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Thread: Jetstorm's July Jackpot

  1. #21
    Join Date
    22nd Sep 2019


    I bought the Buzzworthy SS86 Ironhide/Prowl set from Popcultcha. I used my loyalty points (Popcultcha pennies) and bought some other things on sale, so I got free shipping and the set worked out to be the price of 20% off JB Hi-Fi's price - I figure that's probably the cheapest I would ever get it for, as JB's price is already the lowest I've seen and it might just coincide with their 20% off sales. It also worked out to be about the same as Popcultcha's 20% off sales. Popcultcha only allows one discount code at a time e.g. general sale code or rewards code, and I never have anything I usually want to use my pennies for, so overall I think I made a good purchase decision. This was important to me as I'm not sure I really dig this set at its usual price - repeat of SS86 Ironhide, annoyed at the better paint job that should have gone to SS86-17 Ironhide, not really a fan of battle damage, childhood trauma of Prowl's death, possibility of normal Prowl later... but I didn't want to spend a fortune on Earthrise Prowl.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW

  3. #23
    Join Date
    2nd May 2009


    Received Devcon via Amazon on July 31. Based on previous experience I now expect to see him on local shelves in a couple of weeks

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