As you may have seen, some Toymates have started stocking KOs... so here's what I bought and what you can expect.
There were also some deluxe sized car/truck things but they looked awful.
First up is a helicopter for $8. I was pleasantly surprised by this. The transformation is simple, it's hollow and the plastic is thin - but I like the head sculpt, the weapons and the overall look. Proportions are a bit out but I don't think it's too bad.
It's about voyager size.
His guns can be arm-mounted but I prefer the hip-holstered look.
He can wield his tail assembly.
There is also a $50 oversized KO Combiner Wars Bruticus! It's about a quarter larger than the original.
Three members are replaced. Blast Off is replaced with an oversized legends CW Seeker. Vortex is an oversized Highbrow. And Swindle is now a red robot I thought was an original mold but turns out it's a KO of something called a Tobots War Chief.
As usual, the plastic is thin, they're hollow and transformation is simple. The Onslaught and Brawls have the same transformation, but Brawl's is simplified.
Not a single figure has a rotating neck. Only Brawl has a waist. None of them have wrists.
The 'deluxe' robots are voyager size.
There was a good haul of weapons, and surprisingly the hand-foot-guns are fully functional.
The gestalt has no elbows or knees and not much stability. Probably needed bigger versions of the HFGs.
Brawl and the jet are the top two for me. Highbrow is unusual, Onslaught is a bit rickety but functional. Do not like the red one.
The combiner pegs on the limbs are too small to be compatible for Combiner Wars torsos. I haven't tried CW limbs on the KO Onslaught but I doubt they would fit.
I also really liked the shiny backing board.
Might paint the jet's head. The wings are meant to fold up but to me they stick too much above his head.
Red guy's legs are unbelievably hollow. Brawl's turret can actually plug in a bit higher so it looks a bit better.