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Thread: Funny Transformer Ripoffs & KOs

  1. #31
    Join Date
    19th Sep 2008
    Okay, it's not Earth, but we may change it to Earth later on!


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    I'm no lousy Gobot-lover, but to be fair, the Gobots came before Transformers - so technically it was the Transformers who ripped off Gobots.
    But does that mean Gobots ripped off Machine Men? Or vice versa?

    I knew Gobots were before Transformers, but I don't know how this all relates to Machine Men.

    Also, that official canon bit is gold. It's like Vince McMahon buying WCW just to grab all the good wrestlers and shut it down.

    "Hey, we own Gobots, and guess what- their entire universe got destroyed by our guys! But we keep the best ones!"

    Also, lol @ Prehistory Animal. The names they come up with for these things is pure gold.

  2. #32
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    17th Feb 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Beast_Wars_Superior View Post
    Also, that official canon bit is gold. It's like Vince McMahon buying WCW just to grab all the good wrestlers and shut it down.

    "Hey, we own Gobots, and guess what- their entire universe got destroyed by our guys! But we keep the best ones!"
    Seperated at birth?

    North Melbourne-bot...?

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gutsman Heavy
    done. Poor guy probably paid a crap load for it.

    edit: it appears my comment hasn't shown up.
    Looks like he's screening comments then. But keep it up guys! Even if it doesn't show publicly, he still actually has to view them privately to approve or disapprove them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beast_Wars_Superior
    But does that mean Gobots ripped off Machine Men? Or vice versa?
    They're the same thing. Machine Men was the name of the toyline in Australia in 1983 but elsewhere they were called Gobots.
    From wikipedia:
    "In Australia, the line was released as Machine Men. The Machine Men name had been used also by Bandai in an item to market Machine Robo in America in early 1983, but after issuing six figures the line failed. However, Bandai's Australian release was successful enough to retain the Machine Men branding, which was even added to the cartoon when that began airing."

  4. #34
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    Like Goktimus, the funniest ones I found were in the Mega Transformer Showbag, which I got this year owing to the fact that the legit one was:

    a) still in the Energon era (owing to progress, I anticipate next year's to be Beast Machines)
    b) lacking in any actual Transformers

    What I ended up with was a crappy bird-jet-Gundam thing that broke (which came with tiny knockoffs of the Megazord from the first Power Rangers season) and an orange knockoff of G1 Onslaught (along with a sword and gun which I chucked out). Since I didn't know anything about Onslaught, or that this toy was somewhat a real Transformer, I gave him the Bruticus head which came with it and called him Craptimus Prime.

    Also, once I saw a giant G1 Blitzwing in Paddy's Markets. Fortunately, I have Animated Blitzwing now, so my appetite for giant Blitzwings is satiated.

    Then there was also the 'Transmorpher' I found in a local cheap crap shop. It'd have fooled anyone with the movie-style packaging-only it had a knockoff of FAB Ratchet inside, and Bumblebee's mugshot (albeit green) on the packaging.

  5. #35
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    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    There are already lots of other people who are falling for this guy's claim as you can see on his comments page. Please help me in exposing this guy and his so-called rare Dinobot for the fraud that it is.

    Thank you.

    There are a lot of dim people out there who have no concept of what a KO is. I am still amazed at how well the KOers at the Parra fair sell their stuff that even with the low dollar value is still more expensive than ebay!

    A few fairs ago I tried to warn this guy that the Swoop he was buying at $150+ was a KO but he didn't care.

  6. #36
    Pulse is offline Rank 1 - New or Inactive
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    at one with the matrix...


    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post

    There are a lot of dim people out there who have no concept of what a KO is. I am still amazed at how well the KOers at the Parra fair sell their stuff that even with the low dollar value is still more expensive than ebay!

    A few fairs ago I tried to warn this guy that the Swoop he was buying at $150+ was a KO but he didn't care.
    & I remember the Seller telling us to "get lost" cos we were "driving away his business"...

  7. #37
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    Report to eBay if that's the case. :/

    ...that's unbelievable... so it's not the first time that people have pointed out that he owns KOs but continues to deny it. Not only that, but in this case he's trying to pass off his KO as some kind of rare prototype. That's just downright deceptive.

  8. #38
    TheDirtyDigger Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Report to eBay if that's the case. :/

    ...that's unbelievable... so it's not the first time that people have pointed out that he owns KOs but continues to deny it. Not only that, but in this case he's trying to pass off his KO as some kind of rare prototype. That's just downright deceptive.
    I figure he's a hardcore nerd and wants to wow people with his ultra rare bs prototype that we know is not a TF (or prototype) at all. While it is always in the public's best interest to know the Truth, I wouldn't worry too much about the lies being perpetrated here.
    What I find funny Gok, is that he's sent you the link to this, you've told him what it is and now he's living in a state of absolute denial, sitting in the corner in a heavy sweat, clutching his golden dragon and repeating the mantra, "It's real, Gok is just lying, It's real, Gok is just lying."

    I'm gunna post a question...

    "Wow that is nearly the coolest Tf I have seen. Can you provide a link to information about this?"

  9. #39
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    Your idea of flatter him seems to have worked because he's actually approved your comment! Everyone else's comments seem disapproved. But keep it up, because he's actually replied to us which means that not only is he reading them, but they're getting to him!

    He's latest attempt of a rebuttal - and he's already tried this argument is:
    I've searched everywhere to find out more about this one!! Only other person that I know who has one Is David Danielle and he was an Ultimate transformer fan contest winner! In my favorites in my channel there is a video where he makes a reference to this one. It is a prototype that was never released which makes it very rare! I realize that it isn't a Diaclone or a Transformer but yes a prototype and not a KO. This toy is exactly Identical to Dinobot Sludge right down to the Stickers
    I responded by saying: "Just because another fan says it's a rare prototype doesn't mean it's true. You need a more reliable source like something official (i.e. from Takara or Hasbro). Your evidence is hearsay, which is inadmissible." - I doubt he'll approve that.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDirtyDigger
    What I find funny Gok, is that he's sent you the link to this, you've told him what it is and now he's living in a state of absolute denial, sitting in the corner in a heavy sweat, clutching his golden dragon and repeating the mantra, "It's real, Gok is just lying, It's real, Gok is just lying."
    Pretty much. I bet he wishes he hadn't now.

    P.S.: I also just posted: "Go to w w w. toyarchive. com/ Transformers/ Knockoffs/ Sludge1. html and you can see photos of this toy IN BOX and it clearly shows it as a KO. This toy is called "Prehistory Animal Prontosaurus." Also, the Dinobots came from Diaclone's Kyouryuu Robo line, so if it didn't exist in Diaclone then it's fake. See Diaclone. net. Again, you can also contact Takara on +81-3-3602-3030 and seek official confirmation."

  10. #40
    TheDirtyDigger Guest


    Ok question to him....

    Does it have a date stamp or do you have information about it's year of issue??

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