TakaraTOMY have released a teaser image for MP Skyfire:

Speculation: While they haven't revealed the name of the toy, it should be called "Skyfire," not Jetfire, because Jetfire was never called 'Jetfire' in Japan, only Skyfire. The original Jetfire toy was never released in Japan (for obvious reasons); and so the character only existed in the cartoon series in Japan, where he was called "Skyfire." Until the recent brand unification thing, G1 Jetfire has been consistently called "Skyfire" in Japan (e.g. Henkei Skyfire etc.). Masterpiece is a line that appears to be exempt from the brand unification rule; as TakaraTOMY continues to use the Japanese G1 names instead of Anglophone names (e.g. MP Convoy, Bumble etc.); so I would expect that this toy will be called "Skyfire." This will make it the first Transformer toy to be directly modelled after the G1 Skyfire cartoon model and bear the name "Skyfire." Not a Jetfire/Skyfire hybrid like Classics/Henkei or T30, and not called "Jetfire" like Siege.