One of my favourite things about new years, is all the blogger/vlogger/reviewers putting out their 'top ten' of year.
Personally I keep a list of figures bought, and typically pick my favourite of the year along with a runner up. If the list is long enough, I'll rank the top 5 or 10. Its also interesting to look back on and see if my thoughts have changed over the years. (Spoiler: It does!).

I think it would be interesting to see what figures fellow board members liked the most for the year.
You can list your top ten or five, with or without a brief explanation why the fig is chosen or ranked the way it is. You can chose to be limited to only figs released this year, or perhaps just any figs your acquired this year. You can provide a most disappointing or most hated entry as well. Whatever. I'm not thinking we set super strict rules - mainly just has to be 2021 related. Its all subjective, and not a debate on why someone picked a particular fig.

Perhaps we could make it a yearly thing.
So what's everyone's thoughts on having a "Top Ten TF Figures of 2021" thread?

(I'm happy to start it, but not going to if there is no interest.)