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Thread: COVID-19 updates comments and concerns

  1. #271
    Join Date
    26th Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by SMHFConvoy View Post
    Well that didn't take long to go from outrage to body shaming in one day and yet no one is concerned that 2 people of colour were pretty much fixed by the Australian MSM, yet other people who have acted much the same have not because they come from more, "affluent" suburbs across Australia.
    Pretty sure there is no other case like those 2, a few have tried to sneak around and got caught but these two have just shown total contempt, their planning to do what they did is pretty infuriating for someone close to the aged care sector in Melbourne. Even the stealing of the bags in Melbourne, what the?!?!?!

  2. #272
    Join Date
    28th Feb 2009


    Still to name and shame, that's not the Media's responsibility, it's been said there's an investigation underway and charges to be laid. The media has exceeded it's reach and we all should be very concerned.

  3. #273
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by SMHFConvoy View Post
    Well that didn't take long to go from outrage to body shaming in one day and yet no one is concerned that 2 people of colour were pretty much fixed by the Australian MSM, yet other people who have acted much the same have not because they come from more, "affluent" suburbs across Australia.
    I couldn't care less about the colour of their skin or their "background" - I also don't particularly care about their overdone botox jobs (which is more sad than anything else). I DO care about their wanton recklessness.

    I feel the same anger towards these two as the couple (no idea whether they were Pacific Islander, white, black, Asian or Jovian) from Southbank who got stopped at a police checkpoint on their way to their holiday house on Philip Island with a warning, who then got FINED at a second checkpoint on a different route. Both cases of people who are selfish, possibly at the expense of the LIVES of othes.

    Eagerly waiting for Masterpiece Meister

  4. #274
    Join Date
    1st Oct 2018


    Most of the backlash seems to be from the fact that everyone's hard work in containing the virus in Queensland has seemingly gone to waste. That's a situation that hasn't really happened in the other states. If we still had daily cases up to this point, it definitely wouldn't have received so much attention.

    However, they have not done themselves any favours with their behaviour. From attending an illegal Melbourne party to lying to border control and now refusing to co-operate with police, it's all a bit hard to feel sorry for them in the slightest.

    We've already had multiple anti-mask people be named and shamed on mainstream media and that Eve Black woman was found and arrested for lying to border control so I kind of have a hard time believing they're being targeted solely because of their race and/or wealth.

    I do however agree that it was a bit too early to identify them but if they didn't want any backlash, they shouldn't have done it in the first place.

  5. #275
    Join Date
    28th Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by dirge View Post
    I couldn't care less about the colour of their skin or their "background" - I also don't particularly care about their overdone botox jobs (which is more sad than anything else). I DO care about their wanton recklessness.

    I feel the same anger towards these two as the couple (no idea whether they were Pacific Islander, white, black, Asian or Jovian) from Southbank who got stopped at a police checkpoint on their way to their holiday house on Philip Island with a warning, who then got FINED at a second checkpoint on a different route. Both cases of people who are selfish, possibly at the expense of the LIVES of othes.
    You still took the time to dunk their "overdone botox jobs" though, their appearance has no bearing on their irresponsible actions but you still had to say it.

  6. #276
    Join Date
    28th Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by nalops View Post
    Most of the backlash seems to be from the fact that everyone's hard work in containing the virus in Queensland has seemingly gone to waste. That's a situation that hasn't really happened in the other states. If we still had daily cases up to this point, it definitely wouldn't have received so much attention.

    However, they have not done themselves any favours with their behaviour. From attending an illegal Melbourne party to lying to border control and now refusing to co-operate with police, it's all a bit hard to feel sorry for them in the slightest.

    We've already had multiple anti-mask people be named and shamed on mainstream media and that Eve Black woman was found and arrested for lying to border control so I kind of have a hard time believing they're being targeted solely because of their race and/or wealth.

    I do however agree that it was a bit too early to identify them but if they didn't want any backlash, they shouldn't have done it in the first place.
    Tell me, do you think the SMH or the Courier Mail will call Eve Black, "Enemy of the State"? That idiot from Bunnings screaming about her rights was given airtime on Seven before she was arrested. The attendees from the Melbourne party haven't been named, there's no need to but for "some reason" the Courier Mail decided that it was okay to make these 2 the face of Covid-19 in Queensland.

  7. #277
    Join Date
    1st Oct 2018


    I get what you're saying. The media has been way too happy to take them down. I certainly would've waited to reveal their details, if at all and hope no-one decides to take justice into their own hands or something crazy like that and they should probably have police protection for a while.

    Again, it's the fact that Queensland had 0 new community transmitted cases in so long and only 4 active that's making this a bigger deal than it would've been. We were so close. Unfortunately for them, they are the face of Covid-19 in Queensland because without them, we wouldn't have it spreading again. It'll certainly be horrifying if people end up dying because they were so reckless.

    Could be definitely wrong but I have a feeling anyone, regardless of background, who'd done what they did, would be condemned. In saying that, I'm sure this'll blow over. It always does. As strong as the outrage against them is right now, it'll promptly be forgotten in favour of something new that people hate.

  8. #278
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    There must have been a third person with the two ladies that have been featured on the news, as three people have now been officially charged with several offences pertaining to fraud (false information), with a potential penalty of up to 5 years in prison and fines of up to $13,000 each. If people start dying from the virus and it can be traced to these three people, then I hope they end up with the full penalty, as their attitude so far suggests that they aren't going to know or care about other people dying from their actions, or be financially responsible for the millions of dollars that will now be spent on testing and tracing, closing and cleaning, and paying people to stay home while waiting for test results or if they test positive. I bet they even set up a go-fund-me type page to avoid paying any fines placed on them, avoiding any culpability or liability burden.
    (all of this would have been avoided if the QLD premier had closed the border when the virus started showing up in NSW from Victoria, and there was no way of guaranteeing any person in NSW was not infected just because they weren't from a known hotspot, which is only known days after the virus has spread to that area - these 3 people then would have been tested and forced into hotel quarantine, regardless of if they had admitted to being in Victoria)

    Quote Originally Posted by SMHFConvoy View Post
    Well that didn't take long to go from outrage to body shaming in one day and yet no one is concerned that 2 people of colour were pretty much fixed by the Australian MSM, yet other people who have acted much the same have not because they come from more, "affluent" suburbs across Australia.
    I haven't heard anything on the news yet that even implied that these people were highlighted because of their race, but because these people have so far been the most intentionally deceptive to fly down to Melbourne to party (and allegedly shoplift) while it was in lockdown, and then fly to Sydney on the way back to Brisbane so that they could be allowed to return without being forced into quarantine... all the while, not even bothering to be tested just in case. These were not negligent or accidental acts, they were calculated and uncaring, to be doing what they wanted without a single concern for their fellow human beings. The psychology of these sorts of people is one of over-entitlement, believing that everyone else is beneath them, and are not going to accept responsibility or even accept a punishment, as they see themselves as being above it all. Remember, with every 100 people who get infected now by these girls, an average of 1 person will die, and about 10 of those people will have life-long debilitating injuries... and if they don't care about that, then do they deserve to be forgiven and forgotten.
    It wouldn't have mattered what they looked like, how old they were, or what race they were, these have been the worst of the worse so far, and they shouldn't be playing the race card to get special treatment. Our news programs and papers up here have already been featuring people trying to sneak across the border (one hiding in the back of a car, one running from the police at the border checkpoint, several people jumping the border fence, and people not declaring their intended residence), and those people were of different ages, genders and colours.
    I would imagine, just like those people in VIC and NSW who have been suffering through a partially closed economy and now have to endure tighter restrictions again, the people in QLD are now also feeling just as frustrated at doing all this hard work as a community, to be undone by three selfish young girls who just wanted to party with friends in Melbourne, knowing it was wrong because they made sure they returned via Sydney and not declare being in Melbourne at all. That collective anger is going to go somewhere, and if those three people still haven't shown any sign of remorse for what they have done, and the lives that may now be lost for their weekend party... it is just going to make people even more upset over their lack of morality by staying silent.

    At least in the case of my comment, I was making an observation of what appeared to be cosmetic surgery on two people who are supposed to still be teenagers. Faces don't look like that naturally, which makes me think that they were led to believe that they were not beautiful without that much work, and I blame the modern day social media celebrities misleading young girls into thinking that they are not beautiful if they don't have lips, cheeks, noses and eyebrows that don't come naturally like that. Commentary on the lengths young people go to with plastic surgery, because they think that their natural look is ugly. Body shaming is when you target people for how they naturally look, causing them anxiety or depression, or to take drastic action to change their natural look, which they wouldn't have wanted to risk doing if they were just allowed to be happy with who they really are, because they can't help how they are born. If anything, those two "girls" and their parents are the ones who must have been ashamed of their natural beauty to do that to themselves at such a young age, before their bodies had started to even age and deteriorate to warrant "fixing". This superficial culture of cosmetic surgery by young people who don't have any physical defects, and dependence on make-up from a young age, hiding their natural beauty for the rest of their life. That sort of thing is self-body-shaming, and if we don't call out these unnatural results, more young girls will want to look the same, thinking that their natural look is ugly. Their faces are distorted into something that looks like a plastic mannequin with over-inflated lips... I think we should be really worried if our teenage and pre-teen children want to do that to themselves, just because they are ashamed of how they normally look.

    Quote Originally Posted by SMHFConvoy View Post
    Still to name and shame, that's not the Media's responsibility, it's been said there's an investigation underway and charges to be laid. The media has exceeded it's reach and we all should be very concerned.
    Just quickly, so that it doesn't go too far off topic, but as someone who has a degree in Criminology, and studied the different outcomes of different punishment techniques, I found that shaming offenders best works in smaller communities on people who depended on the interactions of those around them, but unfortunately, it isn't as effective in large cities... while of particular note, is that the people who most should be identified, are the ones who are allowed to remain anonymous (like sexual offenders against children, because we don't want the children to be identified and tormented by others for the rest of their life), and those type of amoral, power-control predators, are more likely to not feel remorse over their affect on others, and will re-offend, because they haven't felt the fear of a reasonable potential penalty. (if you had a paedophile in your neighbourhood attack a child and you have children of similar age, there is a pretty good chance that you'd be wanting the media to name and shame the offender so that you know who they are and where they are, to be sure that they are no where near your children... similarly, if you lived near these covid girls and didn't know their names or faces, would you be comfortable in not knowing if you had been in close contact with them, on the same day you were visiting elderly relatives - if we could eliminate internet trolls it would be great, but until we can find a way of doing that, it is an unavoidable side-effect of knowing, and rational venting... which we can all do with right now after 6+ months of this global crisis)

    (now for the off-topic bit)
    One thing I studied was the history of the concept of shaming offenders, and it used to be useful before we had big cities, which made it impossible for it to be an effective tool of deterrence. That's because, small town communities had people knowing just about everyone, and if you wanted to continue living comfortably with your community, you feared being caught doing something that everyone would quickly find out about. It was an extension of fearing having your parents finding out about something you did wrong (if you have a close relationship with them)... the town was your extended family, and the phrase of "being run out of town" would be your only option if you did something seriously wrong and everyone you knew, knew about it.
    With modern big cities, filled with thousands and millions of people you don't know, most people don't really care what a complete stranger thinks about you, or knows what you have done. The fear of restraint isn't there, and negative corruptive influences from social media makes it even worse, as you can be an uncaring troll online by remaining hidden and anonymous. The result of trolls on offenders can either lead to them to reflect on what they have done and want to change their ways so that they don't go through that ever again, or to be more determined to be a criminal in retaliation... and in today's self-entitlement, superficial look-at-me, social-media environment that these girls are a part of, they won't be the type to do any self-reflecting and have any moral revelations.
    Last edited by griffin; 31st July 2020 at 12:14 AM.

  9. #279
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by SMHFConvoy View Post
    Tell me, do you think the SMH or the Courier Mail will call Eve Black, "Enemy of the State"? That idiot from Bunnings screaming about her rights was given airtime on Seven before she was arrested. The attendees from the Melbourne party haven't been named, there's no need to but for "some reason" the Courier Mail decided that it was okay to make these 2 the face of Covid-19 in Queensland.
    Considering those two ladies were in Brisbane and the other people were not, I think it wouldn't make much sense having any of those other people you mentioned being featured heavily in the QLD paper.
    The Melbourne party people didn't sneak into QLD to infect people with Covid and lie to police on a legal document.
    Neither did the Bunnings lady or Eva... nor did they covertly and fraudulently bring the virus to an area that was clear. But each of them still got significant air-play, but these Brisbane ladies got more attention because what they did was commit a more serious crime (those other people aren't facing 5 years in prison, so they aren't going to get as much attention from the media).

  10. #280
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by SMHFConvoy View Post
    You still took the time to dunk their "overdone botox jobs" though, their appearance has no bearing on their irresponsible actions but you still had to say it.
    I was referring to it only because you mentioned body shaming. I find it sad they feel the need to do it, but it has no relevance to their recent behaviour.

    Eagerly waiting for Masterpiece Meister

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