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Thread: Hasbro reveal - Legacy w2 & Robosen Trailer

  1. #11
    Join Date
    24th May 2018


    Whoa, an accurate Jhiaxus - just need a Thunderwing now and I'll have the post-exodus Cybertronian triptych

  2. #12
    KELPIE is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    2nd Jan 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    LY Motormaster
    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    LY Stunticons.
    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    LY Menasor
    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    LY Menasor
    ...Not sure I approve of Legacy being abbreviated to LY.... :P

    Motormaster isn't perfect but I really like him. For some reason that shot of him standing next to Prime is just aces! While I have no need for the battle station, if we're talking playability, this has plenty. I'm loving how Menasor is appearing and cant wait to see my favourite, Dead End. He might have less back kibble since he'll be an arm? Fingers are crossed these sell well and they do other combiners. Even if it's likely they'd only do the Aerialbots and Constructicons.

    That Jhiaxus though, talk about left field and making me want something I never realised I needed. Apart from some colouring he's pretty darn faithful.

    Blitz well, Blitz is alright. I know most people are dissing the jet mode, however one mode always suffers with a Triple-Changer. I like it, I think it's the best Blitz in a long long time.

    Elita isn't bad, good looking robot. I just keep looking at that alt mode. I know there's a lot of talk about Minerva there but I just don't see it.

    It's a pass on the Prime and Beast figs for me. Not a dig at their quality, just gotta draw the line somewhere.

  3. #13
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    Elita-1's car mode looks really bad to me... but as for the Minerva version - there's already digibashes and it seems this toy was used for the current Wreckers comic version of that character.

    SG Ultra Magnus surprised me - I thought they would have done the LG Laser Optimus Prime mould - since the last SG Magnus was a recolour of a different Laser Optimus Prime toy. But they had to do those colours on that toy as some stage, just assumed it would be a Gen Selects Delta Magnus.

  4. #14
    JJJ is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Well, that's mostly rather interesting for a change (because so much has been leaked in advance over the past couple of years).

    I was never not going to get the Stunticons, but seeing Motormaster and the Menasor frame is nice. Still don't like Wild Rider's backpack (but I'm buying it), think Motormaster is a bit... well, bitty, with odd bits that don't seem entirely solid, but they're going on my shelves nevertheless. Interesting to see how Hasbro is using the now well-established armature in the trailer technique, but still doing a few things differently.

    Elita-1 is an incremental improvement over the 2021 toy, and isn't it nice to see a female transformer that isn't shaped like a sexbot for a change... Good to know what Minerva will look like, too

    Jhiaxus does look very nicely comic-y, but geez, can they at least try to get away from the jet with underslung brick look?

    An almost-but-not-quite Delta Magnus? Hmmm...

    Knock Out looks, well, okay. That's the SS86 Jazz design being re-used, right?

  5. #15
    Join Date
    19th Dec 2008


    That Tarantulas looks really good.

    The rest kind of don't really do it for me, lots of cool concepts but the execution just seems a bit...too chunky and blocky? I'm kind of not feeling the aesthetic for the line.

  6. #16
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    I have added the official images to the new Legacy and Shattered Glass toys into the first post.

    Quote Originally Posted by llamatron View Post
    Seriously translucent guns, why???
    Yeah, the painted weapons that have translucent plastic seem like a waste (maybe lighting will make it look good like the eyes done with light-piping?), and could risk breaking the gun handles in the fists as the translucent plastic is more fragile.

    Quote Originally Posted by KELPIE View Post
    ...Not sure I approve of Legacy being abbreviated to LY.... :P
    LY seems a little weird... and after a while we will eventually have to double up on abbreviations. Unfortunately, LEG and LG have been used recently, so maybe we can use TakaraTomy's official abbreviation for Legacy - TL (which I'm guessing stands for Transformers Legacy). I started using LG on the price comparison listing, because it is for Hasbro's toys, but some people who collected TakaraTomy toys will think it is too soon after the Legends toyline, which officially had the abbreviation of LG.
    I could use the Japanese TL, but the predominantly Hasbro audience here, it won't seem applicable. I'll see what other fansites start doing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    SG Ultra Magnus surprised me - I thought they would have done the LG Laser Optimus Prime mould - since the last SG Magnus was a recolour of a different Laser Optimus Prime toy. But they had to do those colours on that toy as some stage, just assumed it would be a Gen Selects Delta Magnus.
    Me not being a fan of Shattered Glass, I too would have preferred the Gen1 UM truck in blue/black/red be Delta Magnus to go with the pre-transformers toys that Hasbro has been doing recently... and use the Laser Optimus cab for SG Ultra Magnus like the original BotCon toy.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaxius._ View Post
    He actually is compatible with cw limbs at least at the knee from what we can see
    The trailer ‘skeleton’ uses cw ports to attach to the thighs and I’m assuming torso
    I sincerely hope you're right.

    Quote Originally Posted by SharkyMcShark View Post
    The push for G1 cartoon accuracy has seen me taking a hiatus from collecting over the last little while. With reference specifically to Motormaster and Blitzwing, fake parts on a mainline, retail figure is a dealbreaker to me.
    We did really need a gooder CHUG Motormaster though. CW Motormaster really suffered as a result of being pre-tooled as Optimus Prime.
    I'm gonna skip LY Blitzwing and just stick with my TR figure (which I nabbed for $15 on sale at Big W ). I don't intend to take a break from collecting, but as usual I'll just cherry pick which figures I want. When it comes to figures that are repeats of characters already previously done as CHUGs, it's easier for me to be picky. Getting repeat characters often means that I'm stuck with having to sell off the previous toy; typically at a loss since my toys are loose, and even cheaper if I've made any cosmetic touch ups (as the toy is technically defaced).

    Jhiaxus is a toy that I'll definitely be nabbing, and yeah, I'll have to try to shift off my T30 Jhiaxus for supercheap. But if I'm happy enough with the existing CHUG figures, then I can just skip the later CHUG versions (which is what I usually do).

    Quote Originally Posted by SharkyMcShark View Post
    The Delta Magnus figure looks great, on the other hand. I never bought the ER Magnus mold and I think it looks much better in these colours than in the Ultra Magnus colours.
    Yeah, Kingdom Ultra Magnus is gonna be another figure that I'll be selling for cheap after getting SG Magnus (which I'm totally going to repurpose as Delta Magnus ). I've touched up my KD UM so... yeah, gonna be stacking those discounts (which means more of a loss for me).

    RE: Legacy Prime figures
    I do agree that they cosmetically look odd, having a hybrid G1/Prime aesthetic. Not sure who that's trying to appeal to. Design-wise I would expect them to be better than the original TFP figures though, as I found most of those toys to be mediocre at best (the problem of toys being designed as cartoon characters first). :/ Still... I have zero desire to purchase any of the LY Prime figures.

  8. #18
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    I don't get Elita-1's alt-mode. It just seems that Legacy is a bit hit and miss when it comes to accurate homages.
    Jhiaxus is one that really nailed the robot mode, but unfortunately the jet mode suffered (it was a comic character that wasn't based on a toy, so the artists probably didn't think they needed to worry too much about IF it could transform).

    Tarantulas looks nice, and I'm really looking forward to completing the original BW cartoon cast... and hope we are getting Inferno to complete the first year cast.

    And for some reason I'm just not feeling Knock Out... there's something about the car mode that doesn't feel right to me.

  9. #19
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    12th Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    I don't get Elita-1's alt-mode. It just seems that Legacy is a bit hit and miss when it comes to accurate homages.
    Given how Elita-1 has been treated in the past by Hasbro I'm assuming she is a premould or shared engineering for another toy down the line.
    I have a list of all G1 characters that have been released in CHUG form. You can find it here. Please feel free to let me know if I got anything wrong so I can fix it.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    26th Apr 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post

    Jhiaxus is a toy that I'll definitely be nabbing, and yeah, I'll have to try to shift off my T30 Jhiaxus for supercheap.
    I horrendously overpaid for a t30 one at a convention only for it to be missing something or damaged and i never managed to get a replacement
    So despite preordering the new one i still wouldn't mind the old one if its not an insane price

    Quote Originally Posted by DELTAprime View Post
    Given how Elita-1 has been treated in the past by Hasbro I'm assuming she is a premould or shared engineering for another toy down the line.
    She is a premold of Minerva which is going to be an exclusive

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