Series - War for Cybertron
Sub-line - Trilogy
Size/class - Deluxe
New/remould/redeco - Minor retool of Earthrise Fasttrack
Wave - Surf's up
Released here - ??
Approximate Retail Price - US$19.99 (AU$26)
Approximate Size - 13cm
Allegiance - Decepticon
Alt-mode - all-terrain buggy
Main Features/Gimmicks - Modulator, A.I.R. Lock system
Main Colours - gold, black
Main Accessories - x2 blasters, dagger

NOTE: This toy is a repaint and minor retool of Earthrise Fasttrack. See the review thread on ER Fasttrack for more comments and discussion about the original mould. This review thread will focus on differences made.

* WYSIWYG; it's a sparkly gold repaint of Fasttrack.
* The purple on guns and wheels are mauve instead of indigo like on the G1 toy (came w/ Black Zarak)
* Head has been retooled with Fasttrack's antennae removed. This is based on a misconception that the Guardminder leader has no antennae, but in actuality he does - they're black but in some shots they blend with the black background.

Overall: I personally think it's worth buying because it's cheaper than getting a G1 Black Roritchi, plus I don't have to worry about it crumbling from GPS!