Same here when I ordered my Ultimate Optimus Primal from them JJJ. I just opened a new account for Amazon JP and am able to switch between AU, US & JP accounts with no issues.
Same here when I ordered my Ultimate Optimus Primal from them JJJ. I just opened a new account for Amazon JP and am able to switch between AU, US & JP accounts with no issues.
Ah, thanks.
So, it would seem that the packaging has been revealed as well. Very G1. The familiar box with plastic window and lots of styrofoam packing.
Two quick questions-
Why is roller white/grey and not blue? Did Takara only do it that colour, and Hasbro did him in blue? (I’m assuming roller is male; maybe them is more appropriate?)
Do we know that it’s moving beyond convoy to other characters, or just speculating? How likely is that its just a one off initially (like when Masterpiece was JUST convoy for like years)
On the lookout for MISB Headmaster Highbrow, Takara or Hasbro. I'm sure I could make you a sweet deal!
The Takara solicitation declared it a line of toys.
No idea about roller, sorry, but given the sheer work and effort that seems to have gone into this there is almost certainly a deliberate reason for it.
I'm very happy that the Missing Link series has included die-cast, just like the original Optimus mold.
I've preordered C-02 and hoping that its box art is similar to C-01's, with the vintage G1 designs. If not, i might cancel and preorder C-01 instead.
Great news. We need Missing Link versions of the 84 car robot molds, and i also want Cliffjumper or Hubcap without arms that pop off after rotating it for a few times.
Also just noticed that for Prime's lower arms, where the stickers used to be on the original mold, the Missing Link has molded the sticker designs in plastic, and for C-01, painted them like their stickers. Wow.
Last edited by High_Q; 10th August 2023 at 09:07 PM. Reason: Added comment
Roller has gone back and forth between grey/silver and blue from the very beginning of G1.
Initial toy release was grey, hence him being grey in the cartoon. Was quickly switched to blue for most of the G1 run. Later reissues and updates to Prime have gone back and forth between the two.
Looking to buy lucky draw Armada Prime and Diaclone Marlboor Wheeljack.
I did not think this would be carried by Hasbro. I was wrong. They're getting it three months later (mind you, they're pricing both toys the same, so there are some issues just now).
Saw this tweet - that says the Matrix Chamber in Optimus is removable, leaving behind 'drivers seats