generic? The arena looked generic, the way it was visually presented was generic, the format was generic. One of the things I was excited about after TLJ was that this trilogy wouldn't end with our protagonists offing an old wizard in a cloak. This trilogy then went on to end with our protagonists offing an old wizard in a cloak.
    - Most of the Leia scenes. It was quite obvious that they were working with dregs in terms of the live action stuff.
    - The rules for Palpatine dying (and surviving death) seemed oddly loose. There's a bit where he's trying to get killed because that's how the Sith pass on their power, then he realises he can just suck the life out of Rey and Ben, and then she kills him anyway, but presumably doesn't get the Sith spirits passed on to her?
    - Likewise whatever it was that Leia did with Ben when she died seemed to be played a bit fast and loose. I get that they needed to remove her from the film somehow, but it was put together in a very odd way. My first reaction was that Rey caused her death by stabbing Ben while he was connected to Leia, but I'm assuming that this isn't the case because that's never touched on?

    The Ugly:
    - Palpatine being reinserted into the plot with no finesse or build up. The scene almost literally involves him going 'I did all of that shit and I'm alive for reasons. Don't ask any questions about any of that, just go with it'.
    - Rey Palpatine. Awful. Unnecessary. Ultimately meaningless. Would the plot have been any different if she had not been a Palpatine?
    - The metric shit ton of fan appeasement. Awful.

    Things that didn't fuss me either way:
    - Finn is Force sensitive now. Weird flex, but alright.
    - Knights of Ren not amounting to anything. It would feel hypocritical if I said this bothered me, because I literally did not care that they weren't in TLJ.
    - The copious fan service. Nice that they got all of the actors back to voice the Jedi. It didn't really add anything.

    Next time Disney, can you plan this shit before starting the trilogy? Or at least not give it to the world's most generic director to resolve.
    I'm really just here for the free food and open bar.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    11th Dec 2012


    I thought it was great. Much better than I thought it would be. There were a few cringey moments like Han Solo cameo and lightning coming coming from Rey’s hands. But yep, I liked it which was a relief.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    You sum up most of the like and dislikes I had with this film. The lack of planning hurts because it doesn’t feel like the nine movies are one story and there was a better story there that could have been told.

    But in some ways it very much the same problem the OT had so it’s tradition.

    I don’t think Rey’s attack killed Leia, Leia just spent her energy reaching Kylo Ren which really just was a distraction.

    The fan service bothered me, so did the lgbt content which felt forced and token. (Honestly would have preferred they just left it as subtext and didn’t force heteronormative moments on the main characters)

    But there were things I liked. The Last Order feeet was stunning reveal (I believe it was in the trailer but I hadn’t seen that) and Lando leading the charge of ‘civilian’ ships fighting back actually brought tears to my eyes.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    23rd Jul 2015


    Felt a certain ROTJ (my favorite of the saga) nostalgia while watching this one. It certainly opens like ROTJ.

    In giving an overall view it's a movie that ranges from uninteresting to excellent. But is better than The Last Jedi.

    PS. If it turns out that Darth Maul from Solo is genetically engineered like Palpatine then I won't be surprised.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    5th Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by shockNwave View Post
    PS. If it turns out that Darth Maul from Solo is genetically engineered like Palpatine then I won't be surprised.
    Unless they decide to ignore Clone Wars (which is canon), the story is that he simply didn't die after being bisected.
    I'm really just here for the free food and open bar.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    This film is all over the place, I'm not sure what to think, It had some good moments, but I found it hard to care or invest in anything.

    My initial thoughts are that Rise of Skywalker is a better 'Star wars film' than Last Jedi, but Last Jedi is a better 'film' than Rise of Skywalker.

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