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Thread: Power Rangers Dino Fury

  1. #1
    Join Date
    24th May 2007

    Default Power Rangers Dino Fury

    I saw on Sunday, the first episode of the newest season of Power Rangers, called Dino Fury (their 3rd or 4th Dino themed series so far) was screening on channel 9go.
    This is the first series entirely made by Hasbro and eOne, after they bought the franchise from Saban a couple years ago... so I was going to see how it plays out, to see if the new owner gives it much of a different feel to it (as far as it can vary from the original Japanese source material).

    I haven't seen most of the series since the two movies in the 90s, but did find a recent series (Dino Charge) interesting, for having 10 Rangers... but the story ended poorly.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    5th May 2008
    Clifton Hill, Melbourne


    I'm not a fan of the Megazord for this series. While I like the Lego-like aspect to it I don't like the combined modes. They look super tacked on. Like its not one zord making up the arms and another making up the torso. It's more like they have just strapped the other zords onto the main one as weapons.
    Nothing Hasbro can do about it but pick another Sentai to use, but some of the Sentai recently I don't think would have appealed to the West. Maybe Lupinranger VS Patranger, but that was very different as it was 2 teams of 3 and they were sort of against each other as a cops vs robbers sort of deal.

    Oh and if you thought 10 Rangers in Dino Charge was a lot, look into Kyurangers. They had 12 in total, most of them being there from the start.
    I do like the suits from that series but the zords look like trash. I can see why Saban/Hasbro skipped it and
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    9th Nov 2009


    Dino Fury has been very good, so far it's one of the better ones since the Neo Saban era started. The cast is very charming, and there's a lot of work done to add depth to the characters and the world they live in. You learn about their jobs, their families, and even some effort was done to make the Ranger powers and their presence internally workable within the universe. For example, there's a Ranger hotline setup for people to call the Rangers for help and rules are established on how teleportation works. All these may seem like small gestures that may be ordinary for other shows, but this is a huge step in quality given how poor Power Rangers has often been for the past decade.

    Credit to u/Latter-Ad6308 on reddit, but there will be new episodes for Dino Fury starting next weekend. New episodes on Saturday and Sunday 1pm AEST.

    Also would like to note that Toyworld has the Combining Zords in stock! Red Champion Zord and Blue and Black sets are available (no Green and Pink sadly) for sale for a really good deal at $29.99. These Zords so far appear to be perhaps the best American versions ever made, with fantastic articulation and even more detailing than their Japanese counterparts! At that price it's a steal IMO.

  4. #4
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    24th May 2007


    When I saw the zords on the tv show, I thought that the "lego" studs spoiled them (which I expected were on the toys)... but maybe that allowed the (new Hasbro) designers to be able to focus more on their articulation and combining options, without having kibble getting in the way or unsightly holes needed for bits to plug into.

    I'd be surprised if we do get new episodes here next weekend, as they aren't supposed to show in America until October... but apparently 2 have screened in France this week, so it is possible.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by ComicGuy89 View Post
    Also would like to note that Toyworld has the Combining Zords in stock! Red Champion Zord and Blue and Black sets are available (no Green and Pink sadly) for sale for a really good deal at $29.99. These Zords so far appear to be perhaps the best American versions ever made, with fantastic articulation and even more detailing than their Japanese counterparts! At that price it's a steal IMO.
    That's a really good price, given the complete five set has been around $123 on the few times it's been available on Amazon as a US import

    The actual toys seem really well designed, i just don't love the Megazord design so far so I've kinda waffled on it the few times I've seen it there

    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    I'd be surprised if we do get new episodes here next weekend, as they aren't supposed to show in America until October... but apparently 2 have screened in France this week, so it is possible.
    The three extra episodes that went up on Netflix but haven't aired on telly in America yet are meant to start on Nickelodeon there from next week so I think it's possible we'll keep going on with new episodes. My understand is we've gotten ahead of America with broadcasts of Beast Morphers in the past (wasn't actively following that series myself)

  6. #6
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    24th May 2007


    The rest of the latest season did indeed play here, with the last episode on last weekend... and now they are playing the season before it (Beast Morphers), which was the season that was during the transition between Saban and Hasbro (the toys for Beast Morphers were the first to be done by Hasbro).

    The end of Dino Fury was not what I was expecting, but recent series have had two seasons, so this one should have another year to it.
    I was expecting Void Knight to be revealed to be another of the old Knights from that other planet, as he has the same chest detail on his outfit as the Rangers... and then become the Purple Ranger, eventually becoming good once again to help defeat Lord Zedd.

    After 25 years, the casting has certainly been reversed. I remember back in the early years, their idea of diversification was having one person who was black (in the black outfit), one person who was Asian (in yellow), and the person in pink being a female, with the rest being white males and just about everyone else in the show was white. In the last two series there wasn't any white males as Rangers at all, after the first series was half white-male. Being a tv show for Western markets, it just feels like they are trying too hard to avoid any racial criticism by excluding completely a significant demographic.
    Last edited by griffin; 31st October 2021 at 07:26 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    From what i hear dino fury season 2 is exclusive to netflix in america but i dont know about australia

  8. #8
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    Speaking of Beast Morphers, the episode on last Saturday had no sound the entire episode, just the background music. The commercials had full sound, but then when the show came back on, there was no sound. And no subtitles either.
    Fortunately it wasn't an important episode, as the main story stars this weekend, introducing characters from older series.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    Totally not PR Dino related, but I caught the first episode of the new Super Sentai on the telly. Donrangers I think its called.
    It's theme is the Japanese folk tale Momotaro, with a heavy Kabuki flavour added in. I love me some Japanese folk tales, so watched the first episode. Each ranger is based on Momotaro and his companions (a pheasant, a dog a monkey and some yellow ranger chick). The baddies so far are oni(ogre/demons)

    It was... Eh, I dunno, not terrible by any means, but very computer graphics heavy. As cheesy as the people in box suits looks, its what I enjoy about PR so seeing a whole fight in front of a green screen with (possibly) motion capture zord action just didn't tickle my fancy.

    Also the Pink ranger, who is based on the bird is really tall and has bird skinny legs. Obviously motion captured and edited into the fights. But the model is super shiny and doesn't seem to have the same lighting as the other rangers. = looks really fake and out of place. Add to that its motion captured as well (motion capture doesn't seem to work well with exaggerated proportions), it looks terribly amateurish. Like something a person on YouTube would do when they've just discovered how to do green screening and motion capture. <- that does almost summ up most of Japanese TV at the moment though, so not surprising.
    Can't wait to see how bad the dog character will look in the show. It's half the height of the human characters.

    I do give props to the fight coordinator though and stunt people, must be hard to get it all working together.
    Excited for episode 2

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