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Thread: Toy Review - GETSUEI (Masterpiece)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW

    Default Toy Review - GETSUEI (Masterpiece)

    TRAINBOT GETSUEI (say "gets-soo-ay")
    Series - Masterpiece
    Size/class - N/A
    New/remould/redeco - New
    Wave - MPG-02
    Released here - N/A (Japan, late September 2022)
    Approximate Retail Price - 17600JPY ($188)
    Approximate Size - 17cm
    Allegiance - Autobot
    Sub-Group - Trainbot
    Alt-mode - EF65-1000 electric locomotive
    Main Features/Gimmicks - narrow HO/TT scale (12mm gauge) train mode, combines with fellow MP Trainbots to form Raiden
    Main Colours - navy blue with pale yellow highlights
    Main Accessories - Night Laser gun, x2 railway track parts, flight stand connector, x2 pantographs

    In box

    Train mode

    High angle view

    Comparison with G1

    Front view

    Close-up of coupling

    Coupled with Shouki, front view

    Rear view (or front if moving in reverse)

    High angle and side view

    L: Shouki's track parts, R: Getsuei's track parts

    I was today years old when I learnt that there are different gauge widths within the HO scale (1:87). IRL, Japanese bullet trains run on 1.435m gauge tracks, which is the most commonly used track gauge in the world. It is the most common gauge in Australia, except in Queensland where most tracks are the narrower 1.067m gauge. The narrow gauge is also most commonly used in Japan; the high speeds achieved by bullet trains require them to run on wider 1.435m gauge tracks.

    As such, the track parts that come with Getsuei are much smaller than the ones that come with Shouki. They have a 12mm gauge instead of 16.5mm as with Shouki's tracks. Incidentally, the 12mm gauge is the same as the TT gauge used on model railways in the U.S. and U.K. (I believe Australia uses British model railway scales).

    The result is that the tracks aren't cross compatible. Shouki cannot fit on Getsuei's tracks or vice versa, which makes sense given that these trains run on different track gauges in real life. This does mean that their combined train form cannot roll across shared track parts, even though the track parts can all interconnect.

    Flying train

    Robot mode

    Comparison with G1

    Comparing faces

    Another action pose

    Medium close up w/ flash

    w/ MP Shouki in robot mode

    Getsuei's transformation feels more complex and fiddlier than Shouki's, although I really do like how the trucks are able to separate and move as part of the transformation instead of being solid blocks like on Shouki. The backpack is much more solid than Shouki's and has a more elegant transformation. The lower legs are bulkier than Shouki's, but I suppose it's because the G1 model has thinner legs and so the bulk ended up as kibble on the back of the lower legs (whereas the chunkier lower legs on G1 Shouki's design allows the MP toy to incorporate more train parts and minimise kibble better). It should also be pointed out that this is a 1:87 scale toy based on a smaller train than Shouki's in real life. There is a lot of blue happening on this toy which does make it look kinda bland, but of course, it is completely G1 accurate which is the whole point of Masterpiece, so I don't really count this as a weakness of this toy.

    As with Shouki, I have not transformed Getsuei into his Raiden component mode yet (that's something that I won't do until I've completed the set). On the whole, it is a fine addition to the Masterpiece Gestalt series and is a perfectly cromulent figure in its own right.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    10th Mar 2016


    Getsuei is my favourite of the Trainbots so I am eagerly awaiting mine. Interesting to find out about the different widths despite being the same HO gauge. I am disappointed to find out that that's a thing, but I don't blame Takara for going along with it. It does look awfully silly seeing those train track pieces connected with differing rail widths though.
    Oh well, thanks for the heads up, at least I know in advance why this is a thing instead of getting a shock when I open my Getsuei.
    Last edited by Tha_Phantom; 28th September 2022 at 09:29 AM.
    Looking to buy lucky draw Armada Prime and Diaclone Marlboor Wheeljack.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Yeah, I guess because Diaclone/G1 just made all the trains compatible with the N gauge scale regardless of actual real life scale, whereas MPG is going for a more realistically consistent scale. And since Japanese bullet trains do run on wider gauges, Shouki also has a wider scale gauge compared to Getsuei. Diaclone/G1 just nerfed the realistic scale for the sake of making the toys all being able to connect and run on the same N gauge tracks for fun play, whereas MPG is aiming for realism (at a consistent 1:87 vehicle scale).

    So here is what we've seen so far and what we can expect:
    SHOUKI: Type 0 Shinkansen, 1.435m track gauge
    GETSUEI: EF65-1000 electric locomotive, 1.067m track gauge
    YUKIKAZE: 200 Series Shinkansen, 1.435m track gauge
    SUIKEN: Tokai Type 153 Express locomotive, 1.067m track gauge
    SEIZAN: Hakucho 485-200 Series Limited Express electric locomotive, 1.067m track gauge
    KAEN: DE-10 diesel locomotive, 1.067m track gauge

    So Shouki and Yukikaze, as the two bullet trains in the team, will have the wider 16.5mm HO gauge (as seen with Shouki), while all the other Trainbots will have the narrower 12mm HO gauge like Getsuei. I don't know if you ever rode the bullet train in Japan, but I've been on a few and I must confess that I've never noticed the difference in track width. It's just something I don't really take notice of, but now that I think about it, you do have to go to special platforms to board bullet trains. You can't just board them from a regular train platform. Now I know!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    I got mine today. I mostly like it, but I can't believe the pantographs have nowhere to go in robot mode. Well below what I'd expect of a toy at Masterpiece level.

    Eagerly waiting for Masterpiece Meister

  5. #5
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    The pantographs never appeared on G1 Getsuei on either the original toy or cartoon model. They seem to be added bonus accessories for the MP toy, and it's not unusual for MPs to have bonus accessories that are only usable in one mode.
    e.g. Optimus Prime's axe, Grimlock's crown, Megatron's flail, Ratchet/Ironhide's sleds, Starscream's coronation kit, Grapple's solar power model, Reboost/Crosscut's scooters etc. I've got bags full of MP accessories... the pantographs are just two more pieces.

    Heck, some MPs even come with accessories that don't directly interact with the toy in any mode.
    e.g. Tracks' Raoul & Blaster, Sunstreaker's Chip Chase & wheelchair, MP3/7/8's missiles, Loudpedal's Raoul & Soundwarrior, Road Rage's Twincast etc.
    Given that the pantographs don't appear on G1 Getsuei, you could just set them aside and it wouldn't affect MP Getsuei's G1 accuracy. They're just there for additional vehicle accuracy, similar to say the air brakes and nosecone radar on the MP Jets. Yeah, the need to remove them is unfortunate, but this toy is also a triple-changer (with the gestalt leg being the tertiary mode). You've got to fit Raiden gestalt kibble in there which leaves less space to stow the pantographs.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    10th Mar 2016


    Had to Google what a pantograph was (eww, learning). Anyway, yeah I'm fine with it. As Gok said it's neither toon or toy accurate, it's just there for vehicle accuracy. It's a thing you can do if you wanna do it, but it's not necessary IMO.
    Looking to buy lucky draw Armada Prime and Diaclone Marlboor Wheeljack.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    The front pantograph IS on G1 Getsuei, albeit it's in the retracted position.

    I wouldn't care if it was a deluxe, but for a Masterpiece, I'd at least want there to be somewhere to store them on the robot mode.

    Eagerly waiting for Masterpiece Meister

  8. #8
    Join Date
    14th Jul 2014


    This is my second Masterpiece (Shouki was the first) and without much other experience, I'd say he's a nice figure - the transformation took me a good few gos to get some parts of it right, but I do love him and Shouki together - and the attention to detail regarding the train modes blew me away.
    However, I'm not 100% sure it's worth the RRP - esp given how many super fun DLX and Voyager figures there are out there - but willing to put that to one side once we see Raiden all together!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by dirge View Post
    The front pantograph IS on G1 Getsuei, albeit it's in the retracted position.
    I sit corrected.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dimi194 View Post
    However, I'm not 100% sure it's worth the RRP - esp given how many super fun DLX and Voyager figures there are out there - but willing to put that to one side once we see Raiden all together!
    Yeah, these days CHUGs have reached a point where they're pretty much what I call "Poor Man's MP," which I always mean as compliment. i.e. comparatively on par with MPs in terms of dollar value. Obviously the MPs offer more because they're dearer, but the CHUGs are, for their prices, just as good. CHUGs these days are like "MP Lite," or you could say that MPs are "Luxury CHUGs" - but they're all relatively just as good as each other. For this reason I no longer collect Beast Wars MPs (sold off or gave away what few I had) because I find that Kingdom/Legacy BW toys are, for what I pay, just as good. Conversely I've skipped some WFC G1 CHUGs because they're too similar to MPs (e.g. Earthrise Grapple, Kingdom Inferno, Kingdom Tracks etc.). And I know some collectors have done the opposite, which I totally get. If a set of CHUG Trainbots existed, I would not blame people if they skipped the MP Trainbots in favour of those.

    But as it is, CHUG Trainbots just don't exist. I'm erring on the side of buy now and sell later if the rest of the set disappoints me to the point that it turns me off it. I'd rather get the tos early rather than risking spending more time and money tracking them down on the aftermarket. I would love for a set of CHUG Trainbots to come out. I'd like to keep both sets; display one as Raiden and the other as individual 'bots. I have the G1 (well, Diaclone) Trainbots, but I don't have the accessories* to combine them as Raiden; so MP Raiden will be my first Raiden.

    (*except for the head, since that's part of Kaen )

  10. #10
    Join Date
    14th Jul 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post

    Yeah, these days CHUGs have reached a point where they're pretty much what I call "Poor Man's MP," which I always mean as compliment. i.e. comparatively on par with MPs in terms of dollar value. Obviously the MPs offer more because they're dearer, but the CHUGs are, for their prices, just as good. CHUGs these days are like "MP Lite," or you could say that MPs are "Luxury CHUGs" - but they're all relatively just as good as each other. For this reason I no longer collect Beast Wars MPs (sold off or gave away what few I had) because I find that Kingdom/Legacy BW toys are, for what I pay, just as good. Conversely I've skipped some WFC G1 CHUGs because they're too similar to MPs (e.g. Earthrise Grapple, Kingdom Inferno, Kingdom Tracks etc.). And I know some collectors have done the opposite, which I totally get. If a set of CHUG Trainbots existed, I would not blame people if they skipped the MP Trainbots in favour of those.

    But as it is, CHUG Trainbots just don't exist. I'm erring on the side of buy now and sell later if the rest of the set disappoints me to the point that it turns me off it. I'd rather get the tos early rather than risking spending more time and money tracking them down on the aftermarket. I would love for a set of CHUG Trainbots to come out. I'd like to keep both sets; display one as Raiden and the other as individual 'bots. I have the G1 (well, Diaclone) Trainbots, but I don't have the accessories* to combine them as Raiden; so MP Raiden will be my first Raiden.

    (*except for the head, since that's part of Kaen )
    I love trains (have loved them long before TFs) and was obsessed with the Universe Rail Racer set that came out - and loved seeing the trains in RiD 2001 (my first TF show), so I jump at every chance we get for trainbots and thus these were a no brainer (esp. as the CHUG trains have been... lacking for the most part *looks at TR Astrotrain/Sentinel Prime*)

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