Despite the strong start, and performing better than expected in American during its opening, it seems that the ROTB movie hasn't done too well globally, as it has apparently completed its theatre run (Japan was the last country of release, in early August).

According to Box Office Mojo, ROTB did better than The Last Knight and Bumblebee in America, but was the worst of the 7 Live Action movies globally... which means that it did really poorly outside of America.

America: us$157 Million
Everywhere else: us$282 Million
Total Worldwide: us$439 Million

That global number is still a good number for a movie, but it had an unnecessarily large budget of us$200 Million (only the 4th and 5th movies had bigger budgets). And with marketing costs likely to have been about us$100 Million (fairly typical for a movie like this), this movie wouldn't have made much money for Paramount, if at all (not all of that us$439 Million box office amount goes to the movie studio, as some of it stays with the cinema to pay for its own running costs and profit).

Even though Australia wouldn't have been a significant source of revenue, I think the delayed release here to capture the school holiday patrons would have hurt our numbers... especially with the advance screenings getting little to no advertising, which would have then helped drive more people to the regular season two weeks later, through in-person word-of-mouth to friends and family, which is more trusting than foreign online commentary.