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Thread: Rise of the Beasts toys, leaks and listings

  1. #41
    Join Date
    9th Apr 2008


    So cheetor is more yellow? Others look like repackaging.
    Beast mode OP = wolverine claws lol

  2. #42
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Here is the link to the full promotional video for Big W's exclusive Rise of the Beasts toys:

    This video was shot on the same day as the one they made for the TFTM coloured reissue Hound and Thundercracker, so I was also there during the shoot.
    Those are my Rise of the Beasts toys in the background. At the time of the shoot, ROTB toys hadn't hit most stores yet, not even JB Hi-Fi. I literally bought these toys just a few days prior to the shoot from The Gamesmen in Penshurst NSW, which at the time was the only place in Sydney that had ROTB toys. Hasbro didn't even have any at the time; they obviously had the toys that were being promoted, plus some Kingdom toys which I also placed on the shelves alongside my ROTB figures.

    The poster in the background was double-sided; one side showing Optimus Primal, Cheetor and Airazor, and the reverse showing Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Arcee. FWIW I initially had them display the poster with the Maximal side showing, but it was ultimately decided to show the Autobots instead. I tried.

    Quote Originally Posted by Autocon View Post
    So cheetor is more yellow? Others look like repackaging.
    Beast mode OP = wolverine claws lol
    Yeah, Nightbird and Cheetor are both the same as the individual packaged ones. I don't know if I'd call them repackaged toys, because these toys were all developed simultaneously (it's just the release dates that are being staggered). Consider how, outside of Australia, you could get the G1 Aerialbots either individually or in a box set. The box set isn't a repackage of the individually packed Aerialbots, nor are the individual packed Aerialbots repackages of the box set; they were just released that way to give consumers the option to get them individually or in a set (just not here; we Aussies could only ever collect them separately!).

    So these three toys are/will be available either individually or in a box set, and the box set in Australia is a Big W pre-order exclusive (for now). In other words, we have options.

    I posed the toys that are shown in the promotion, and Nightbird definitely gave me the most grief.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    Gold Coast, Queensland


    When you say “Nightbird definitely gave me the most grief”, what do you mean exactly? Is the toy top-heavy and falls over, or just that it was hard to get a dynamic action pose?
    On the lookout for MISB Headmaster Highbrow, Takara or Hasbro. I'm sure I could make you a sweet deal!

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