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Thread: Toy Review - MAGMATRON (Legacy)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW

    Default Toy Review - MAGMATRON (Legacy)

    Beast Wars Universe MAGMATRON
    Series - Generations
    Sub-line - Legacy
    Size/class - Commander
    New/remould/redeco - New mould
    Wave - 19 (TL-69)
    Released here - May 2024
    Approximate Retail Price - $180~208 (depending on retailer)
    Approximate Size - varies depending on how you pose Skysaurus' feet; min. height is 28cm
    Allegiance - Predacon
    Alt-modes - Skysaurus: Quetzacoatlus, Landsaurus: Giganotosaurus, Seasaurus: Elasmosaurus
    Main Features/Gimmicks - 3 component beasts combine to form Magmatron robot or Magmasaurus combiner beast
    Main Colours - red, gold, green and purple with dark grey, pink, sky-blue and gold accents.
    Main Accessories - Magma Blade (x1), Skysaurus blades (x2), blast effect pieces

    Comparison with Beast Wars Magmatron

    Note that mine is the original 1999 Magmatron. This toy is nearly identical to the 2000 Beast Machines Magmatron' main difference being that the Takara version has a pointier sword tip & missiles. Legacy Magmatron's Magma Blade is pointy, however, the entire blade itself is made from the same hard rubber that Legacy Beachcomber and Sandstorm's tyres are made from. It's solid enough that this blade won't easily warp, but also rubber to comply with safety laws.

    Rear comparison. I haven't got the heel spurs transformed properly in this photo; they do fold out another step which allows the toy to be stable without relying on using the tail as a support strut.

    Magma Blade!


    Landsaurus; the only dinosaur component of Magmatron


    Magmasaurus. If The Wuzzles were fuelled by nightmares.

    This is a very solid toy with lots of connecting points; some of which require some force to disconnect! I broke one of my paintbrushes getting one of the heel spurs out; it was that tight! There are no unforgivable flaws on this toy. Head articulation is limited due to being part of Skysaurus. Still, I can move the wings out of the way and get a 90 degree range of head movement. Waist articulation is also limited but still existant; I can lift up some panels and get a 90 degree range of waist swivel. Overall, a nice toy that's exceeded my expectations. Recommended.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    17th Jan 2008


    The only downside of this figure is that my old original - that I've loved and cherished for so long - now looks dinky and pathetic. It may have to go into storage.

    Magmatron has always been one of my favourite BW-era characters and toys. So to say I was excited for this would be a massive understatement. And it has delivered.
    Near perfect, exactly what I've always wished the 1999 figure could be. I'm already calling this my/the FIGURE OF 2024.

    What, you want some negatives? Sure. I wish Landsaurus' mouth opened more, and I think the original Skysaurus is a slightly better beast toy-wise. Maybe more options for holding the shield.
    Price? For me, totally worth it, even being the most expensive TF figure I've ever bought.
    TF Figs of 2023:
    1) WnR Springer
    2) Legacy Bludgeon
    3) Legacy Leo Prime/Nemesis Leo Prime.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by klystron View Post
    The only downside of this figure is that my old original - that I've loved and cherished for so long - now looks dinky and pathetic. It may have to go into storage.
    I like both. Don't forget that the original BW Magmatron is an Ultra Class; it retailed for about $70~80 in today's money. The Commander Class is sweet, but it's also much more expensive, meaning that it also had a much larger budget. Plus the toys are a quarter-century apart. I display my BW CHUGs separately from my original BWs anyway, as they scratch different itches for me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    31st Jul 2008


    Great solid figure, everything just works smoothly. The only thing I could deduct points for is the articulation being quite compromised due to how kibble-tastic he is, but hey - it's part of his look. So that's not fair.

    The only other annoyance is he took a fall off a shelf, and one of the wing claws popped off with quite a bit of force - I have no idea where it has gone. Feels like I won't see that again until we move house

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