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Thread: MOTU Revelation Netflix trailer

  1. #11
    Join Date
    20th Apr 2017


    Old She-ra was probably better than He-man simply because the storytelling was a little more nuanced. But don't expect shakespeare from either.
    They were both comically idiotic but always polite, always tried to have a message or a point to make. In a nutshell, they were suitable for kids.
    But by golly, when they hold that sword aloft...

  2. #12
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    4th Jan 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Jaxius._ View Post
    I'm assuming it's like G1 and the original voltron
    Turn brain off watch for innocent fun
    Original MOTU storyline is so much worse than G1 or OG Voltron. I couldn't finish the first episode when i tried rewatching a year or two ago.

    Netflix MOTU, on the other hand, has been enjoyable so far, two episodes in. The animation is decent (except for the static backgrounds), and i'm enjoying the story so far.

  3. #13
    JJJ is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Q View Post
    Original MOTU storyline is so much worse than G1 or OG Voltron. I couldn't finish the first episode when i tried rewatching a year or two ago.
    I started to re-watch the original cartoon a few months ago when I first learnt about this new cartoon. I didn't have to force myself, as such, but it did take conscious effort, and once I stopped to watch something else for a while, I just ... failed to go back to it. I might yet.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJJ View Post
    I didn't have to force myself, as such, but it did take conscious effort, and once I stopped to watch something else for a while, I just ... failed to go back to it. I might yet.
    I think Original MOTU is the worst amongst the 80s cartoons that I've rewatched over the last few years. The only thing worse was Hanna-Barbera Godzilla.

    Inhumanoids, Visionaries, and Real Ghostbusters were OK.

    IMO, Thundercats, JP G1 TF and Galaxy Rangers have aged better, both in terms of animation and storyline.

  5. #15
    Kranix is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    The real Ghostbusters is a show I haven't tried to re-watch. Really liked it as a kid, it may hold up. May have to find a way to watch it.

  6. #16
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    Watched the show. It wasn’t bad. And a woman takes the lead which has made the man babies angry.
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Q View Post
    I think Original MOTU is the worst amongst the 80s cartoons that I've rewatched over the last few years. The only thing worse was Hanna-Barbera Godzilla.

    Inhumanoids, Visionaries, and Real Ghostbusters were OK.

    IMO, Thundercats, JP G1 TF and Galaxy Rangers have aged better, both in terms of animation and storyline.
    I found out of the olde cartoons, Thundercats and lion Voltron were pretty awful. Thundercats just seems to bland with random freaky bad guy for the week situations. I feel like my biggets issue with thundercats is that it could've been so much better. Lion Voltron, I bought on VHS whens they started doing re-releases and without fail it would put me to sleep on the couch.

    I watched and enjoyed Revelations, but don't think its fantastic. The second episode was a drag and I forced myself through, but glad that I did as it picked up from 3 onwards.

    I did have some issues with some of the story decisions made in it.
    Spoilers incoming:
    Wise King Randor sacking/exiling Man-at-arms on the spot after all they've been through seemed like a huge WTF moment.
    Teela getting super shirty about not being kept in the loop re Adam/He-man and from then on completely despising him, even until the point where she meets him the afterlife. He died saving the world and Teela is still hassling the guy about how he betrayed her feelings. Wah wah wah Teela, you're a Master of the Universe as well. Speaking of which what happened to all the other Masters? Where did they go?
    Teela being told that they need her help to help save the entirety of existence and her being all whingey over her feelings. How selfish is this girl?
    Evil-Lyn blaming all her issues on Skeletor and feeling upset that he didn't recognise her brilliance. Well DUH, he's freaking Skeletor, he's not a fair, or nice guy.
    Essentially, there are times when I thought Teela just acted like a spoilt selfish brat and it felt out of place
    I did like the Lyn/Orko section. Oh, and my glowboy Scareglow was hella cool!

    End of spoilers

    Aside from that I rather enjoyed the character progression. It was nice to see what was happening to the bad guys without Skeletor holding them together, although I felt the episode with Triclops' debut was a little too edgy for it's own good. I would've liked to see more of King Randor and how exactly the world was going with dwindling magic. Oh, cute Pine comment from Skeletor, made me smile.

    The final episode was cool. I was all getting hyped and then I got even more hyped when the end happened. Will be very interested to see season 2!

    Also, who were all those "champions (?)" in the after life, Greyskull, He-ro, Wun-darr(?) what about the sorceress looking chick?

    Was it perfect? No
    Was it enjoyable? Yes.
    Will I want to see more? Yes, I would like to know where it is going.

  8. #18
    JJJ is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tetsuwan Convoy View Post
    Also, who were all those "champions (?)" in the after life, Greyskull, He-ro, Wun-darr(?) what about the sorceress looking chick?
    Exactly that - champions, from the past, and a previous sorceress. The back-story to He-Man is lengthy, but think of it like this - Prince Adam/He-Man is the latest champion, just like Buffy was the latest Slayer.

    He-Ro never got past the prototype in the 80s, and Wun-Dar was a fan-club-only repaint of He-Man. King Grayskull was invented for the 2002 reboot. The priestess is an invention of Revelation, and serves the same purpose as the rest, to show a series of heroes holding the same roles thoughout history.

  9. #19
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    The 2000's Mattel He-Man team did a lot of work synthesising the mythology of He-Man into what they released through the Classics line, trying to bring in a lot of the half-finished concepts into something that would allow for a continuous saga over many generations.

    Think of it like what Hasbro tried to do for the Aligned continuity, but a bit more successful.

    I've been watching the Spector Creative videos recently - from their former Brand Manager/Brand Designer and it's been really interesting to see the level of thought and world building they tried to instil. And also the minefield of IP rights across He-Man and She-Ra across the different mediums (toys VS TV series VS movies VS comics)

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJJ View Post
    He-Ro never got past the prototype in the 80s, and Wun-Dar was a fan-club-only repaint of He-Man. King Grayskull was invented for the 2002 reboot. The priestess is an invention of Revelation, and serves the same purpose as the rest, to show a series of heroes holding the same roles thoughout history.
    I assumed that was the case, I was wondering if I knew their names. The priestess was the one I was most curiosu about, thanks for the clarification.
    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim Prime View Post
    I've been watching the Spector Creative videos recently - from their former Brand Manager/Brand Designer and it's been really interesting to see the level of thought and world building they tried to instil. And also the minefield of IP rights across He-Man and She-Ra across the different mediums (toys VS TV series VS movies VS comics)
    Are they on youtube? I might give them a watch. I find the He-man franchise interesting in that it's kinda cool, but somehow never manages to kick off into something awesome. And I wonder why.

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