Went back to TFH around midday and saw 4 Legacy Minervas sitting in a carton on the shop floor - don't know if they are reserved. Also saw 2 Legacy Hero is Born sets on the shop floor.
Went back to TFH around midday and saw 4 Legacy Minervas sitting in a carton on the shop floor - don't know if they are reserved. Also saw 2 Legacy Hero is Born sets on the shop floor.
Studio Series 15th Anniversary boxset preorder available until 10am today, SG$208.
Haslab Deathsaurus for preorder SGD$268 (about $311).
New preorders for Dec release:
G1 86 Movie Starscream SGD$54.
Shattered Glass Slicer SGD$64.
WFC Commander Earthrise Sky Lynx reissue in stock at SGD$144 + $36 shipping.
Slicer has arrived.
Still no response on when they think Flamewar is coming...
G1 86 Movie Starscream in stock now at SGD$54 + $17 shipping.
Buzzworthy Bumblebee preorders open and closing tomorrow (Wed) for Dec release:
Optimus Prime Leader SGD$92.
NEST Bonecrusher SGD$51.
NEST Ratchet SGD$35.
Wave 1 Legacy Evolution (Wave 4 Legacy?) Voyagers and Deluxes and Legacy Magnificus preorders also closing tomorrow. We can get them in Aus for around the same or cheaper given SG shipping and the weak AUD currently, but they are releasing in Dec for those who want them earlier.