While this question is the result of another thread, I'd like like to try and keep this discussion at a very conceptual, non-specific level to see if the idea has merit. Do we need some form of Acquisition Etiquette?

Quite often, I, and some others, will post pics of lots of toys acquired on behalf of myself or many. Now, this might be a group order that has shipped to one person or the result of one person buying a bunch of the same item for others or simply multiples for themselves. Now personally, I've always liked to see large masses of toys, even if all the same for a few reasons. Firstly, I dig packaging and secondly, it makes it look sort of like a toy store, which is obviously a favorite sight to most of us.

Do people find this offensive? Does this instill feelings of envy or jealous or invoke outward opinions of greed or selfishness? And if these feelings are present, wouldn't it be best to just avoid the acquisition threads or should we instead impose or suggest some etiquette?

On a side note, my GF was quite shocked when she discovered we posted our acquisitions. She said it seemed like a pissing contest. Is it?

So yeah, should we introduce Acquisition Etiquette? And if so, what would the parameters be?