Series - Missing Link
Size/class - Mini Vehicle
New/remould/redeco - New
Wave - C-03
Released here - N/A (30/11/2024 Japan)
Approximate Retail Price - 5940JPY ($61)
Approximate Size - 8cm
Allegiance - Autobot
Alt-mode - Volkswagen Beetle Type 1 (super deformed)
Main Features/Gimmicks - articulation
Main Colours - yellow, black
Main accessories - laser pistol
The box is just so cute.
Back of boxen
Robot mode
ML Bumble features significantly improved articulation (which isn't hard considering that the original toy only has 2 points of meaningful articulation).
This includes head swivel, double shoulder joints, elbows, wrists, double waist joints, knees, feet and ankle tilts.
This shot more clearly shows the faux head clips which are purely decorative on this toy. ML Bumble maintains the little exhaust pipe.
Comparison with original G1, robot.
The shoulders can be shifted down to mid-chest height as shown here to make it more G1-accurate. ML Bumble has a broader head, wider face and bigger visor. The horns also look like they're slightly less angular than on the OG. These features soften Bumble's look and make him appear cuter than the OG (and incidentally more similar to Goldbug). The yellow is brighter than on my G1 Bumblebee, but I don't know if it's because my G1 is darkened from photodegradation/age.
Comparison with G1, vehicle.
ML Bumble has clips that secure the arms and feet together firmly, whereas G1 just relies on friction. The super-deformity on ML is slightly more exaggerated, making the vehicle mode look cuter. This makes the roof rounder and gives the front and slightly alters the shape of the windows. Naturally this greater roundedness is also present on the robot mode.
Vehicle mode
Vehicle mode comparison, rear
The rear window is smaller and curves upwards instead of downwards.
Robot mode, rear
Bumble's laser pistol can attach to his back panel.
P.S.: ML Bumble also comes with a sticker sheet including variant Autobot insignia, as well as the rectangular chest sticker that came with the original Microman toy (and can be seen on Latin American variants of the OG TF toy).
OVERALL: Let's face it, we've had countless reissues of Bumblebee. I like how Missing Link Bumble gives us the look and feel of the original toy while also giving us something new. Highly recommended.