Needlenose is a good, solid, deluxe jet-former. Great homage to the G1 toy, with better than average articulation, which feels good in hand, and has no flimsy bits or loose joints. But is a little gappy in places (legs for a good reason tho).
I am quite surprised that the fig itself doesn't feel compromised despite a sizeable chunk of the plastic budget going into the two targetmasters. (ZigZag alone weighs more than ER Prime's blaster). Whilst these have zero articulation, they are very nicely sculpted and well painted. Yes, the character needs them, but are they better than just some normal guns? Meh, maybe?

Even though it suffers from Silverbolt Syndrome, the alt-mode is OK. Its swooshable, and looks the part. Certainly no SS Shatter, but better than the CW Aerialbots (whom I love too). There's some nice paint apps, but as Sutton mentioned, the canopy looks underdone. Here again, the targetmasters are questionable. Their integration in alt mode is not great. In fact its just crap.

But despite my complaining about the TMs, I am glad they were included. ZigZag (the black/yellow one) makes a nifty gun for Shadow Panther.
Overall this is a great figure and well worth picking up.