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Thread: COVID-19 updates comments and concerns

  1. #391
    Join Date
    4th Aug 2008
    The 'Riff


    What I find funny, in a really sad way, is passenger transport workers were not given priority vaccinations. Yet we travel through or live in the LGAs that have really tight restrictions. Given the fact that it would be easy for us to spread it far and wide or catch it from the uncleansed filth that are still doing the wrong thing. Or that we're being told that if a train has to be taken out for a deep clean because of a case, we're instructed not to inform the customer's who are on the train. And the NSW Health website is a maze to book in, and couldn't. So I'll just call up local pharmacies to book in instead

  2. #392
    Join Date
    19th May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Tha_Phantom View Post
    They're right, it can't be eliminated. Did you read the statistics griffin quoted above? It's simply too contagious, all we can do is slow it down.
    Let's put NSW aside for a second, both Vic and NZ locked down as soon as they got a whiff of delta and yet their numbers are still going up.
    Vaccinations really are the only path out of this. And yes we need to lockdown for the meantime.
    Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, WA and NT all have it under control because they all follow the right policies. I'm confident NZ will get it under control with their zero tolerance approach to COVID (harder lockdowns than anywhere in Australia at any stage - even takeaways closed). Gladys let Delta run out of control with her half-lockdown. Too busy listening to the business lobby who wanted to avoid lockdown at all costs. We know from the US and India how infectious it is. Yet she had unvaccinated people driving international air crew around (presumably also unvaccinated!).

  3. #393
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007
    Dunedin, New Zealand


    A week into the New Zealand lockdown; as an essential worker I am at work every day "as normal" just with less traffic on the roads and from today, no takeaway coffee as they decided to remove the ability for service stations and food places that are allowed open to sell it. Guess we shall see what happens on Friday if its "the rest vs Auckland" or "the South vs the North" .. no way will Auckland end Level 4 lockdown on the 31st.

  4. #394
    Join Date
    21st Dec 2013
    Western Sydney


    It's sad that i have to watch news about two n.s.w local government councils (Bourke and Cobar)shooting dead dogs that were going to be picked up by animal shelter volunteers to re-homed because of covid by an american youtuber to then have to search to find the story

    on a side note can i mention friendlyjordies on youtube, His investigation into water mismanagement and the nationals party. Though not covid related they should make you understand why nsw is a covid mess

  5. #395
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    Hi all, guy from Japan here, just thought I would chime in here as well.
    Place is messed up man. Olympics round 2 happening, more covid cases than when it forst started and because of Govt mishandling the situation immensely the local population isn't doing much ti curb the spread. Many places are business as usual, despite pretty much half the country being in a "state of emergency."

    So far the effects of states of emergency relate to
    1.Govt. asking companies to allow staff to work from home if they can
    2.Restaurants not serving alcohol after 8pm.
    3. that's it.
    Neither of these points have penalties to them if ignored.
    I can sort of see the alcohol thing, and TBH it surprised me that so many people object to it. Like, do you really need alcohol THAT much? Apparently they do. Earlier there was talk about this alcohol thing affecting business because dinners, booze and business were so integral to Japanese working habits. Personally I see it as a crutch to cope with all the other BS that stems from JPN society.

    1&2 have pretty much been the only steps taken by the gov since the cOVID thing started. Right now, the hospitals in tokyo and surrounding areas are struggling to take Covid patients because there are so few public hospitals and private ones wont take them because of the money side of things, or they don't have the resources. However disgust is beginning to show, as a pregnant woman lost her 8mth child as she had complications and nowhere would accept her.
    You wouldn't think that Japan has had almost 2 years to prepare.

    On top of that, while they are rolling out vaccines, it's very very slow. There was a big push when private companies were organising them for staff and things were moving well, but then, bam, a vaccine shortage. Now the govt is doing it and every week on Monday morning, the booking website is slammed for 30 minutes and then all bookings are taken. It's ridiculous! Too bad if you want a vaccine, you've gotta be darn lucky to get a booking. It's easier to get concert tickets than it is to get a vaccine booking.

    Trains are packed, shops are packed, day care, schools, kindergartens all packed. Numbers reported from the covid website seem fairly low, but the amount of effort required to actually get a PCR test done means you're half dead anyway.
    On the 24th August, place had 21000 NEW cases reported. I suspect that actual cases are MUCH MUCH higher as they don't properly trace or test very much at all.

    The govt can't drop a proper lockdown with penalties it would seem, but last year everyone took the "shutdown" pretty seriously, but I think with the Olympics happenin now, many people are tired, or its only effected people they don't know, so now very few people seem to be taking any action. While I like to think that people can think by themselves, it seems to me that this may not actually be the case. And in Japan, unless the government leads first, businesses are unlikely to follow . (This is all related to the aging population of Japan and the politicians all being old men as well. Truly archaic, but that's a whole other rant)

    Place is screwed. Stay away for a while.

  6. #396
    Join Date
    19th May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Tetsuwan Convoy View Post
    Hi all, guy from Japan here, just thought I would chime in here as well.
    Place is messed up man. Olympics round 2 happening, more covid cases than when it forst started and because of Govt mishandling the situation immensely the local population isn't doing much ti curb the spread. Many places are business as usual, despite pretty much half the country being in a "state of emergency."

    So far the effects of states of emergency relate to
    1.Govt. asking companies to allow staff to work from home if they can
    2.Restaurants not serving alcohol after 8pm.
    3. that's it.
    Neither of these points have penalties to them if ignored.
    I can sort of see the alcohol thing, and TBH it surprised me that so many people object to it. Like, do you really need alcohol THAT much? Apparently they do. Earlier there was talk about this alcohol thing affecting business because dinners, booze and business were so integral to Japanese working habits. Personally I see it as a crutch to cope with all the other BS that stems from JPN society.

    1&2 have pretty much been the only steps taken by the gov since the cOVID thing started. Right now, the hospitals in tokyo and surrounding areas are struggling to take Covid patients because there are so few public hospitals and private ones wont take them because of the money side of things, or they don't have the resources. However disgust is beginning to show, as a pregnant woman lost her 8mth child as she had complications and nowhere would accept her.
    You wouldn't think that Japan has had almost 2 years to prepare.

    On top of that, while they are rolling out vaccines, it's very very slow. There was a big push when private companies were organising them for staff and things were moving well, but then, bam, a vaccine shortage. Now the govt is doing it and every week on Monday morning, the booking website is slammed for 30 minutes and then all bookings are taken. It's ridiculous! Too bad if you want a vaccine, you've gotta be darn lucky to get a booking. It's easier to get concert tickets than it is to get a vaccine booking.

    Trains are packed, shops are packed, day care, schools, kindergartens all packed. Numbers reported from the covid website seem fairly low, but the amount of effort required to actually get a PCR test done means you're half dead anyway.
    On the 24th August, place had 21000 NEW cases reported. I suspect that actual cases are MUCH MUCH higher as they don't properly trace or test very much at all.

    The govt can't drop a proper lockdown with penalties it would seem, but last year everyone took the "shutdown" pretty seriously, but I think with the Olympics happenin now, many people are tired, or its only effected people they don't know, so now very few people seem to be taking any action. While I like to think that people can think by themselves, it seems to me that this may not actually be the case. And in Japan, unless the government leads first, businesses are unlikely to follow . (This is all related to the aging population of Japan and the politicians all being old men as well. Truly archaic, but that's a whole other rant)

    Place is screwed. Stay away for a while.
    Thanks Tetuswan. Great example of what happens in a country that gets bored of trying to control COVID, or indeed barely even tries.

  7. #397
    Join Date
    12th Jun 2011


    No wonder I never got my Transformers from Japan that were sent back when the state of emergency started. There are much bigger issues in Japan than sending packages around the world.

    If people don't go get vaccinated and the government takes Covid seriously we will end up in the same situation in Australia.
    I have a list of all G1 characters that have been released in CHUG form. You can find it here. Please feel free to let me know if I got anything wrong so I can fix it.

  8. #398
    Join Date
    5th May 2008
    Clifton Hill, Melbourne


    Had my first vaccine shot today. I had booked for Astrazenica 3 weeks ago because that's all I was eligible for at the time.

    When I turned up today and went through the queue the guy who checked me in asked if I wanted to change to Pfizer. Thought that was nice that they are allowing people to swap on the day.

    Only a few hours since the jab but so far no side effects other than a slightly sore arm.
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  9. #399
    Join Date
    10th Mar 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Phoenix View Post
    Had my first vaccine shot today. I had booked for Astrazenica 3 weeks ago because that's all I was eligible for at the time.

    When I turned up today and went through the queue the guy who checked me in asked if I wanted to change to Pfizer. Thought that was nice that they are allowing people to swap on the day.

    Only a few hours since the jab but so far no side effects other than a slightly sore arm.
    Yeah had my first pfizer shot on Monday. The sore arm will peak tonight and should go away by tomorrow or the next day. Otherwise I didn't notice anything.
    Looking to buy lucky draw Armada Prime and Diaclone Marlboor Wheeljack.

  10. #400
    Join Date
    4th Jan 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Tha_Phantom View Post
    The sore arm will peak tonight and should go away by tomorrow or the next day. Otherwise I didn't notice anything.
    Same here. On my second Pfizer shot, no noticeable effects other than sore arm for a few days. For my first shot though, i did feel fatigue for an hour or so the afternoon of the shot.

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