Toy Review - Legacy United Cybertron Universe Hot Shot
Legacy United Cybertron Universe Hot Shot
Series - Generations
Sub-line - Legacy
Size/class - Deluxe
New/remould/redeco - New Mold
Wave - 3
Released here - May 2024
Approximate Retail Price - $39
Approximate Size - tba
Allegiance - Autobot
Alt-mode - Cybertronic Car
Main Features/Gimmicks - spring out wings (like his original toy)
Main Colours - blue, red, black yellow
Main Accessories - Blaster, Cyber Key

Legacy United Cybertron Universe Hot Shot is an updated version of the Cybertron figure. He is well articulated in his hands, neck, waist, shoulders, elbows, knees, ankles, etc. Interestingly enough, his blaster is based off the original toy with the missile, but has the missle turned into a gun barrel. Sure it'll make you miss when toys could shoot projectiles, but when was the last time you actually did that? As with Cybertron Starscream, he comes with a Cyber Key, but it's non-functional, which means you have to move his wings manually (although my Cybertron toy constantly does it without the cyber key, so that gives a +1 to the Legacy toy). Some people are complaining about the windshield on his back, but seeing as that's what he looks like in the cartoon, I give it a pass.
As a bonus, he is able to have his forearm panels removed, if you want to do that. IMO removing them can help with the wrist movements.

For a 2024 Deluxe, he is surprisingly tall, being about the same height as his original Cybertron toy! Comparing the two figures, Cybertron Hot Shot is starting to show his age with him lacking a lot of modern articulation.

Vehicle Mode

Transformation is a bit different to the original. Instead of sliding his legs, you have to fold them. His backpack is also different, since there's a flap that connects to the top of his torso. Still it's not too hard, and the vehicle is still the same vehicle from Cybertron.
Overall thoughts
Legacy United Hot Shot is a fantastic toy. If there were any flaws with the toy it would be that the flap on his back can get a bit loose at times, but other than that I have no issues with him. Recommended!
I'll update this when I'm needing help finding particular figures