I stand corrected, walked into a Zing, they had some Mcfarlane figures. Classic Batman, Joker an Robin. Also the latest batman wave, Batman in Azrael Armor Gold Label. Checked out Big W at Garden City they have a few Origins Battlecats $39 ea
I stand corrected, walked into a Zing, they had some Mcfarlane figures. Classic Batman, Joker an Robin. Also the latest batman wave, Batman in Azrael Armor Gold Label. Checked out Big W at Garden City they have a few Origins Battlecats $39 ea
I just received a cancellation for one of my Motu origins orders. Reason cancelled order by the Australian Supplier. Happy to get a refund, but sad one of the figures was Webstor, actually one of my favorite charactersI am having really bad luck with my Motu orders, so much delayed or missing in action. I think it might be time to move on, unless by some miracle retail delivers.
Big W has received new stock, which is going on shelves right now. I obtained all of wave 6 this evening. My shop got three cases, with no sign of wave 5 toys. I hope they'll turn up presently.
I've just purchased Jitsu, Sorceress and Buzz-Off from my local Big W - I left alt-Stratos on the shelf. Was a pretty big surprise to see them! I'd been expecting the wave with Faker, but this is a different wave.
Ooh, where was this? Big W Mildura currently shows as no stock (and a visit yesterday confirmed that they're out of everything but a pair of Battle Cats), but I've been watching the delivery option show something being available (from Big W as whole) every few days for the past couple of weeks. Getting Wave 7 would be an improvement, even if we all want the first several waves instead![]()
I saw shadow panther. Didnt notice anything else as searching for tfs.
So this is not a good sign...
Big W has revised their web page, and deleted ALL Origins entries except for Battle Cat (which is probably only because there are piles of them just sitting there on shelves). Not even He-Man and Skelly left.
I suppose it isn't unreasonable, given that they have been almost entirely unable to obtain stock for the past 6 months, and I had more or less resigned myself to buying from elsewhere for between 2 and 6 times the recommended retail price, but still...
FU Mattel. Get your shit together.
Just managed to somehow snag a Sun Man from an Australian Amazon vendor. No idea how they've got them (1 left right now), as the things appear to be difficult to obtain in the US where the wave has only just been released. And the price was almost sane :P
Anyone know where I can grab She-Ra, Scare Glow or Mer-Man (non-LOP version) for a decent price? Can't believe the prices these are going for on the aftermarket.