Quote Originally Posted by Flukey View Post
Good day for me today.
I know I put it into last months acquisitions but My ER Smokescreen from Amazon just arrived..
along with Siege Mirage, Spinister & Brunt ( with a couple of Insecticons from last months purchases) from my TLTC
While SS Bonescrusher and TR Seaspray from Ebay are also due today according to Aussie post.
SS Leadfoot sent by my mate in America finally arrived after going on a round the world scenic trip for the last couple of months!
While thanks to an injection of funds I decided to grab Siege Omega Supreme from Toytollycoolgifts
And using a couple of Ebay Coupons grabbed Siege Springer..

I think my wallet needs a break....until the Netflix items finally hit the shelves here ..

Thankfully the wife, I mean minister of Finance has stamped off on these purchases! HA!