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Thread: Toy Review - RAIDEN (Masterpiece)

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW

    Default Toy Review - RAIDEN (Masterpiece)

    Trainbot RAIDEN (say "rye-dehn")
    Series - Masterpiece
    Size/class - N/A
    New/remould/redeco - see links below
    Wave - MPG-01 to MPG-06
    Released here - N/A (Japan, late June 2022 to late February 2024)
    Approximate Retail Price - 119350JPY ($1216)
    Approximate Size - 30.5cm
    Allegiance - Autobot
    Sub-Group - Trainbot
    Alt-modes - see links below
    Main Features/Gimmicks - gestalt
    Main Colours - see links below
    Main Accessories - see links below

    * Trainbot pics, robot mode
    * Trainbot pics, train mode
    * Raiden images and comments

    Trainbots: robot mode pics

    Trainbots, train mode pics

    Raiden; images and comments

    A big sack of disappointment. Visually MPG Raiden looks great as a display piece, but beyond that this toy is a mess due to just being too big and heavy as a gestalt. The toy is back heavy and prone to falling over, with the gestalt also disconnecting easily at the waist on impact. Poseability is quite limited despite several points of articulation being present, the way that the toy is designed and weight-distributed means that they can't really serve in giving this toy any functional poseability. I love putting toys in dynamic poses and I'll try to make them hold a kick if possible, but just getting this toy to stand normally without falling over was a chore. If you do choose to display the MPG Trainbots as Raiden, I highly recommend using the big display stand.

    I was honestly really looking forward to liking this toy. I think that the individual Trainbots are all fine as MP toys, but the combined gestalt mode is just bollocks. And for a set that cost over $1.2k, I expected better just an overglorified statue.

    Worth buying? I think the MP Trainbots are worth buying as a set of individual Trainbots. Their individual robot and train modes are all fine, but if you're looking to collect this set primarily for the purposes of having Raiden, then I don't think that it's worth the price of admission. I really hope that HasTak will give us a CHUG set of Trainbots, because even at a $300 Titan Class price point (same as CW Devastator), it'd still be a fraction of the cost of MPG Raiden and even at the same quality as CW Devvy, far superior bang for your buck.

    Links to individual MP Trainbot review threads

  2. #2
    Join Date
    19th Dec 2008


    Can we get some size comparisons with other MPs, maybe some other trainbots? TYVM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Ode to a Grasshopper View Post
    Can we get some size comparisons with other MPs, maybe some other trainbots? TYVM.
    MP Raiden is too big to fit on either of my MP Autobot shelves, so he's on my Autobot Titans shelf.

    MP Raiden is 30.5cm. I don't have spare MP Trainbots to take comparison pics with Raiden, but you can find measurements on each MP Trainbot on their respective individual review threads (and same with the review thread of any other MP TF).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    19th Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    MP Raiden is too big to fit on either of my MP Autobot shelves, so he's on my Autobot Titans shelf.

    MP Raiden is 30.5cm. I don't have spare MP Trainbots to take comparison pics with Raiden, but you can find measurements on each MP Trainbot on their respective individual review threads (and same with the review thread of any other MP TF).
    Cheers Goki.

    I was thinking with some Autobot cars or a Convoy for MPs, to get a sense of scale with toys more people will have. For the trainbots, I meant with RiD bullet trains, maybe an Astrotrain, things like that. Not necessarily MPs, just a Transformers-who-have-train-alt-modes group shot. I guess that'd technically include POTP Sentinel Prime and the Transformers GO Optimus dragon-train thing too, but I was mostly curious about the Rail racer trio what with the whole 'real Japanese trains' angle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    See individual review threads on MP Cars for their sizes, although they can vary.
    e.g. MP Hoist is 22.5cm to the max tip of his wings, whereas MP Skids and his mould-mates are 16.5cm.
    TR Sentinel Prime is a repaint/retool of TR Astrotrain. I don't own Siegerise Astrotrain, but I estimate that he'd be around Nova Prime's size.

    With all due respect, it'd be easier for you to compare the sizes of MP Raiden with other TFs that you own or check out their review threads for their sizes than it would be for me to take own umpteen toys that I may or may not own and post comparison photos with. It's why I took a photo of my measuring tape next to Raiden as a size reference.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    19th Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    See individual review threads on MP Cars for their sizes, although they can vary.
    e.g. MP Hoist is 22.5cm to the max tip of his wings, whereas MP Skids and his mould-mates are 16.5cm.
    TR Sentinel Prime is a repaint/retool of TR Astrotrain. I don't own Siegerise Astrotrain, but I estimate that he'd be around Nova Prime's size.

    With all due respect, it'd be easier for you to compare the sizes of MP Raiden with other TFs that you own or check out their review threads for their sizes than it would be for me to take own umpteen toys that I may or may not own and post comparison photos with. It's why I took a photo of my measuring tape next to Raiden as a size reference.
    Eh, no worries, I'm not really interested in the toy/s, just curious.

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