What are our prospects, being Australians, for obtaining last year's WFC exclusives?

The ones I care about are:

So far as I know, them being released as US store exclusives means they are never going to hit retail shelves here. If they see Japanese release (such as is rumoured for Siege Skywarp), well, that doesn't seem to be much better.

I can see some Thrusts and Runabouts on ebay from US sellers, but I'd rather not buy from them if I can help it (the "import fees" that go to Pitney Bowes are nothing but a rip-off, and don't even show up until you click through the buy it now section), and as for Dirge and Ramjet... for some reason they appear to be strangely uncommon (I see only two items on all of e-bay today), and of course they are stupidly priced (over $400 in both cases).

Are there better options? Are there even other options?