Totally not PR Dino related, but I caught the first episode of the new Super Sentai on the telly. Donrangers I think its called.
It's theme is the Japanese folk tale Momotaro, with a heavy Kabuki flavour added in. I love me some Japanese folk tales, so watched the first episode. Each ranger is based on Momotaro and his companions (a pheasant, a dog a monkey and some yellow ranger chick). The baddies so far are oni(ogre/demons)

It was... Eh, I dunno, not terrible by any means, but very computer graphics heavy. As cheesy as the people in box suits looks, its what I enjoy about PR so seeing a whole fight in front of a green screen with (possibly) motion capture zord action just didn't tickle my fancy.

Also the Pink ranger, who is based on the bird is really tall and has bird skinny legs. Obviously motion captured and edited into the fights. But the model is super shiny and doesn't seem to have the same lighting as the other rangers. = looks really fake and out of place. Add to that its motion captured as well (motion capture doesn't seem to work well with exaggerated proportions), it looks terribly amateurish. Like something a person on YouTube would do when they've just discovered how to do green screening and motion capture. <- that does almost summ up most of Japanese TV at the moment though, so not surprising.
Can't wait to see how bad the dog character will look in the show. It's half the height of the human characters.

I do give props to the fight coordinator though and stunt people, must be hard to get it all working together.
Excited for episode 2