I woke up to the news on Sept 12 with the radio crew talking about it and not really sure what song to play. I remember laying there thinking what on earth are they talking about and why do they seem so downhearted. I switched the tv on while i was getting ready for work and saw the coverage and couldn't believe what i was seeing. At the time i was thinking about going to the USA to work in the Summer camp system for the next summer so i was genuinely interested in what was happening.

I went through with my plans to go there for the summer of 2002. I'm glad i did as i was there for the 1year anniversary and got to sit and watch the event with my then girlfriend who i met at the camp. I purchased a copy of the USA Today newspaper as a memory moment, which i still have. I returned home in late September 2002 and then returned for an 18month stint working year round at the camp and at the end of August 2003 i went to NY with some friends and we went to the site. Was really eerie standing there looking at the site that had been dug out for clearing and still seeing the massive drapes of covering over the other damaged buildings and just seeing the sheer scale of destruction. The most poignant part for me was standing there and not hearing any horn beeps from cars around that area, as far as i was concerned Lower Manhattan had become a place of peace as a mark of respect for the site.