Finally received my first lot of Classified figures, and I'm lovin' them!
My first impressions:
-The overall aesthetics do take some getting used to. I think it's a conscious decision to steer away from realism in weaponry, which I can fully appreciate in this day and age.
- What is there in terms of realism, has been done fantastically. These feature some of the best sculpts in any 6'' scale figures. Most impressive, is that there's a ton of sculpted texture on every single figure: different textures of clothing material, weathering on metal surface, gadgets attached to clothing etc. with just the right amount of details picked out by generally well executed paint apps.
- The photo real head sculpts are well executed, with technologies Hasbro had improved so much on through the MCU Legends and SW Black Series. Especially when these have no real life counterparts to compare with.
-You can just tell the designers put so much effort into designing these figures. And some these are sooooo close to being perfect for a 6'' mass market action figure. Yet being typical Hasbro, they still managed to make the most bizarre design choices. Like Scarlett's upside down backpack, giant peg holes in the center of weapon accessories, gun wielding characters having vertical wrist hinge on one arm only...
- I don't think saying these Classified figures set a new articulation benchmark for 6'' mass market figures is hyperbole. The butterfly joints could use a bit of tweak as what they are at the moment, they aren't providing that much extra range, while taking up precious parts count. But everything else works fantastically here. Especially the double ball-jointed neck, and the ball joint waist that provides that extra layer of natural torso movement.
Anybody feel the shin guards on Duke are on the wrongs sides?
Out of the lot I have, Scarlett's my favorite. Love the freckles, and the blonde highlights in the hair.
Love the asymmetry armor on Duke's elbow and Roadblock's knee.
Head size is generally what gives people the impression of "scale". Compared to standard size ML male and female bucks, the Classified figs are a bit smaller, but not to the point where they feel out of place. They might look better with the less stylized MCU and Black Series figures.