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Thread: What single Autobot could be a match for a

  1. #1
    Join Date
    25th Jan 2017

    Default What single Autobot could be a match for a Combiner?

    I am still trying to figure out whom this might be referring to.
    I cannot think of any single Autobot with enough combat power to fight a Combiner on equal terms.

    I assume it is unlikely to be Omega Supreme or Galaxy Shuttle, since the game engine does not support adding a megabot as a team member.

    The only combat power bot they've added so far is this guy, an ingame cutscene has him fight six Seekers alone and win.
    They literally retreated because they wanted to stay alive!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Quote Originally Posted by Tilarta View Post

    I am still trying to figure out whom this might be referring to.
    I cannot think of any single Autobot with enough combat power to fight a Combiner on equal terms.

    I assume it is unlikely to be Omega Supreme or Galaxy Shuttle, since the game engine does not support adding a megabot as a team member.

    The only combat power bot they've added so far is this guy, an ingame cutscene has him fight six Seekers alone and win.
    They literally retreated because they wanted to stay alive!
    I don't know the lore of Earth Wars - but Omega Supreme seems the most likely choice.

    This is very G1 though right? Otherwise, given their comments about already being on earth and will rise, I might imagine that their Ark is actually Omega Surpreme (ala Animated)

  3. #3
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    The lore is a very big mishmash, G1 inspired, but with elements from Victory, Combiner Wars/Caminus and Beast Wars.
    And there's a little bit of GI Joe too, Melody is a tech specialist the Joes assigned to work with the Autobots on Earth, as a liaison of sorts.

    We're currently in the middle of the Victory arc, the Combiner Deathsaurus is assembling is Liokaiser.

    Megabots have a very specific mechanic and so far, a singular megabot like Omega Supreme is not supported by the game.
    You basically have to collect all the Combiner Components in 3* or higher quality (example, Technobots for Computron), then use Ore-13 to power up the Combiner for 15 minutes of game time.
    Hence why the one they are referring to is unlikely to be Omega Supreme, since he has no individual components to assemble as a Combiner.
    The same applies to Galaxy Shuttle.

    If you look in the upper right corner of the video, you can see a piece of the Ark, so it is already in their base.
    The Autobots have basically assembled their base next to the mountain where the Ark crashed.
    So it's unlikely their Ark is Omega Supreme, otherwise they'd just activate him instead of having to seek "the one who will rise" out.

    Metroplex and Trypticon have appeared in the game, but they are not stationed on Earth, they're residing on Cybertron.
    And they're not available as squad members.

  4. #4
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    Dai Atlas.

    The dude killed Abominus, Menasor, Devastator and Predaking before dinner time.

  5. #5
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    Sounds like he'd be a high probability of being the one.
    There was only one episode of Transformers Zone correct?

    Since StarSaber already exists ingame, this could be a connection to Dai Atlas.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilarta View Post
    Sounds like he'd be a high probability of being the one.
    There was only one episode of Transformers Zone correct?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tilarta View Post
    Since StarSaber already exists ingame, this could be a connection to Dai Atlas.
    Yeah but Star Sabre never killed a gestalt. He defeated Dinoking a few times but actually got beaten up by Liokaiser on several occasions, sometimes even nearly killed by the Breastmaster gestalt (there was at least one time when Liokaiser would've killed Star Sabre if he hadn't been rescued by God Ginrai). Liokaiser was ultimately killed by Victory Leo and Dinoking survived the events of TF Victory. If any one Autobot deserves the title of Gestalt-Killer, it would have to be Dai Atlas. I neglected to mention before that he did also kill King Poseidon - so that's six Decepticon gestalts that he slaughtered (plus Overlord and Trypticon for good measure) all within his debut episode. Star Sabre had forty-four episodes and killed a total of zero gestalts. Boo!

  7. #7
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    StarSabre was mentioned mostly for continuity connect porpoises, if he exists in the game's universe, then by extension, Dai Atlas must too:

    StarSabre is part of Victory Saber correct?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilarta View Post
    continuity connect porpoises
    Discovery Channel'd!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tilarta View Post
    if he exists in the game's universe, then by extension, Dai Atlas must too:
    I don't know... games stuff... but ... not necessarily? The Dinobot Paddles only exists in the Legends and Earth Wars continuities but no other. <shrugs> And while both Dai Atlas and Star Sabre exist in the IDW universe, they hate each other - and indeed it was Star Sabre who killed Dai Atlas.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tilarta View Post
    StarSabre is part of Victory Saber correct?
    Correct. Star Sabre combines with Victory Leo (the reincarnated God Ginrai) to become Victory Sabre. Although it was only Victory Leo who killed Liokaiser - they were separate at time and Star Sabre was somewhere else... selling pamphlets or something, I dunno. But it was Victory Leo who blasted Liokaiser into the maw of the still charging super-cannon of Deathsaurus' fortress which ended up killing the Decepticon gestalt.

    Shut up, Gimli.
    Much like the G1 cartoon Dinobots you stopped being cool after Fellowship, then after that you were just degraded as comic relief.

  9. #9
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    I don't know specifically what continuity the game follows, but it seems to be primarily G1 and if they ever bring in IDW plot points, it's rarely and only when absolutely necessary.

    Since Star Sabre, Deathsaurus and the Liokaizer components are the only Victory elements as this time, we can't know for certain what part they play.
    The only explanation Star Sabre gives is that Deathsaurus stole his original Star Sabre and he's using a copy which "isn't balanced properly and swings a little off centre".
    Deathsaurus himself refers to having a living metal destroying cannon.
    As regarding Liokaizer, the ingame backstory is at one point in the distant past, Deathsaurus had the Enigma of Combination (which is currently secured in a vault in Autobase) and he used it on his troops to give them the power of combination, then erased their short term memories so they could not remember he did this.

    The current plot Deathsaurus is following is that he's broken away from the primary Decepticon faction to make his own push for total control (because he doesn't want to follow Megatron's orders anymore) and he's using a string of secret bases to bring in the Liokaizer components one by one, then restoring their short term memories so they can remember how to combine.
    The main problem is, that the Autobots figured out what he is up to, then built a solar array that can jam space bridge travel world wide, so he only got half his troops before the space bridges shut down.
    Also, every time he used a space bridge, the Autobots and Decepticons showed up enmasse to destroy his base, so he keeps having to move to the next one.
    Then Starscream and Swindle managed to take control of the solar array and Starscream attempted to blackmail Deathsaurus, which results in his untimely demise, because Deathsaurus wanted to make the deal with Swindle instead, as he'd offer better terms then Starscream demanded.
    FYI, Starscream already died once already, but he used an experimental Cybertronian forge to grant himself a new body. Yes, for a while, he was Ghost Starscream. And he'll probably be so again.

    So if they're setting up Dai Atlas to be their grand savior against Liokaizer, it's highly unlikely they'll make him villainous or feud with Star Sabre.

    According to the Devs and Grimlock (apparently), Paddles does exist in the Earth Wars universe, but as something of a recurring joke.
    When Grimlock mentions getting a sixth Dinobot to reinforce their troops, everyone is horrified at the thought of bringing Paddles in and are rather relieved to discover he was bringing Slash instead.

  10. #10
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    Thanks for reminding me why video game stories suck.

    I get it, the main purpose of a game is to entertain the player through game play. A number of kids these days can't seem to make the distinction and write stories as if they're video games (which drives their English teachers nuts). Or when Hollywood does it it's called "Rise of Skywalker."

    Wait... the game calls Star Sabre's sword the "Star Sabre"?? That's... dumb! In G1 Star Sabre's sword is called the "Sabre Blade." Why would Star Sabre's sword be named after himself? That'd be as if Megatron's fusion cannon was called "Megatron." Thanks, I hate it!

    Granted I did the same thing when I adapted MP Star Sabre into English for Hasbro, but at least I did it in a different language! For those of you who got MP Star Sabre from a local TRU, you may notice that in the instruction booklet his small sword is called the "Gladius Stellae," which is Latin for "Star Sabre." I called the large sword the "Great Sword" as a reference to the weapon of the same name that appeared in IDW (which both Star Sabre and Dai Atlas wielded in their final duel). But yeah, if you're gonna call Star Sabre's sword the "Star Sabre," then at least try to be a wee bit clever/subtle about it. Go Greek and call it the "Astro Spathi" or something, geez. As we all know, Star Sabre first cropped up as a name for a sword in Armada and it's been used in some other continuities since then (e.g. TFP etc.) - but this was always done as a reference to Star Sabre, and they're universes where - AFAIK - a character called Star Sabre doesn't exist, or certainly doesn't freakin' wield it! Armadaverse did have a Star Sabre-like character that they called Wing Sabre at least.

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