Actually, upon closer analysis they are doing a near half half split nowadays between "old" and "new" CHUG characters. Although there is a 'size bias' with the smaller/cheaper end having many more "new" CHUG characters vs toys on the dearer/bigger end of the scale. We have lots of CHUG Micromasters now but seeing whole new big boxed toys come out in CHUG is not so common. And yes, I will grant that some of these boxed CHUGs are updates of previous CHUGs that bring something completely new to the table (e.g. ER Sky Lynx vs CW Sky Lynx).

Earthrise Wheeljack and Grapple don't interest me, because cosmetic differences aside, they don't bring anything substantially new to make me want to buy them when I already own the previous CHUG toys. I guess if they're going to redo a CHUG character then that toy is going to have to work harder to persuade me to purchase it over the existing toy. Sure, Earthrise Wheeljack and Grapple both do the same basic thing as my United Wheeljack and Grapple; they transform from robots that are immediately recognisable as these characters into vehicle modes which are also immediately identifiable as these characters. Sure, the ER toys have more G1-looking designs, but I don't need my CHUGs to be slavishly G1 accurate in looks (I find that kind of dull); if I want a more G1 accurate Wheeljack and Grapple then I have my G1 Wheeljack and Grapple to scratch that itch! And if I wanted to play with a more cartoon-like Wheeljack and Grapple toy, then I have my Masterpiece to scratch that itch. Basically the toy needs to offer me something that neither the previous CHUG or MP versions offer.

Case in point: Siege Ultra Magnus
This was my third CHUG Ultra Magnus, on top of owning MP Ultra Magnus, but I still bought him anyway. Why? Because that toy does something that no other Ultra Magnus toy anywhere offers. It has a fully articulated autonomous cab robot that can combine with its trailer to become an articulated armoured super robot. G1, Classics, CW, MP... no other UM does this. Just Siege.

So I guess it's all about new CHUG toys scratching a new itch. But if that character already has an existing toy (CHUG and/or MP), then there's a greater chance that this itch has been scratched. Whereas a wholly new CHUG character toy is a no-brainer - just take my money! But yeah, it is true that Hasbro are releasing more new characters in CHUG than before.

I'd just like Hasbro to release more "new" characters for CHUG on the larger and more expensive end of---

...shut. Up. And. Take. My money!