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Thread: A bit sad today...

  1. #11
    Join Date
    7th Jan 2008


    Cheer up STL.

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Mannum, South Australia


    Im involved in Scouting- we have a lot of rules and regs and get a lot of training about keeping yourself safe from getting into a position where you put yourself at risk . And you know what- its dam tricky.

    You have to think two steps ahead. Its a worry because ive had kids come up and hang off me because they are having a good time at an activity or similar- some i think do it because they feel safe around you (think as you as a parent figure). Some kids have a pretty tough home life too and enjoy being around people who encourage them etc.

    Im trained as a mandate reporter now so im required by law to report anything remotely suspiscious. Unfortunately some leaders/ parents from my group and myself witnessed a leader from another district at a big event acting inappropriately with a child. We all agreed that his conduct with this child was suspiscious so we reported him.

    Sounds like youve got a good heart STL, pitty there arent more people like you.

    I could go on and on on this matter. I dont think people should stop helping each other out and being nice. But i do think you need to think it through VERY carefully before you do it. Make sure there are always people around you who can prove youve done nothing wrong.

    Oh and on that note- apparently there are people who who take advantage of these situations to get substantial amounts of money out of innocent people. Fancy that...
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  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vector Sigma 13
    Im trained as a mandate reporter now so im required by law to report anything remotely suspiscious.
    It's good how you got training for that. I'm also bound to report anything sussed but I've never received any training for anything like that... so it just makes me paranoid. :/

  4. #14
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007
    Wollongong, NSW


    This stuff boils my blood. I feel your pain STL. I've heard of fathers and grandfathers being approached by the police because they were playing with their child/grandchild in a park and some ultra-PC bystander with a paranoid personality disorder reported them. Seriously, what the hell is going on?

    Kids can get up to all sorts of mischief and be taken advantage of online, not least of all by advertisers, but the plain and simple statistics confirm that the vast majority of assaults, abuse, kidnappings, etc, happen from people kids know. Not strangers. But of course that doesn't sell news.

    I come across kids being abused or at risk all the time at work (family law) and the majority if the time it is simply one person trying to destroy the other by raising such an offensive allegation.

    The "good samaritan" is dead an buried, thanks to the US and their viral litigious attitude. For example, if you are a doctor and come across an accident and do not help, you can be sued and even charged criminally. However, if you do assist and God forbid something goes wrong (given you are on the side of the street with no equipment) you can be sued for medical negligence!!!

    This paranoia is leading to the next generation of kids being the "silent generation". They will say and do nothing, and live "safely" online in their bedrooms. There has to be some point where people say "You know, most people are just like me, normal people, not rapists and molesters". This is of course the truth. Then perhaps society can move forward cohesively and harmoniously and stop wasting time looking for catastrophes.
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  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDirtyDigger View Post
    Do you need a cuddle?
    I'd like a cuddle!

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  6. #16
    Pulse is offline Rank 1 - New or Inactive
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    I'm sorry but guys don't cuddle other guys... (that's kinda creepy )

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiby View Post
    The "good samaritan" is dead an buried, thanks to the US and their viral litigious attitude. For example, if you are a doctor and come across an accident and do not help, you can be sued and even charged criminally. However, if you do assist and God forbid something goes wrong (given you are on the side of the street with no equipment) you can be sued for medical negligence!!!

    This paranoia is leading to the next generation of kids being the "silent generation". They will say and do nothing, and live "safely" online in their bedrooms. There has to be some point where people say "You know, most people are just like me, normal people, not rapists and molesters". This is of course the truth. Then perhaps society can move forward cohesively and harmoniously and stop wasting time looking for catastrophes.
    Yep, one of the major points that was made to us in a certified first aid class, (10 years ago even), was that even if you help someone, they can turn around and get you in trouble because they didn't consent, and all that other "legal" non-sense (from a common sense perspective).

    So yes, we're given all this training, and then encouraged not to use it because you can end up in jail/homeless and broke.

    "Ambulance chasing" lawyers and those that utilise them need to die. You know there is no offence directed to you there Tiby because we all know you don't fit in that category.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pulse View Post
    I'm sorry but guys don't cuddle other guys... (that's kinda creepy )
    It's alright fellas, we can hug, there's transformers in the room.
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  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pulse View Post
    I'm sorry but guys don't cuddle other guys... (that's kinda creepy )
    No, we give MANLY hugs
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  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pulse View Post
    I'm sorry but guys don't cuddle other guys... (that's kinda creepy )
    Where did you get the impression I was asking you for one? My comment was directed at TheDirtyDigger.

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  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by STL View Post
    ... I was driving home at around 8 and it was starting to pour and I saw an elderly lady taking her groceries home from the local plaza. I wanted to pull over and offer a lift home but my mate said, you'd look like a stalker or it could be totally read the wrong way so in that split second I decided to keep driving instead of stopping and asking her if she wanted a lift.
    I know what you were really going to do... you sick b@st@rd!

    In all seriousness though, the best way to fix this problem is with a bit of reproduction and proper training. I teach my kid to take candy from strangers whenever possible.

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