I'm struggling to think of which G1 characters they could release next in the new Commander Class scale. The first one that springs to my mind is Star Sabre, but I'm not sure if enough people would want to buy a Japanese Middle G1 CHUG toy. It's something that I'd love to see, and sure, I'd consider buying it to show my support to encourage Hasbro to eventually realise every G1 character as a CHUG figure.

Quote Originally Posted by nalops View Post
We did just get one in Titans Returns but could be retooled into Tidal Wave like they did with that mold. And the plane mode could represent the little Mini-con that came with him.
Hhmm... a Commander Class Tidal Wave could work. Not sure if the demand warrants it (Leader Class CW Armada Megatron was kind of a shelf warmer). Wait... why would he even have a jet mode? I'd expect such a toy to be pretty much like Armada Tidal Wave - robot to three ships that can combine into a massive battleship. Ramjet could easily be included as a new Mini-Con (just as Siege Omega Supreme came with Countdown). Still, your idea of a Commander Class Tidal Wave isn't a bad one - just unsure if the market demand would warrant it.