Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
I'll add
TR Brisko & Kreb (Fangry & Horribull) didn't TT also release Cancer (Squeezeplay) in their LG line?

TR Sentinel Prime

Paradron Medic (Lifeline) was a TFSS (?) product as was Circuit.

Dogfight I believe was released in a 2 pack in TAV with Runamuck(?) The white one. Runabout was also released in TAV.

Teletraan 1 you could argue is being released piecemeal with the Netflix deluxes

MP5 had a Kremzeek. Possible addition?
Thanks for that. I wasn't counting Sentinel Prime as G1 since it's more of an IDW design, but I've added him because some people won't make the distinction.

I've added all the rest except for Teletran 1 and Kremzeek because T1 is just cardboard, not a toy and I'm limiting this list to CHUG so no MPs.