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Thread: American Election

  1. #1
    Join Date
    9th Apr 2008

    Default American Election

    Do you think there will be civil unrest? Guns have had an increase in sales. Its a pretty sad state of affiars.

    I think trump supporters might be thicked headed enough to do something.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Their War. Our World.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    3rd Sep 2014
    North-west Sydney


    I mean, there currently is social unrest in America at the moment over shootings of black people, so depending on where the election goes, will depend on the type of social unrest we get.

    Looking forward to Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo
    I'll update this when I'm needing help finding particular figures

  4. #4
    Join Date
    7th Feb 2013


    Exercise your 2nd amendment rights and burn that random guys store down to the ground!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    12th Jun 2011


    I don't like this. Trump is gaining ground incredibly fast.
    I have a list of all G1 characters that have been released in CHUG form. You can find it here. Please feel free to let me know if I got anything wrong so I can fix it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    4th Jan 2009


    States whose votes are still being counted will likely be red states. It will be close, but I think there'll be four more years.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    19th May 2008


    It seems America is in danger of regressing backwards into primitivism and fascism, with a cult of personality to boot. Even if Biden ekes out a win, it's extraordinary that so many people thought the mentally ill demagogue in the oval office who let 200,000 plus die of COVID deserves another term. Just extraordinary.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    I guess the polls got it wrong again, like in 2016... as Florida, Texas and Ohio were supposed to be ahead for Biden, and yet, were easy wins for trump.
    Maybe rallies are more effective than we think, and trump was more willing to sacrifice supporters to Covid to gain more voters, and it was estimated his rallies will cost about 700 lives to the virus. And I doubt any of his supporters would care, or even believe it, since their leader is telling them that the virus is already going away on its own, and the deaths in the news is all fake.

    So far, the blue wave that polls were expecting, hasn't happened... and the only state so far confirmed to be flipped is Arizona, which isn't a big gain of just a couple of points, and Biden needs to flip 37 points.
    I was expecting to see several states flip on election night, but now if any more than Arizona do flip, it won't be known for at least a couple days, as key states aren't counting the mail-in ballots that are mostly Democrat, until after the Election Day votes have been counted (which are mostly Republican).
    And then we have the Senate, which was only expected to go Democrat if Biden had a big win and flip those states with Senate races.
    This election had record spending on advertising, particularly by Democrats, and it was all wasted.

    I just can't believe that there are that many Americans who support a politician who downplays a virus killing over a thousand Americans each day, and encourages or supports violence and vandalism by his followers, despite criticising violence and vandalism by others who don't support him. He has certainly played this out well from four years ago, by attacking the media before they start picking apart his fake news, and then his supporters believe his lies, while dismissing anyone else who fact-checks him.

    Trump's speech was as people had expected, which was to claim victory at the end of the night if neither side was guaranteed to win.
    It was so funny... he starts off the speech by saying that the evil democrats would be rushing to the courts with their lawyers to fight the outcome, and then ends the speech by saying that he would be sending his lawyers to the Supreme Court tomorrow to stop counting any more votes... and none of his followers would even notice the hypocrisy of what he just said.

    This was noted ages ago as his plan if he didn't have outright victory on the end of the 3rd, by encouraging his supporters to vote on the day so that the results by the end of counting on the 3rd in some key swing states that don't start counting mail-in ballots until the 4th, is heavily favouring Republican... with the intention of using his Republican packed Supreme Court to stop states from counting all of those mail-in ballots, which is where he knows most of the Democratic votes are. And why are those states not able to count mail-in ballots until after election day votes??? ... they had state Republican politicians making that happen, just so that Trump can claim that those (mostly Democrat) votes dont count, or could be made invalid by the Supreme Court.
    It was a chess game by State Republicans, who already gerrymander and limiting minorities access to voter registration, setting up a situation that Trump could then use on Election Night to claim an early victory, and discredit all other votes as fraudulent... and falsely claiming that all votes are supposed to be counted on Election Night, even though that has never happened in the past (counting always goes beyond the Election Day, and the Constitution allows counting until the first week of December).

  9. #9
    Join Date
    23rd Jul 2015


    Had to laugh. There are pro-Trump gun crazies marching in the streets of Arizona chanting "Down with Fox" because Fox News is saying that Biden could win this state. I bet Trump will be calling Murdoch and screaming, "Are you my propaganda minister or the media!?"

  10. #10
    Join Date
    19th Dec 2008


    Nah, Fox has long lost their place as the American Right's 'News' outlet of choice. It's all about One America News Network (OANN) now.

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