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Thread: TMNT Mutant Mayhem

  1. #1
    JJJ is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Default TMNT Mutant Mayhem

    So, new film coming up, new toy line coming out.

    Wave 1A has hit Big W, Target, and Kmart, in cases of 12 (case and wave info thanks to Shattered Trousers, or more correctly his brother , over on TFW2005)

    basic toys, $15 or $19 each depending on where you go (Big W opened with $15, and Target dropped to match a week later - haven't paid attention to Kmart as they lagged behind by 3 weeks):
    Leo (3 per case)
    Raph (2 per case)
    Michelangelo (2 per case)
    Donatello (2 per case)
    Splinter (1 per case)
    Rocksteady (1 per case)
    Bebop (1 per case)

    Superfly and Leatherhead are to come as swap-outs for Splinter in waves 1B and 1C

    Pizzafire van $65 (introductory price only, will rise to somewhere around $80)
    Battle Cycle (with Raph) $49
    Ninja Kick Cycle (with Leo) $49

    Sewer Lair Playset $$$ (not yet at any big retailer, only at specialists and online stores so far, plus e-bayers - cheapest I've seen has been $189)

    Ooze Cruisin 6-pack - the 4 turtles without the accessory sprues from the individual cards, plus a goo-spattered Bebop (again without the accessory sprue) and an April O'Neil - exclusive to Kmart in Australia, $85. I'll be waiting for an individual release for April.
    Costume 4-pack - the turtles in ... costumes. Complete rip-off at $79.

    There's also a bunch of gimmicked and out-of scale stuff (shouting turtles, pull-start toys, turtles fixed to skateboard, a skate ramp, masks, giant turtles, probably more that I haven't noticed), and I'm not bothing with any of it - just gimme articulated dolls, please and thank you.

    October-ish release for wave 2:
    basic toys (don't know if this is the whole wave, or if parts of wave 1 are being recycled)
    Mondo Gecko
    Ghengis Frog

    large item
    The Mega Mutant

    What are you interested in, and have you spotted anything? The things to spot will be Superfly and Leatherhead, and with luck this line, being much more a kids line than TF or MOTU and the like, might just go under the radar for scalper-scum - but if not, then those two are ideal scalper fodder.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    18th Aug 2015


    Seen the costume pack at Big W, and picked up a Michelangelo from Target. Was lucky they still had Rocksteady and Bepop on shelf but... wasnt sure about either of their sizes or the decision to put half of Rocksteady's body on a hinge joint.
    Michelangelo is great though, definitely going for the rest of the Turtles. Nice paint work with the "ink lines" on their face that elevates what are cheap figures. Also quite like the stuff on the sprues, pizza and ooze canisters feel like they should be standard but aside from NECA movie turtles having pizza in their standard releases never seen that. Getting those, a baby turtle and paint on the nunchukus is impressive considering the 2012 figures did not have that and these cost basically the same. Think they sold all four baby turtles as an $18 figure back then?

    Disappointed in the costume pack, initial intent was to get those only as I love dressed up Turtles and do not own any but NECA movie disguised Raph. That 80 price is insane, it was 55 during Big Ws sale but they just do not look as good as the individual releases. I get theres a lot more paint going onto them but maybe thats dragged budget from elsewhere cause even with the partial reuse on some of them they look like they are from a different, cheaper line.

    Looking forward to the wave 2 mutants and hopefully an April. Also considering trading my 80s reissue van for this one, but will wait for reviews and another sale

  3. #3
    JJJ is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    I have the pizzafire van, what do you need to know?

    I wasn't aware that some of the TMNT stuff was reduced during Big W's sale - they were released after it started, and everything I scanned came up at the regular price.

  4. #4
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    18th Aug 2015


    Yeah I got thrown off by the Big W sale too, but looked on the website after seeing it in store. Individual figures were not on sale, but do retail for Targets sale price of 15. The bikes were $39, the 4-pack was $55 and I think that is everything there was.

    Nothing specific about the van, just weigh up if its fun enough to spend $80 or so on and try and sell the one I have. So, do you like the pizzafire van?

  5. #5
    JJJ is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    I do like it, yeah. Fun, opens cleverly, and is solidly constructed. Is very clearly modelled on a vehicle from the movie. Clips together well. Is it not still $65 at Target?

    Mind you, the stickers might put you off...

  6. #6
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    Good to hear. Even if it was $65 rn we have spent enough to wait for the next sale, but having checked our assumption that it went up with their big sale over, it is $79 now. Good to know about the stickers... not a total turnoff but kind of dependant on a personal list of criteria.

  7. #7
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    Is this live action or animated movie?

  8. #8
    JJJ is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Animated. Very much in the style of Into The Spiderverse.

  9. #9
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    I saw the new figures at Kmart recently and thought they looked good. I didn't mind the 'Rise of' toys too and it looks like some of those design choices have carried over to the new look.

    I'm looking forward to seeing the movie.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    Gold Coast, Queensland


    I tested the waters by buying Michaelangelo . The articulation is really great, and while he comes with his swords there are other fun accessories as well. The baby turtle is a real bonus.

    There are LOTS of ways to buy these though. There’s the evolution 3 packs which I was really tempted to pick up, there’s the individual releases (was $15 at target, now $19), and apparently (I saw it on eBay) there’s a turtle vs bad-guy as well. It’s a cheaper way to pick them up and you get your harder to find villain - but if you do, no baby turtle!
    On the lookout for MISB Headmaster Highbrow, Takara or Hasbro. I'm sure I could make you a sweet deal!

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