Series - Generations
Sub-line - Studio Series
Hypo-line - Rise of the Beasts
Size/class - Deluxe
New/remould/redeco - New
Wave - 19
Released here - February 2023
Approximate Retail Prize - $39.95
Approximate Size - 12cm
Allegiance - Autobot
Alt-mode - Modified 1977 Camaro
Main Features/Gimmicks - N/A
Main Colours - yellow & black
Main accessories - gun, sword

Note: I've mistransformed the chest in my photos; the headlights should be lifted up from the outside to give the front chest line more of a "V" shape (and also narrowing the width)

* shared engineering with other Studio Series Bumblebees (not surprising)
* uses a noticeably bright shade of canary yellow
* sword blade and hubcaps are unpainted
* eyes are quite large, similar to the Bumblebee movie Bumblebee, and painted in a bright shade of baby blue
* wheels can pop off easily with pressure, but also easy to pop back on

Transformation tips:
+ The tabs on the legs can make them hard to lock in. I recommend squeezing in the upper tabs first, and then tabbing in the lower/rear tabs. Reverse this process when untabbing for conversion to robot mode.
+ Push the outer edges of the headlights as far down as possible to make it easier to tab in the front grill. Do the same to make it easier to untab.

This toy gives the same play value as pretty much any other Studio Series Bumblebee. As such, I would only recommend it if you're looking to complete the set.