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Thread: Region-Based Sightings as an alternative to Line-Based Sightings

  1. #1
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
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    Default Region-Based Sightings as an alternative to Line-Based Sightings

    Just a thought...

    When I come back from a hunt, it's a bit difficult and annoying to extrapolate what different figures I saw from each of the 5-10 stores I went to and then to have to separate out which line they belong to. As a poster, I would find it much easier to post something like:

    Melbourne Sightings:
    TRU Bumfolk: Lots of Animated Deluxes, Movie Premium Deluxes and lots of Ultras, Mudflap/Inferno and Deep Space SS and Blades/Drop Shot.
    Myer Bumfolk: Universe Prime & Combiners
    Kmart Bumfolk: Activators, Cyber Slammers and Bumber Battlers galore
    Target East Bumfolk: 4 x MP4s

    This is much easier, more concise and less error prone than the following four posts:

    Animated Sightings:
    TRU Bumfolk: Lots of Animated Deluxes
    Kmart Bumfolk: Activators and Bumber Battlers galore

    Universe Sightings
    TRU Bumfolk: Blades/Drop Shot.
    Myer Bumfolk: Universe Prime & Combiners

    Movie Sightings
    TRU Bumfolk: Movie Premium Deluxes and lots of Ultras, Mudflap/Inferno and Deep Space SS
    Kmart Bumfolk: Cyber Slammers

    Masterpiece Sightings
    Target East Bumfolk: 4 x MP4s

    Also, as a reader, Sightings to me always seemed more about location. I'd much prefer to have to skim past local sightings of figures from lines I'm not interested in, than to know about sightings from areas that I have no ability to acquire from.

    There is a case where an out-of-state sighting is of national interest and that's a first-of-its-kind sighting, and Griffin seems to like posting about those in Australian News, which any of us can do if we sight something first. We wouldn't have to go look through the other state's sightings threads, just AU news.

    What does everyone think?

    What do the Melbourne folk think?

    Is it OK if I trial a Melbourne Sightings thread for a month or so?

  2. #2
    TheDirtyDigger Guest


    I've thought about state/city sightings threads before as, in theory, the sightings would be more streamlined.


  3. #3
    MV75's Avatar
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    But still be careful and aware of why we don't like to specifically post exact locations in the public domain. And yes, that reason is scalpers. We still want fellow members and the public alike to be able to still have a chance of getting the rarer toys.
    O o 
     / --------------------------------
    |      IMMA FIRIN MA LAZAR!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    My objection would be about making it easier for scalpers.

    I don't see any problem with the current system, and think having to go through a bunch of posts to find the rare Masterpiece (for example) sighting would be more frustrating than going to the Masterpiece sightings thread.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by MV75 View Post
    But still be careful and aware of why we don't like to specifically post exact locations in the public domain. And yes, that reason is scalpers.
    Are scalpers really a problem? Transformers are barely worth the price they're sold for on the shelves these days, no one's going to make a profit from resale (particularly after postage on eBay or whatever.) And why do some people put their sightings in invisible text? It's not like scalpers don't know how to highlight words with their mouse. The whole thing seems odd to me.

  6. #6
    TheDirtyDigger Guest


    Depends on the Tf's in question and the time they are released. Ultimate BB's were scalped at more than 200% of retail price last Christmas.

  7. #7
    Pulse is offline Rank 1 - New or Inactive
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    I write sightings in code (which can be translated only by my locals ) so this doesn't make a whole lot of difference to me

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pulse View Post
    I write sightings in code (which can be translated only by my locals ) so this doesn't make a whole lot of difference to me
    "sightings in code" heehee

    sorry i had to laugh at that

    It doesn't make too much of a difference to me. I don't mind trawling through various posts to find whats out there.

    On another note, if keeping the exact locations secret really is effective in keeping scalpers at bay then I'm all for it especially since I only get to look for TF's on weekends.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pulse View Post
    I write sightings in code (which can be translated only by...
    ...everyone, actually

    No offense man, but your codes are ridiculously easy to decipher.

    Anyway, I do think jaydisc has a point. Perhaps the sightings could switch over to something akin to this:

    + New Sightings (ie first sighting of a toy, or a wave hitting a certain chain for the first time)
    + NSW / ACT
    + WA
    + VIC
    + SA
    + QLD
    + NT / TAS

    Exact details of how we divide the regions isn't so relevant yet, but the idea makes sense to me. The "PM for exact location" some members use will still apply within regional threads, where needed.

    This way we have a clearing house of what has actually been sighted in general terms _and_ an up to date guide of what's where, as is relevent to specific areas.

    The WA users need not bother wading through Pulse's poor attempts to conceal his trip to Stanhope Gardens, nor read through Iceburn's 4am trip to Burwood East, nor Goktimus laughing at the insane prices Sydney's Kinokuniya are asking this week. Instead they read about Morley, Carousel, etc.

    Eagerly waiting for Masterpiece Meister

  10. #10
    Pulse is offline Rank 1 - New or Inactive
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    How about I just say "spotted at a Big W/K-Mart/Target etc. near me" or stop posting sightings altogether? Sounds like a good idea...
    Last edited by Pulse; 3rd December 2008 at 03:48 PM.

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