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Thread: Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker *****SPOILER THREAD*****

  1. #31
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    So... Rey's parents...

    We know that one of them was Sheev Palpatine's child. Umm... huh?
    If Palpatine had a kid then surely he would have either raised the child as a Sith or had the child killed; probably the latter. In the Original Trilogy it's stated that any offspring of Anakin Skywalker would be seen as a threat, which is why the twins' existence was kept a secret from Vader and the Emperor. And indeed when the Sith discovered the Luke was Anakin's son, Palpatine initially wanted him dead, but it was Vader who suggested and convinced the Emperor that Luke could be a powerful ally if he could be turned to the Dark Side of the Force. And even then, there was only ever two options for Luke -- become a Sith or die. Surely Palpatine would have at least held the same standard for any of his own offspring.

    "Maybe Palpatine's child was raised as a Sith, but just like Finn and Jannah, s/he broke free of his/her brainwashing, then ran away. After which s/he got married and had Rey. Long after Palpatine's reported death, they started a family and lived together for a few years, but then when they discovered that the Emperor being resurrected and hunting them down, they went to Jakku and abandoned Rey there for her own safety. Then they were discovered by one of Palpatine's followers (Ochi) who killed them with that Sith dagger."
    Uhh... sure. I guess that could work. But the film never explains this. For no apparent reason there seems to be a generational skip between Sheev's kid and Rey. Huh? That's kinda like jumping from Anakin Skywalker to Ben Solo and entirely skipping any real exposition on Han Solo and Leia Organa. Ya what?

    Am I the only one who thinks that they might've been better off postponing the release of this movie by at least a year? Release it in late 2020 and allow time for the story to be better perfected. We know that we lost Carrie Fisher after The Last Jedi, so fans will understand and forgive just a single year time delay (and any who don't aren't worth listening to).

    P.S.: Just watched the Rise of Skywalker Pitch Meeting video which is hilariously on point.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    25th May 2019


    I figured something similar. My headcanon at the moment is that Palpatine created his son (who for want of a confirmed name I've decided was named Steve Palpatine) in a lab - maybe 'born' mature, maybe just the project was started way back so by the time of RotJ he was a young man - and when Death Star II did what death stars do and it looked like the Emperor went up with it, some captive scientist lady they'd been forcing to work on the project who'd sympathised with the poor kid busted him out amid the general chaos of the fall of the Empire, and they ended up having a baby. It kind of explains to me how 'sell her into slavery' was Plan A for keeping Rey safe: despite loving each other and her neither of them were really very well-adjusted people (especially if Steve has been brainwashed from birth so he'd be really easy to goad into hating his dad so he could strike-him-down etc. and it was only the Power of Love that was keeping him halfway sane).

    Palpy wanting to kill Luke I can understand - specifically it was "the son of Skywalker must not become a Jedi," that'd be more of a concern when he's hanging out with rebels and has the ghost of Obi-Wan dropping helpful hints in his ear, Steve in his secret prison controlled by the Emperor would be much less likely to suddenly decide to be a Jedi. Or perhaps the Emperor wanted Vader to bring Luke to him all along, and just ordered him killed initially so Vader would think 'saving' Luke was his own idea; that is kind of on brand for the Emperor.

    I don't love the whole Palpatine's-granddaughter thing, in the theatre that was my most "Wait, seriously?!" moment. I can forgive it just because it doesn't seem really that crucial to anything - yes yes Rey's upset she may become Bad Rey, but the whole thing at the climax of the Emperor trying to turn her to the Dark Side and her being "nuh-uh gramps" totally felt like just something that happens in Star Wars anyway, I didn't feel like it was shoving the improbability of her being his granddaughter in my face in a way that took me out of the scene.

    So we getting a Zorii Bliss spinoff? Her little wordless interaction with Poe at the end was magic. (I know she's got a bucket on her head, but it's a lovely bucket. That could be like a theme for Disney+ shows, everyone's got a helmet on. Maybe in the Obi-Wan series he'll be wearing a flight helmet with the blast shield down the whole time because he's honing his skills.)

  3. #33
    Join Date
    9th Apr 2008


    Saw star wars. Ending was very american hollywood. We all dead! No wait reinforcments have arrived last minute. It felt lacking in any different action scifi narrative as mentioned above.

    Overall i enjoyed it. 6/10. Just a bit lacking in creative narrative.

  4. #34
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    20th Jul 2013


    It was grand daughter because they didn't want to crap your mind with who the hell Palpatine mate with. so it become not an immediate thing. Technically going by unofficial books Maria jade was the daughter of the emperor, and I think JJ did considered using it.
    Palpy was chosen because if JJ introduce a new villain, you be going who is that? another Snoke?
    also, if you are a Star wars fanatic it was speculated Rey was Palpatine's daughter and Many did recommend "I want to see this!" go search it up.
    Plus there was even instances of how she ignites the light saber and how she wield it was Palpatine moves. > is all there internet.

    Things that people will criticise and I like to be enlighten if you know more:

    Who create the Sith Dagger? How did that Sith even know where the death star will crash and give those location? Meaning this Sith was alive when the death Star crash?

    Wave Finder: what the hell for? Why would the Emperor wants you to know where he is hiding?

  5. #35
    Join Date
    10th Mar 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    Who create the Sith Dagger? How did that Sith even know where the death star will crash and give those location? Meaning this Sith was alive when the death Star crash?

    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    Wave Finder: what the hell for? Why would the Emperor wants you to know where he is hiding?
    Looking to buy lucky draw Armada Prime and Diaclone Marlboor Wheeljack.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    21st Jul 2014


    Saw it again today with mates who don't know anything about Star Wars other than the main Skywalker movies and they loved it. On reflection, if I block out a lot of my knowledge on Star Wars and think about how your average movie goer might respond to this movie, it is probably pretty positive. Sure it has its faults, but if you don't go too indepth it really is quite enjoyable.

    Not always easy for us fans who know that little bit more to just ignore the problems but it would make the viewing more enjoyable.

  7. #37
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    7th Feb 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    Plus there was even instances of how she ignites the light saber and how she wield it was Palpatine moves. > is all there internet.
    This has got to be one of the silliest things I remember reading. If anybody believed that Rey was Palpatine's daughter based on the 4 thrusts she made at Kylo during TFA, I really don't know what to say. You have a laser sword. You're either going to stab someone with it, or chop them down. Plus she had a big stick that I bet she routinely stabbed and hit things with too... Keep reaching, nerds.

    Palpatine was also far more theatrical and camp when he slayed the Jedi members and faced Yoda. In comparison, Rey spent half the fight against Kylo running away like a little girl and only got her act together when she had a D&M, coffee and cake discussing The Force with Kylo. Oh yeah, The Force, I can use that! Kylo is also just standing there like a spare dick at a wedding watching, waiting, commiserating.

    Her fight in TLJ was utter shite too. The guard that she was fighting in the throne room miraculously has one of the two weapons he was using vanish into thin air... the one he could have stabbed her in the back with when he put her in a lock. But hey, who's paying attention?

    Palpatine only came back because they bodged the story by killing Snoke. Simple band aid measure.

  8. #38
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    I like the scene where senile Lando just laughs all the time because he doesn't know where he is.

  9. #39
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    This has got to be one of the silliest things I remember reading. If anybody believed that Rey was Palpatine's daughter based on the 4 thrusts she made at Kylo during TFA, I really don't know what to say. You have a laser sword. You're either going to stab someone with it, or chop them down. Plus she had a big stick that I bet she routinely stabbed and hit things with too... Keep reaching, nerds.

    Palpatine was also far more theatrical and camp when he slayed the Jedi members and faced Yoda. In comparison, Rey spent half the fight against Kylo running away like a little girl and only got her act together when she had a D&M, coffee and cake discussing The Force with Kylo. Oh yeah, The Force, I can use that! Kylo is also just standing there like a spare dick at a wedding watching, waiting, commiserating.

    Her fight in TLJ was utter shite too. The guard that she was fighting in the throne room miraculously has one of the two weapons he was using vanish into thin air... the one he could have stabbed her in the back with when he put her in a lock. But hey, who's paying attention?

    Palpatine only came back because they bodged the story by killing Snoke. Simple band aid measure.
    I dont disagree. But if you search you will find it. just saying. This isn't my theory at all.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    If you want to enjoy Star Wars again, you got to pretend that there has been no new media since 1996 - That's when Star Wars ended.

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